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Roleplay insults - Blodo - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:am I alone who see difference here?
This is not about his use of the word "prick" though, this is about in RP insults (of the type "slant", etc.) being completely disallowed to be used by Bretonians as of now - something which I see as a double standard. I guess I agree about "prick" but not about "slant" which doesn't even target most of the players here, as most players here are from Europe. And then there's the tiny fact that if I am using it ingame without OOC tags preceding it, then I am insulting your character and not you yourself, and that is a fine line as pointed out earlier...

Roleplay insults - Markam - 04-10-2009

the point is we are at WAR, no war has had both sides showing up at dawn for a quiet duel and then going home for a cup of tea.

the insults used are barely offencive, even if you try your hardest to be offended.

we know very well who made the report, and i'm sure he's very proud of himself for starting such a ****storm over long standing RP.

as to BAF getting offended out of RP, for what? for winning fights? for successfuly running away from the fights we dont win? BAF, and especialy QCP does not engage in OOC, not in server chat, not in local chat and in PM as a last resort, our enemies on the other hand are frankly looking for a reason to insult us and cause us trouble OOC. Getting horribly offended in-game, and also posting in faction feedback causing ****storms (seen not long ago).

Some people need to just take a step back from the game and stop trying to cause trouble and getting offended.

Roleplay insults - Malexa - 04-10-2009

Yes, as long its in roleplay, not crossing any lines or the others may get sick of it, due every second sentence is an insult.

Make a reasonable roleplay and nobody would complain if you might insult "insert random enemy force here", during your roleplay.

Roleplay insults - bluntpencil2001 - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:insults yes but not vulgar

gaijin - foreiginer
gringo - surprise, origins again in word foreiginer

prick - penis

am I alone who see difference here?
'Prick' makes prime time TV. According to Blodo's source, 'gaijin' is being phased out of Japanese mainstream TV.

That would imply the same.

Regardless, read Blodo's post properly. He mentioned that he didn't mean 'prick'.

Anyway, both 'gaijin' and 'gringo' are racist. I, as a white person, certainly feel them to be such. However, I think Kusari and Corsair players should be allowed to say such. After all, 'nigger' is racist, but only means 'black'. If 'black' can be insulting, so can 'foreigner'.

Roleplay insults - skoko - 04-10-2009

Of course.... That is what gives the edge in ROLE PLAYING game. If no one is dropping F bombs, speaking of your REAL LIFE relatives and generally insulting you out of Role Play, insults are just fine.

If you are victorious and you insult floating pod peddler its funny, it annoys opponent even more, its puppet on your hand , sort of speaking. Many people RP idiots , psychopaths and sociopaths so its in their nature to
INSULT people in RP .

If you loose , insult is only thing that can help you feel better and still make some RP in defeat. Insults can be witty funny and offensive in ROLE PLAY .

After all THIS is just a game we play and it is RP game, and some people take this game way to serious, remember in game people are imaginary characters and they have imagination as a tool to form their
characters, to form stories,,,, etc

Oh , after all why all insults should be : Pirate low life! or Lawful dog!

And words like bastard and similar aren't insults, lets be fair , if someone wants to insult you , you would notice, everybody would notice.....

RP insults : YES! Bring it you inbreed toothless bastards.... <--- my LN would say that to some Xenos !!!!

EDIT : Pendejo, gringo, bastardo ... and tons more I use every time on my Corsair / Outcast


Roleplay insults - Divine - 04-10-2009

/reads topic title again....

...'Should people be allowed to use light roleplay insults against their enemies?'...


Eh, we need a poll about that....?
But this is still a roleplay-server, nor?

/end sarcasm

Roleplay insults - DeathsOverture - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:insults yes but not vulgar

gaijin - foreiginer
gringo - surprise, origins again in word foreiginer

prick - penis

am I alone who see difference here?

For once, I see your logic Kambeii! :P

I have not voted yet... because "light" is too loosely defined. But if it's not vulgar and used in RP, I'm not reporting it.

Roleplay insults - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-10-2009

I understand the reason for the sanction in question, but was it really necessary to expand on that to include an RP-insult that's, quite frankly, not really that bad? I mean, it's clearly directed at one character from another character. I mean, war isn't pretty, and war isn't nice, but as long as things aren't directed at the player rather than the character, why step on it?

And for the record, no, I don't want to see the KNF restricted from saying gaijin, any more than I want to see the BAF restriced from RP insults. It's entirely appropriate, and I think the //good fight after the battle kinda says how people really feel about one another.

If somebody really is feeling insulted, just sling a PM at the other player and deal with it that way.

Roleplay insults - dead_shot - 04-10-2009

Insults (mild, childish) to the character - Yes.

Insults to the other player - No!!!

Fortunately we have Admins to decide which is which.
When you can't tell difference they help you and give you some time to learn from it.

Let's keep it that way.

P.S. Oh, save your frustrations for those that have to put up with them. People come here to have fun, not to take anybody's shhhh...

Roleplay insults - Eppy - 04-10-2009

Mild to moderate racial slurs (centered around cannibalism, mostly, but I'll throw in something about Greeks every now and then) have always been part of my various Outcast characters (meaning most of my characters period), and one sanction is not going to bloody deter me, not should it anyone else. Maybe the use of the 'p-word' was going too far (I don't think so) but the rest of it? Not a chance.