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Official Faction Change Suggestions - Printable Version

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RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Shimamori - 01-12-2021

Suggestion Addressed:OFL's strict requirements

Problem Summary
  • More demands from the OFs without offering OFs any benefits will result in leading OF being a tedious and unrewarding routine
  • Give priority in discussion to how OFs can be made more relevant and fun to play & organise both RP-wise and gameplay-wise
Further Discussion
So far being an OF gives a laughable advantage over an unOF while the demands for staying OF are suggested to be increased. IMHO, it will only discourage further to become OFs, be it bcs of reports that are basically a bureaucracy turning the game into work, or making a one OF per NPC faction restriction, leading to people either chilling in unOF or going for non-NPC based factions (which is not bad per se, but they face a whole different set of issues afterwards). I do not know what exactly to introduce to the OF to make them count. RP-wise, perhaps giving a standardised tool of requesting a plot arc, not as big as a war or something, but a small skirmish between factions to progress certain stories, re-locating movable NPC assets, setting priority expansion zones, etc. Not sure if this can be implemented with small playerbase where it can surely cause drama.

I would also like to invite people to consider what gameplay-wise can be done to OF to make OF experience differ from unOF. There was a discussion regarding adding extra profit in the form of advalor % of a deal when selling inRP goods of a trade faction (say, Ageira selling to NPC bases Ageira boxes gets + 15% additional profits via plugin tied to ID bcs of trading its RP commodity). Not only it can diversify trade routes but also finally give an OF corp factions something to distinguish themselves with.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - LaWey - 01-12-2021

Type:Official Faction Rights
Title: soft analogue of FR5

  • FR5 analogue with -0.55 (no dock)
Potential Problems
  • See no problems which arent GMs work already
Example of Effect
Possibility to set nodock reputation as RP consequence.

Further Discussion
In RP often appears situations when somebody around doing wrong things. Not so wrong to answer on it with full violence, but enough to kick them out from bases to represent development of situation. Of course kicked persons should remain possibility to answer full hostile if they wish.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Blake Wayne Van Leer - 01-12-2021

Type: Benefits
Title: I'd go the way of more cosmetic and "cool" perks.
  • Coloured or bolded name in players list for OF
  • Custom logo on select ship for X Sci data only for OFs.
  • OF Specific Rumor on a base or even a solar infocard
  • OF specific Engine/weapon Names and/or descriptions
  • contrails etc.
  • RP commodity for trading factions
  • ability to set a OF specific "bonus" route that has event plugin ding and bonus money on completion like OSC suggested.
Potential Problems
  • -Implementation = Dev/GM effort. Issue when faction loses OF status
Example of Effect
This would incentivise people to get to Official Factions to stand out in-game, without limiting the gameplay of anyone else.

Further Discussion
Give people more cool stuff to stand out without limiting others. Increase usage for Sci-Data - all could be optional Sci-data purchaseable. But would need work from staff

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Blake Wayne Van Leer - 01-12-2021

Type:Blanket Bounty Restriction
Title:Allow rewards boards for same ID against targets it can shoot anyways already be blanket on non OF

  • 4.6 All factions using non-generic IDs may sponsor internal bounties that are only open to members of the player or NPC faction.

    is blocked by

  • - 4.2 Blanket bounties may only be issued by official factions or unofficial factions that are sponsored by an official faction. An official faction can only sponsor one unofficial faction blanket bounty at a time.

    1) non OF can't have internal blanket rewards on targets the ID can shoot anyways without sponsorship
    2) There are factions with no relevant OF in sight (e.g. Maquis, Mollys) that are blocked from having blanked rewards for their own ID unless going to strange factions for sponsorship.
    3) The non-OF on the way to officialdom wants to help Their own ID and (often dead) NPC Faction by giving it Time, effort and money and they can't do so, blocked by this outdated archaic rule

    => Make 4.6 Stand on it's own, let non-OF reward blanked rewards on the same ID against factions the ID can shoot anyways already on the way to officialdom. Either internally for their tag, or entire NPC ID
    And when they get to Official, then then can also include BHG, Freelancers and IDs with contract line like Corse

