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Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Printable Version

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RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Shiki - 01-01-2022

(01-01-2022, 08:51 PM)Loken Wrote: How will we ever recover?

easily (:

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Jeuge - 01-01-2022

(01-01-2022, 08:51 PM)Loken Wrote: How will we ever recover?


RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Sniper - 01-02-2022

I applied to both IC and JM to join their factions. No one responded, no one cared. I was quite willing to put in my normal 2 days/month ingame towards their factions to keep them alive. It is inevitable and a good thing when they, as Official Factions, lost their OF.

I do not think I have ever seen so many OF go under in one go.

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - ellipsis - 01-02-2022

Not good.

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Saronsen - 01-02-2022

(01-02-2022, 02:24 AM)Sniper Wrote: a good thing when they, as Official Factions, lost their OF.

Decay is never a good sign. An arbitrary time requirement in the age of a dwindling population isn't really conducive to a healthy environment. We don't have 600 people all trying to get on to the server at the same time anymore. Not to mention that PvP oriented factions have less and less of that going for them, making it even harder. When you have to start logging transports on your military faction, it's not looking good. Sitting in PvE zones with overwhelming numbers isn't exactly activity either.

Some of these factions go back 15(give or take) years. Is it really a good thing when they can't stand on their own two feet anymore? Maybe back when we only allowed one official faction per NPC faction, the more selfish people would say yes. What's the excuse now?

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - ellipsis - 01-02-2022

(01-02-2022, 05:49 AM)Saronsen Wrote: Decay is never a good sign. An arbitrary time requirement in the age of a dwindling population isn't really conducive to a healthy environment. We don't have 600 people all trying to get on to the server at the same time anymore. Not to mention that PvP oriented factions have less and less of that going for them, making it even harder. When you have to start logging transports on your military faction, it's not looking good.

All straight facts here. Look. These days the in game player count rarely breaches past 70, last I checked at least. That's a fraction of 600 like it used to be. I vaguely remember when there were so many players on that staff had an assassin faction they used to kill players in the game that were on for too long to free a spot for others. But even the name escapes me now, it's been so long. Not sure I even recall it correctly. My faction, the Rose Dragons, I would like to think as a somewhat pvp oriented faction seeing as it's unlawful revolutionary, yet all we've done these days is mostly fly around aimlessly and occasionally make long runs to keep our POBs alive. And my forum rp that's slowed because of my lack of motivation. But yeah, I log transports for hours at a time just to keep the bases alive. So does Slappy (Roach). For whatever reasons, KNF barely shows up anymore, our main target. They're happy to squeeze out the three days to barely pass the quarter check but won't come around when there's a bunch of unlawful activity. Then there's Samura, which does the same but rarely, if ever, even logs in Kusari at all, except to make runs to their POBs and actively avoid us. How is my faction meant to grow when they refuse to play? How about vice versa? How am I to get my players interested in playing my faction when there's nothing to shoot, barely anything to have quality rp with? It's not attractive to people when you entertain the idea of just flying around and shooting the crap together, at least, that's how it is with me for some reason. People usually have better to do than flying around just to clock hours.

What it is, is a neverending cycle of x player loses interest, stops playing as much, then y player loses interest as a result. On a large scale. And it needs answered on multiple fronts. That's what it boils down to. This community has shrunk so much that it cannot support the current requirements for activity checking, nor can it support the community in encouraging more activity. There is a dire need to ease the requirements on factions for activity and for amount of RP needed to 'progress' the faction and special RP, in my opinion.

Staff needs to find incentives to keep people playing and quickly. Can't afford to keep sitting on the fence forever. Something needs done now. It's not my position to say what can be done, all I can do is point out the holes in the ship. But what can they do when even they're losing motivation to keep going? When people get too busy irl to do anything, not to mention they're doing this for free. It's the stickiest situation I've ever seen a cult community in. And it's frustrating. As a person who loves the premise of this game and the possibilities it features, it drives me up the wall. I came back for fun but quickly I'm realizing why I left a few years ago to begin with.

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Angel023 - 01-02-2022

Well, for me, it is just sad that the game gets less and less players. I mean, I am here for almost two years (with another account). I think the reason why people become less interested is because of the PvP. We all know it is fun if the RP bring to that. However, some just want to PvP and don't give a single chance for RP. That is one of my thoughts.

Another one is the following one: Shadow logging. What I mean by that is: Your character is wanted by x people and you want to have some RP but those who want you dead break your fun. They hunt you where ever you go and that is boring because you just run and have no fun.

Place to the factions...

I barely saw every faction (players). I kinda have nothing to say but just one thing. It is sad when you want to RP with the faction in question and it does nothing. Yes, there is RL stuffs such as school, family problems and I pass. Like for exemple: The K'hara (sorry to take you as example) I barely saw them online but I only do when there are people in Omicrons. I mean there is something else than just that. You can do raids and other stuffs. And that concern every factions. Not only the K'hara of course.

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Loken - 01-02-2022

(01-02-2022, 06:05 AM)ellipsis Wrote: wall of text

The cap was 250 back when the server would fill up during prime time, not 600. Server's dead because the game is old and most people are over it.

The majority of people still here are here because of nostalgia or sunk cost. The good times are never coming back and neither is the playerbase.

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Paddy. - 01-02-2022

(01-02-2022, 08:44 AM)Loken Wrote: Server's dead because the game is old and most people are over it.

The majority of people still here are here because of nostalgia or sunk cost. The good times are never coming back and neither is the playerbase.

That is prophetic, based not on the mystical, but the obvious facts.
You are dead right.

RE: Official Faction Activity Fourth Quarter 2021 - Czechmate - 01-02-2022

I've never struggled to get factions to or keep them official - you just need to tweak your approach to the reality of the server.

I mean look at the top 5 factions last 3 months

They together logged enough time to sustain 54(!) OFs