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***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - Printable Version

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RE: ***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - Loyola - 01-09-2022

[Image: jTM5GeJ.jpg]

Okay so looking at this trash I might be flip-flopping a little bit. I'm pretty sure that by this point, the gallics, mollys and treehuggers have degraded beneath the most. Like, in my honest opinion, it would be the best if Her Majesty's Armed Forces would secure the system from all sorts of scum, let's all wish them luck. Cheers!

- Enma Loyola

RE: ***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - Krumai - 01-09-2022


[Image: try8gKI.png]

Pr̥tHwíH would be happy to see Gaia flourishing with life. Except that these environmentalists are parasites to their own heritage.

It is regrettable to know that their moral standards are like those of the ancient dásyuš.


RE: ***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - Bretonia Rogue Ragers - 01-09-2022

Everyone can agree we the Mollys are known pretty much for one thing - helping refugees outside of Dublin. Nobody will stop our cunning plan of backing the refugees upon the planet. Experienced members of the Molly movement are being sent to directly assist the refugees that escaped Leeds. There's no Gaian nor stranger from far away lands that can stand in our way!

P.S. Free Dublin!

RE: ***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - Lord Helmchen - 01-09-2022

Message Received

Private Communique

[Image: cTau1yV.png]

Sender ID: Lady Camile Summers, Baroness of Leeds
Recipient ID: Open Broadcast about the Gaian Terrorists
Subject: Give up or you will pay for this

A Clearly angry Blonde Woman in a Liberty Navy Uniform appears on the screen, she is Just 1.30 Meters Tall but her whole Body Shows Authority and Anger about this Threat to the Refugees.

I am Lady Camile Summers the Current Baronness of Leeds. This is a Message to the Gaian Terrorists and Anyone that might Support them. The People on Gaia are the Survivors of Leeds and have nowhere to go to, They are My People and I won't Tolerate any Threats to their Safety. My Father and Mother Died in the Resistance against the Gallic and their Gaian Puppets. I won't allow some Hippie Terrorists and Treehuggers to bring those that are left of the People of Leeds in Danger, and Ruin what my Parents have fought and died for. You Gaians lost the Right to Decide anything about the Planet as you became the Willfull Puppets of the Gallic Fascist King. I offer my assistance in any form to the Bretonian Government and anyone that wants to Stand Up and Protect the People of Leeds on Gaia. And I warn all Gaians not to Bring the Wrath of House Summers over them, Give up your Foolish Endeavor and Surender to the Law while you still Can, otherwise I make sure that you are hunted down till the last Member and Supporter of your Litle Groupe.

The Baroness of Leeds

Lady Camile Summers

End of Message

RE: ***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - JonasHudson - 01-10-2022

....decoding signal.....
....proxy redirect....
....proxy redirect....
....proxy redirect....
....proxy redirect....
....proxy redirect....
....connection established......


[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Crisis At Planet Gaia
[Encryption]: BASIC

My thanks to anyone who could help, and anyone opposed to this madness. I managed to destroy one shipment but it seems it will be near impossible to stop the Gaians from using a bio weapon on the planet.

I've done all I can, if the planet is ruined, I'll simply withdraw from the area and likely move my operations closer to where better business opportunities are. A terrible shame really, if the Gaians inflict any damage on the planet, the Armed Forces should finally lead a campaign to eradicate the last of their hideouts in Sirius.

It looks like Gaia will bleed after all.

Hudson out.

....signal cut....


RE: ***Open Frequency Broadcast*** - Vulkhard Muller - 01-10-2022

.:Incoming Transmission:.
.:Comm ID: Rick Tiltman:.
.:Topic: "I thought New London was a mess" :.

[Image: co7RNfw.png?1]

Hudson, this is why you always encrypt your transmissions you end up with political circuses like this,

Anyways, can't wait to see what this does to that Wildlife Trade, someone should warn those fashion hungry Hogosha to pull their stocks before the entire market crashes. I'll just keep trying to manage the environmental crisis that is the literal planet sized clouds of detritus current freely orbiting the New London Star.

Thanks Gallia, I love you so ******* much.

PS: Lady Camile Summers,
Sounds like you are going to need some Refugee Runners soon, let me know when and we will mobilize all available human transport ready ships to move refugees and or casualties.

Rick Tiltman,