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Question who need a aswer - Printable Version

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Question who need a aswer - Benjamin - 04-11-2009

You just blew up the junker...

Plus, not your brother, just someone from the same planet.

Question who need a aswer - Hawk - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:Be a junkers dont make you immune to the piracy,thats not a free pass faction,i only ask for a fee in this situation,if that junkers vessels are so friendly whit the corsair,why he hit cruise for evade,why he dont talk whit me.

No one said anything about giving Junkers a free pass in this thread. Don't invent arguments that are not there. If a Junker is carrying cardamine, he can and should be attacked by Corsairs. If he is flying anywhere in the Corsair ZOI with other cargo, it is the Corsairs discretion whether or not to pirate this Junker.

What was said is that if a ship is bringing supplies to Crete it is bad form for a Corsair to attack that ship regardless of who is flying it. What the thread in that link said was that if a ship is carrying food to Crete, Corsairs are forbidden to attack it. Why is that so difficult to understand?

I was running a business and one of my business partners was hijacking shipments coming to me that I needed for the business, he would very soon be my ex business partner. Again, it's not that hard to understand.

Question who need a aswer - Cosmos - 04-11-2009

i was one the sairs that blew you up.

The junker you killed regularly brings Counterfeit software to the corsairs and takes artefacts out, Alot of the factions know him and do protect him as it says in the laws declared by Laowai,
Its the same for anyone you try to pirate/blow up, If they are protected We will come gunning for You.

Also may i state.. I did talk too you, and it was in RP there was about 8-9 lines of written RP before you died, one of the last being Why did you kill the junker? as he was bringing stuff to crete? You just replied yes i killed him so?
And thats one of the lines of RP
I hope this is over now,

Question who need a aswer - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-12-2009

I have two characters that visit Crete, one not as regularly as the other. In both cases, though, they're hauling things there that are protected by the council. Quite frankly, if you attacked me, I would be screaming bloody murder on the diplomatic channel to the Council that a rogue corsair was violating their rules - and I'd expect to see you blown up several times for your rash actions.

You can 'tax' people hauling some cargoes. I suggest you learn when you can't.

Question who need a aswer - sempai17 - 04-12-2009

In the past, I've even borough stuff to the Corsairs, In my luxury liner (back 4.84) I would bring shipments of food and water to Crete as a lawful trader with sympathies towards the corsairs. I would always approach carefully, stop just as I got out of the cloud and ask permission to approach with my shipment. I would never take anything back with me. I remember I brought in a shipment of Lux food once, they liked that one a lot.

Question who need a aswer - Rudo - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:So finally benjamin if i understand what ya say here,you say to us,if your brother stole something ya want,get your gun out and blow them up,ya dont think a warning,a discussion can solve the problem.....

NAH NAH,JUST BLOW HIM UP...........yea right

More like the Old West.

Let's say there's a tools merchant coming to your town; these are tools you can use to till your fields, build your houses, dig wells and so on. A resident in your town robs the merchant, killing him and throws the wagon over the cliff.

I think there would be a public lynching in that case.