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Pirates & Traders - atm999 - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:Oh geez ... give me a break ... at least the VHF is attempting some role play. How about you in your Firefly? Mindlessly moving cargo from point A to point B with no plan to engage in role play?
I don't know about him specifically (I won't engage in a trial by forum) but in general the Firefly is an excellent ship for RP. If someone just wants cash and no RP, they usually buy an Adv Train.

Pirates & Traders - Baltar - 04-07-2009

' Wrote:I don't know about him specifically (I won't engage in a trial by forum) but in general the Firefly is an excellent ship for RP. If someone just wants cash and no RP, they usually buy an Adv Train.

This guy is role playing in a VHF ... what's the problem with that? Why make this such a big deal? Should we lift the rule on pirating in caps so the pirates can take on your Firefly in a battlecruiser? Just be glad you encountered a pirate trying to take you on in a VHF.

Pirates & Traders - Shaka - 04-07-2009

' Wrote:This guy is role playing in a VHF ... what's the problem with that? Why make this such a big deal? Should we lift the rule on pirating in caps so the pirates can take on your Firefly in a battlecruiser? Just be glad you encountered a pirate trying to take you on in a VHF.

I think the point isn't that pirating in a VHF is bad, merely that it has a lower chance of success if you are trying to pirate a firefly. Of course, it all depends on the mindsets and RP of each respective pilot.

Back to the main purpose of this post.

While yes, logically it makes sense to pay more when you're closer to the destination, in RP it doesn't matter. No matter where you are, if someone can destroy you, you would pay. And hey, it's not such a big deal, most pirates aren't that exorbitant or ridiculous, as they realize that most traders' RP would oblige them to pay.

Pirates & Traders - zebedee123 - 04-07-2009

So far as a "new" player, I am enjoying the rush of seeing a pirate come at you, and wondering what's going to happen....and all the demands made on me have been very fair, one pirate caught me and asked for 250K - a reflection of my level. I've managed to run from one too!

I am currently an independant trader saving up for a firefly (in a mammoth at the moment) as I think a bit of exploring, trading and generally flying around is a good way to get a feel for the game and the RP aspect and the firefly seems a good all rounder.

It's just fun watching other events unfold too!

Pirates & Traders - JakeSG - 04-07-2009

I was pirated twice in the one run I did last night, neither were in a position to stop me but I threw 2 millions at both of them. They then ended up escorting me through a couple of systems each. One of them was one of our beloved terrorists, Frank Davies.

So yeah, suck it up. Pirates are part of the RP and provided they aren't asking for > 4 millions, it's hardly even worth whining about. Just because he's interrupting your powertrading doesn't mean you can't try and find some kind of inRP compromise either this time 'round or in the future. Happy, friendly pirates make pirates who're willing to go so far as to save your arse from hostiles.

Pirates & Traders - zebedee123 - 04-07-2009

I've even had a pirate come up to me and tell me I was in a funny looking ship (an Anki I think it was) - and that was it! No demands, he was just interested in what I was flying....funny little moment as I was starring down the gun barrels of his sabre......

Pirates & Traders - reavengitair - 04-07-2009

-Not much off topic, but can you pirate in a transport in anything other than a pirate train? Eg Large train? I was thinking this might work.

EDIT: MEH! No CD mount!

Pirates & Traders - Stoat - 04-07-2009

"picked up my cargo which cost me 1/2 a mil, "
That's the bit that annoys me, as a pirate. What self respecting pirate is going to base his demands for payment on what a trader paid for his goods. The ONLY thing that has any factor on a demand is what you might make from the SALE of those goods.

Getting hit by three pirates for 1.2mill apiece is a little bit steep. Although, if you're in a big transport hauling valuable goods, I can see 3.6mill being at the upper levels of what can reasonably be asked. That is of course, just the opinion of one pirate. Other pirates may well disagree with me.

Piracy is part of the environment. If you're worried about getting hit, hire escorts or travel in groups or plan your route to avoid the bad guys.

Pirates & Traders - Benjamin - 04-07-2009

' Wrote:-Not much off topic, but can you pirate in a transport in anything other than a pirate train? Eg Large train? I was thinking this might work.

EDIT: MEH! No CD mount!
The pirate transport is the 'classic' for this, but a bunch of the 2-3XXX cargo transports have CDs, decent armour and good turret coverage. The mining ship, for example, is more than passable, having 8 forward turrets and a disgusting amount of hull.

Pirates & Traders - MrHeadphones - 04-07-2009

Quite honestly, it's not about the cost of the cargo when you bought it, it's the amount you can sell it for, as has been said before. Of course you can just let the pirate destroy your ship, but then you lose another valuable commodity: time. I can make 5 million in approx 15 minutes on my trader, but if I was to meet a pirate one or two systems away from my destination asking for 2 million and I decided to have my ship destroyed, that's 10 minutes (or approx 3.3 million credits) lost from the time wasted, plus the pirate is likely to find me again. Also, there's the sadistic kind of pirate, who, if you don't pay, will blast all the guns off your ship, remove it's shield and thruster and leave it at 1% health, leaving you with either a long journey to the nearest sun or a huge repair/resupply bill.