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cruise disruption. - Printable Version

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cruise disruption. - carlabrams - 04-08-2009

In a piracy situation - pirates are allowed to CD the trader to make them stop so that they can commence RPing with the guy. IN THIS SITUATION ONLY, it does not count as an 'attack' without RP by the pirate. However, it does still count as a physical attack upon the ship by the pirate - just that it's not a sanctionable (PvP abuse) event.

cruise disruption. - atom - 04-08-2009

Another consideration is if you CD someone even just to scan, if he's in hostile territory and there are NPC's around due to the power of npc's at this stage he might very well not be able to get out of their way, then boom he's being tractored in and lost his cargo, therefor firing a CD should be consideredas hostile.

cruise disruption. - StrikerPOL - 04-08-2009

My 2 cents are that the old "firing across the bow" idea might work, but being that you do not hit the target in that instance would not constitute attacking. But, if you fire a weapon at a target, that seems to me that you are intent on attcking the target and destroying it. So, a CD could be used as a "warning shot" type of RP action. I'm still learning the ropes here.


cruise disruption. - darthbeck - 04-08-2009

no. i want it to count as attacking. BUT I DONT WANT PEOPLE TO FIRE BACK AT ME WITH NO RP WHEN I CD THEM!!

cruise disruption. - MrHeadphones - 04-08-2009

Quote: no. i want it to count as attacking. BUT I DONT WANT PEOPLE TO FIRE BACK AT ME WITH NO RP WHEN I CD THEM!!
I definitely agree with that. It's really difficult for a pirate, cause if you don't fire a cruise disruptor, they just cruise past while you're typing, and if you do they just open fire with no RP because you attacked them.

cruise disruption. - Derkylos - 04-08-2009


Amen, when the rules allow an encounter along the lines of

*Drops out of lane*
*Launches CD*
*"Returns" fire*
*Combat ensues*

Rather odd situation (and one that I had an encounter near to a while back-the person I CDed ran off claiming I had engaged him (in OoRP chat)).

cruise disruption. - Fozzie - 04-08-2009

No way, it should stay the same. I don't care what you fire at at me and it's on. CDs are missiles. Asking me to stop is one thing, firing a CD is another. You are FORCING someone to stop and that is definitely an attack. Some characters are really defensive, most of mine included and my trade ship is armed and armored for a reason. Fire at me and I will act as any other attack.

cruise disruption. - darthbeck - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:Amen, when the rules allow an encounter along the lines of

*Drops out of lane*
*Launches CD*
*"Returns" fire*
*Combat ensues*

Rather odd situation (and one that I had an encounter near to a while back-the person I CDed ran off claiming I had engaged him (in OoRP chat)).

its worse when its like this

*lauchs CD at player in a nebula at 2.7 k*
*they drop out of cruise at 1.6k*
*at 1.3 k you realize that you just diseuptted a carrier class ship.*
* they open fire without a word*
*your sheilds vanish and hull gos down to half.*
*run away without gettingn any RP*

not gonna name anyone......

cruise disruption. - Ceoran - 04-08-2009

Considering one of the current sanction posts I think it should be an attack. Imagine a ship (of any size) that tries to run from an enemy and is hitting his cruise engines, now it get's disrupted. If it's not allowed to shoot back the enemy can keep disrupting until he's in the perfect position to open fire (for example right behind the enemy). The victim can't prevent it as he tried to run and can't engage for 4 hours on his/her own. Pretty unfair I think, so keep it as an attack.

cruise disruption. - hack - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:its worse when its like this

*lauchs CD at player in a nebula at 2.7 k*
*they drop out of cruise at 1.6k*
*at 1.3 k you realize that you just diseuptted a carrier class ship.*
* they open fire without a word*
*your sheilds vanish and hull gos down to half.*
*run away without gettingn any RP*

not gonna name anyone......

Did you RP when you launched a CD?

Blindly shooting at a target and getting you butt handed to you for not verifying who you are shooting at?


Unless you were TRYING to pirate a carrier class ship....

Can't have it both ways.