Potential Problems
  • None. This just blocks people that aren't official that want to put in the effort to revive a faction and actually get a chance to get to official in the first place for the sake of blocking them.
Example of Effect
Gaians' Nemesis want to make a blanket bounty rewards board. They open it, pay either eny Nemesis or any Gaian Indie for shooting enemies they already can shoot.
When they get to OF, they will be able to include also other factions and freelancers+BHG

Further Discussion
Archaic rule from many years ago where most factions had OF. Enough said.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Zentor - 01-12-2021

Type: Economy
Title: Bonuses
  • Giving trade bonuses to Official Factions and the ability for government OF's to give trade bonuses
Potential Problems
  • Potential extra backend work
Example of Effect
All OF traders gain cheaper buy prices on their bases (or bonuses)
All OF government's would have the ability give out trade bonuses or cheaper buy prices on certain commodities.

Further Discussion
Similar to Caitlyn Cross's suggestion, OF trade factions could get bonuses or better buy prices on bases they control. Also, something of more impact, a government faction could grant other OF's trade bonuses (or better buy prices) on specific commodities on bases within their domain in exchange for some completed deal/contract/project the OF trade faction did for them.
I don't know the admin backend ramifications for this, whether its possible/feasable, but this would accomplish:

1) Ppl have more incentives to become Official both in Trade and other factions.
2) Incentivize logging your faction hauler instead of the player list being filled with rando haulers that don't impact RP
3) Give more things to do for governments
4) Encourage interactions between corporations and governments.

Side note, the "governments" could be any territory controlling faction such as corsairs, lib gov, etc.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Ikarus_Hagen - 01-12-2021

Type: OFL's responsibilities
Title:More work as OFL
  • Forum RP increasement and with that more forum presence of OFLs/OFs
  • Activity Generation through monthly events
  • 3-month plan
Potential Problems
  • More work for OFL
  • More work for Mods/Devs
Example of Effect
  • More activity in certain regions without much dev/mod input
  • OFL will get leaders who want to lead them
  • Progression of certain regions
  • Factions and Governments get more activity by more active OFLs

Further Discussion
As the discussion brought up a lot of OFs farm their online time at the end of the quarter. My suggestions back up @Megaera on one point and on the other they require monthly planned events which force some activity into certain regions, keeping them alive or resurrecting them. Also events which will fail show the devs which region isn't much liked and need some love.
Mostly my suggestions aim at those OFLs who do faction activity farming by not being motivated or not having the time to lead a faction making the whole officialdom useless at the end.
The three month plan is to be handed to the mods/devs at the start of each quarter after the activity check has been done. This plan can provide a guideline for the mods/devs to evaluate the activity and RP impact of the OF, making it easier to hand out warnings for not meeting the requirements.
To wrap up my brain mess up there: More work for OFs/OFLs will bring up OFLs who want to lead that faction by heart and not by the sheer lust for power.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Commandantt - 01-13-2021

Type: Other
Title: Immortal POB for OF

  • Pob analog who will be connected to one of main NPC faction base as an extension for OF where they can produce stuff for faction use it as bank or just hide stuff but WP build is not allowed or only few.
Potential Problems
  • Players without OF status who have their own pub for produce/collect stuff can feel bad and if OF will get immortal pob without big process what usually do standart player to build pob and defend it.
Example of Effect
Kruger mine ore in Frankfurt they can ask for one OF POB at Mainz Storage Facility and sell ore here. Same for BMM Graves Station in Dublin and others.
Or OF can put it at Shipyard and make RP that they build better equipment for their ships and just accumulate resources to make RP build. Of course no WP or only a few.

Further Discussion
This will protect the OF miners' faction since they gonna need only mine and store ore without supply or defend POB so it will decrease the level of awful sieges since the base already protected by NPC in RP and by GMs ORP. Same for shipbuilders OF or others OF factions who want their place for bank or produce stuff they just need to decide for what purpose they want OF pob. I just hope that one Immortal PoB for OF will decrease level of toxity from Pixel Kings who fight for their pixel stuff. + in my perspective it will open new RP if someone will want to share 1 OF PoB.

