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A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Printable Version

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A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Zapp - 04-06-2009

If the Navy (or anyone) sees contraband smugglers, send screenshots to the LPI and we'll put 'em on a list and catch 'em later.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Weedalot - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:If the Navy (or anyone) sees contraband smugglers, send screenshots to the LPI and we'll put 'em on a list and catch 'em later.
will do, not:P
ya think i am a snitch? i just want to blow stuff up:P
no i am kidding, so what you all saying that a cap cannot? well you are wrong in that case, as virus said in one of the posts here and kuraine made it clear that ID overwrites the Rules.
Meaning that the ID states you can, than in a BS you can as well.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - tazuras - 04-06-2009

Yes but that ID usually only applies in very restricted situations, try to keep that in mind.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - tansytansey - 04-06-2009

Hum... I got another question relating this...
If the LPI stop a smuggler and he begins to rabbit, are the LN allowed to stop them if in the position to do so?

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Rudo - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:It leads to weird situations, sure, but I'd take those weird situations over LNS caps blowing up junker salvagers 'for the lulz'

That happens anyway.

I still haven't forgiven that battlecruiser parking on Beaumont and killing everything in sight while waiting for smugglers.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - JakeSG - 04-06-2009

I'd like to point out that the regular Navy ID implies that they -can- enforce contraband/embargo laws in Texas, or at least it did last I saw, however the Guard ID says nothing about it. Am I the only one who's noticed that?

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Dusty Lens - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:will do, not:P
ya think i am a snitch? i just want to blow stuff up:P
no i am kidding, so what you all saying that a cap cannot? well you are wrong in that case, as virus said in one of the posts here and kuraine made it clear that ID overwrites the Rules.
Meaning that the ID states you can, than in a BS you can as well.

Good heck no. Do not ever blow up a transport in a capship heavier than a gunboat -ever- (terrorists aside).

You can have 300 rhinos circling your Carrier with full loads of slaves throwing all manner of filth at you, but do not ever, ever open fire on them.

Huge rule violation.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Quorg - 04-06-2009

' Wrote:Good heck no. Do not ever blow up a transport in a capship heavier than a gunboat -ever- (terrorists aside).

You can have 300 rhinos circling your Carrier with full loads of slaves throwing all manner of filth at you, but do not ever, ever open fire on them.

Huge rule violation.

Dusty, you are correct. Good man.

With regards to the question earlier:

If an LPI officer actually stops a smuggler, and the smuggler makes a break for it, and goes by a LN vessel, the LN vessel can and should hold the smuggler until the LPI arrives.
Now, that is not the same as an LPI officer seeing a known criminal on the playerlist but not in person and telling the LN to start hunting for the guy.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Asgardian - 04-07-2009

' Wrote:Good heck no. Do not ever blow up a transport in a capship heavier than a gunboat -ever- (terrorists aside).

You can have 300 rhinos circling your Carrier with full loads of slaves throwing all manner of filth at you, but do not ever, ever open fire on them.

Huge rule violation.
The Liberty Navy Guard ID says that you can destroy any Rheinland-based trader (Eg: Kruger, Daumen) if they refuse to drop their cargo and turn back around to Rheinland. Since ID's overrule rules (as stated numerous times by different Admins in their specky green text), this means that a cruiser or above can destroy traders under these, special circumstances.

A question, Liberty Navy and Smugglers - Dusty Lens - 04-07-2009

Then the admins need to get their S together on that one:)

My understanding is if you ever open fire on a transport in a cruiser or heavier class vessel you've earned yourself a one way ticket to Bastille. Please check guns and credits at the door.