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ok this fight in T-23 right now - Printable Version

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ok this fight in T-23 right now - El Nino - 04-08-2009

:PI'll just be blant...


got their hides served by a 95 year old ex BMM fighter ace.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - bluntpencil2001 - 04-08-2009

Wait, what were Mollys doing there?

Were they shooting Corsairs, or shooting BAF?

My head hurts.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Andrew_Bonesovich - 04-08-2009

The fight was awesome, never expected it would be so huge in the end, it began as defending of that BMM base, and ended in a huge battle of almost everything. Everytime one side called reinforcements, the other one did the same.

Note to self: Get a better HW for this fights :D (I had graphics on 0, but still had around 15-20 fps)

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Wolfs Ghost - 04-08-2009

It was a good 4/5 hour long fight, my wrists hurt from dodging. Good fighting and roleplay all around.

If anyone was wondering why Regular BAF's where up there, We got a distress call from our Base and an Admiral currently up in that region.

I accepted the Suicide mission, was going to fly up there myself and actually fight, wasn't aware of any =CR= ships at the time.

But I have to agree with the OP. the Council ship was far outside of his ZoI and engaged in a conflict he shouldn't of been involved in. Council have their fight with the Gallia Royalists, and shouldn't meddle in the Tau-wars.

Anyway's good fighting all around.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Slainte - 04-08-2009

An epically awsome battle, and good sound rp from both/all sides. It was good to see good natured insults being traded, especialy between BAF and CR, and everyone taking it in good form.
i was there from niegh on the start but had to leave the fight due to battle damage before everyone else arrived. No lag to speak of and a good fair fight all round.
Retarded, boring, pointless and unfair? no. Time consuming? yes.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - pbrione - 04-08-2009

The fight was very dynamic, both sides nearly won a couple of times, one destroyer appeared on each side half way through and annihilated each other, whilst I was trying to coordinate BAF forces back from New London after I was shot down and rescued by the IMG.

There was some good RP from both sides trying to persuade passers by and spectators to side with them.

Truly an epic battle, and only a BAF victory by the narrowest of margins, thanks to some truly brilliant fighting. Well done everyone.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - gezza999 - 04-08-2009

' Wrote:that is true started as CR/BAF...when i got there there were only BAF and CR fighting along with two untagged ships...but later....i think only keepers weren't there and maybe few rheinlanders....

as for help i don't think anybody actually called for help...they simply started least i didnt hear anybody in CR group that called for other factions to join...naturally i dont know what was going on in private chats...

But there are alliances for a reason...

Anyway...i don't think anything of such scale will be repeated anytime soon...
Eh... if anything of such scale happens soon, I will try to not be there for the start... Fun, but, crippling fight... 4 hours... Sorry for disconnecting half way through... server'd decided it'd had enough or something, I thought it'd gone down.

Still surprised I managed to survive it all to be honest, a group of you were really tearing through me at the begining... Kudos to everyone who fought really.

There was another Chimaera, the Gibralter was sent in ( A repair ship... heh), the Iron Duke, The Skull & Bones, the Iron Maiden, I think there was another Hogosha aswell but I'm not sure.

ok this fight in T-23 right now - akar.zaephyr - 04-08-2009

Pity I couldn't see it.
I was going to sleep after a night shift and was wondering if I should login or not. Finally I went to sleep. Bad choice...

Hm, that's pretty hard to judge. Part of the RP is a war between houses so in some point it was RP. On the other hand, what was the point of that battle? Does anyone know why it started or it's another war that continues although nobody remembers why?

ok this fight in T-23 right now - Death.RunningVerminator - 04-08-2009

I hope the outcasts win!! Darn, i didnt even realize it was going on. I was to busy pirating and making 4 mil today!:P

ok this fight in T-23 right now - pbrione - 04-09-2009

One of our privateers came under attack by the BMM station in Tau 23 by a group of CR and was destroyed, and fearing an attack on the base, which is a key BAF supply base, I ordered a wing of BAF fighters to Tau 23 to defend the position.

They were attacked by CR, Hogosha arrived to help the CR, some Kiretsu followed the Hogosha and assisted BAF, then more CR came followed by a KNF dessie, which destroyed the Kiretsu dessie before being killed itself, some junkers and a passing Council warship were drawn into it, and more BAF and CR kept turning up. Eventually some outcasts noticed it and arrived to join the BAF's side, whilst an OPG fleet turned up to support the CR. And from there it spiralled into chaos....