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Let's talk Gaians - Marburg - 04-12-2009

Rudo Wrote:People skimming over the Gaian story will garner 'scientists' and 'hippies'. Independent players jumping to the Gaians will play these two roles.
I can totally understand why people see the educated scientist thing...scientists were the Gaian forefathers...but there is not a single thing written in the card that leads to the impression that they are hippified in any way. To be crystal clear, even though I'm irritated by always hearing 'hippy' & 'treehugger' when playing on the server, it's not the RP namecalling that gets my goat. It's the fact that a large number of people think that 'eco-anything' equals 'hippy' & it's simply totally opposite of what the Gaians are.
Laowai Wrote:I probably don't help this situation by the fact that my gaian sounds like a Bill & Ted Surfer dude.
Meh! You know how irritated I used to be about that when I first met your character, but surfers are surfers, not hippies...& eventually learned to lighten up the more I learned of Toby.:crazy:

Let's talk Gaians - bluntpencil2001 - 04-12-2009

I still see their recruitment with a strong base in bored rich kids with nothing better to do with the education daddy paid for, though.

Stereotyping, I'll plead guilty to.

Let's talk Gaians - Eppy - 04-12-2009

...I've had great fun with that stereotype. Can we not kill it, please?

Let's talk Gaians - Primus Avatar - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:As Blunt said, the anti-terraforming stance of the Gaians doesn't make much rational sense to me, but people aren't rational. However, I think the aversion to terraforming lifeless rocks into worlds where life can flourish is irrational to the point rivaled only by certain religious groups.

Who said terraforming the planet would make it a tropical paradise?
One can terraform a toxic barren planet into something more suitable for mining operations.

Terraforming is basically changing "nature's way" and bringing things out of balance.

Religious concern? or scientific facts? There are numerous reasons why terraforming any planet
would cause problems, from displacement of gravitational balance between planets which leads to unexpected climatic changes on neighboring planets (scientific) to funds meant to increase education and healthcare redirected towards founding of expensive terraforming projects for large corporations.(& economic problem)

Let's talk Gaians - bluntpencil2001 - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:Who said terraforming the planet would make it a tropical paradise?
One can terraform a toxic barren planet into something more suitable for mining operations.

Terraforming is basically changing "nature's way" and bringing things out of balance.

Religious concern? or scientific facts? There are numerous reasons why terraforming any planet
would cause problems, from displacement of gravitational balance between planets which leads to unexpected climatic changes on neighboring planets (scientific) to funds meant to increase education and healthcare redirected towards founding of expensive terraforming projects for large corporations.(& economic problem)

Terraforming on Harris is intended to create room for farming, to deal with potential lack of ood in the future. There are no other planets in the system that will have stuff altered.

Let's talk Gaians - Primus Avatar - 04-12-2009

its still an economic problem. Terraforming is the most expensive processes known to mankind.

...or ...maybe the Gaians have a secret agenda...



Edit: 'cause poor people that resort to terrorism like Gaians will want higher life standards TODAY instead of
investing in the future.

Let's talk Gaians - Drake - 04-12-2009

Many barren planets are mined just fine without terraforming, and it seems like a waste of resources to terraform a planet just to mine it (robots work fine). Most planets up for terraforming (including Harris) don't have any nearby planets which they could affect. The Gaians don't seem to much care about where tax dollars are spent. And being violently opposed to doing something just because it's against 'nature's way' sounds very, very religious, in an extremist way.

Also, life flourishing is relative. Not talking about resort planets or sprawling forests or anything, but taking a barren, lifeless rock and turning it into someplace where microscopic life (and maybe even bugs) can live, with limited flora.

Let's talk Gaians - Primus Avatar - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:Many barren planets are mined just fine without terraforming, and it seems like a waste of resources to terraform a planet just to mine it (robots work fine). Most planets up for terraforming (including Harris) don't have any nearby planets which they could affect. The Gaians don't seem to much care about where tax dollars are spent. And being violently opposed to doing something just because it's against 'nature's way' sounds very, very religious, in an extremist way.

Also, life flourishing is relative. Not talking about resort planets or sprawling forests or anything, but taking a barren, lifeless rock and turning it into someplace where microscopic life (and maybe even bugs) can live, with limited flora.

Well if what you say is true, than why did they do it? Why spill so much blood?

I don't get it.

Let's talk Gaians - bluntpencil2001 - 04-12-2009

The Gaians aren't poor people, by and large, in my opinion. They source recruits from the better off areas in Bretonia, from what I gather.

Harris is planned to prevent famine in the future, instead of selling out Cambridge to Synth Foods, hurting farmers.

'Not getting it' is our position too, Balthazzar. We chalk them up as irrational human beings. After all, flying in space is unnatural too.

Let's talk Gaians - Primus Avatar - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:The Gaians aren't poor people, by and large, in my opinion. They source recruits from the better off areas in Bretonia, from what I gather.

Harris is planned to prevent famine in the future, instead of selling out Cambridge to Synth Foods, hurting farmers.

'Not getting it' is our position too, Balthazzar. We chalk them up as irrational human beings.

aye, if they are not-poor than it even makes less sense. Why would a rich bretonian want to be recruited by
a terrorist organization who operates as allies of poor&starving pirates such as corsairs.

i just cant bring myself to imagine an organization filled with paradox attributes, everything seems to contradict itself.