If OF is lost their OF status we can remove POB extension and make another texture that will show that this part of the station is dead until other OF faction want to take it.

Example: OF make HQ and later they lost OF so now we see only abandoned station sector that some time ago was OF POB.
+ If it was trade/miner OF we can still let POB live with nasty texture. It will become some sort of black market ore without control from the government or ghetto since Mine Corp went bankrupt and could not take the families of miners and porter who continue to work for food or ticket to home.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Ilya - 01-20-2021

Type: Economy
Title: Remove OF right to dictate and ban Lawful Groups/corps from entering territory.

  • Lawful Corporations should be allowed to pass through and trade in all territories not at war
  • Govt OF's should only have laws regarding unlawful groups entering territories
Potential Problems
  • OF's will no longer be able to dictate who can go where
Example of Effect
Encourage diversity of gameplay and origin, I was unaware that gallic corps are not welcome in certain houses, so wasted 200mils setting it up, meaning we all just have to play IC or Zoners, theres no diversity, Squads trade run is only doable by IC 5kers or smaller.

Would prevent chokepoints, IE To get out of Galia using tradelanes, IDF have to go via Zurich to avoid Kusari ZOI/Territory as IDF are not welcome there.

Further Discussion
Right now there is no rational reason to prevent travel and traffic flowing through that is lawful, business is business, in RL these things don't really happen outside of sanctions etc.

As it stands, IC appears to be the only House corp that can go anywhere in house space, this is not good, no diversity, barriers need to be broken not more put up.

RE: Official Faction Change Suggestions - Piombo65 - 01-26-2021

Type: Rules / Economy
Title: HC responsibility more manageable (RTS)

  • HC factions manage a bunch of stuff like money, resources (game commodities or other), prestige, troops for wars (and warscores during wars)...
  • HC decisions influence the variation of these resources. They can buy them, mine them, build them, sell them...
  • There's also a "Max limit" to have these values, depending on systems/stations owned, type of government (Corporation, Paramilitary, Organized crime, profit/non-profit company...), power, prestige...
  • Unofficial player factions have not this feature so they can't hold stations, systems and war eligibility but they can merge/collaborate with official ones.
Potential Problems
  • I can't find them, maybe potential risk of RP-mutation to gain an advantage (A criminal organization could have a low max limit but they could increase it if they change their form of government in something "more legal")
Example of Effect
Faction A is an independent trade corporation who operates in B systems. As corporation it could have 5 maximum stations to hold (and currently it could have 1 of 5), 0/0 systems, 50.000 of 500.000 starting money, some resources to maintain their ships (Yes, even the monthly maintenance costs) and -5.000 to give to B for taxes (value set by RP). Doing some contracts with other companies (inRP) will create some monthly income, resource acquisition and/or a simple profit that must invest for other ships, equipment, resources, other contracts or territories (+1 station). While the members do the stuff (HC included if they want), the HC will have also a bit of paper to work. If the company goes in Bankrupt, the Official title is withdrawn.

Faction C is a military organization of the D House. It could have 1 of 5 systems, 2.000.000 of 1 bilion money, resources to maintain and build fleets (given by House corporations, bought somewhere...) and a bunch of Battlegroups to set in different D systems. Placing a battlegroup in a specific D system will cause variations about values like Resource gathering, crime, public opinion (in %?). Going war against another faction, E will have malus and/or bonuses about every parameter and every battle they do (Events? RP reports? Community events?) will use their parameters proportioning at their RP situation (231241342341 BS ingame at that event? There were just 20 inRP) and it will contribute at a warscore that shows at the start of the war (In another appropriate thread, with the list of opponements, battles, ships used...).

All this monitored by fixed threads in their OF sub-forum.

Further Discussion
Official factions need more responsibility and tasks to do to be more active. Managing their faction in a RP way, not only writing RP stuff but also managing internal and external politics that should be clear and simple instead searching the appropriate thread (usually lost in the middle of other posts).

TL;DR: "You imported/copied Paradox RTS games". Yes. Problems?