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Reducing number of systems - Printable Version

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Reducing number of systems - Dab - 11-23-2006

I'd say remove all systems that are over 3-4 jumps away from Vanilla systems.

Leave in the other ones.

Just make sure to keep Omicron-209 at least in this version, in case I get that one finished by the release.

Reducing number of systems - Koolmo - 11-23-2006

aw geez mal, we've beeen working on 168 too...

How far along are you guys? We are almost done, as i've been led to believe.
The reason we wanted that system was it was near to our RP home of Cran Canara, but still out of the system, so we could avoid the ensuing flamefest. i belive omega 9 is connected to 49 as well, would there be any issues with us claiming that one? It would be kinda odd to have 2 'owned' systems off the same junction, but i think it could work out OK. Tell me your thoughts..


Reducing number of systems - Malaclypse 666 - 11-23-2006

Koolmo,Nov 22 2006, 10:38 PM Wrote:aw geez mal, we've beeen working on 168 too...

How far along are you guys?  We are almost done, as i've been led to believe.
The reason we wanted that system was it was near to our RP home of Cran Canara, but still out of the system, so we could avoid the ensuing flamefest.  i belive omega 9 is connected to 49 as well, would there be any issues with us claiming that one?  It would be kinda odd to have 2 'owned' systems off the same junction, but i think it could work out OK.  Tell me your thoughts..



Goddess kinda behaves like a Swarmie missile, eh? Deadly, but unpredictable.

We'll talk.