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[RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - Printable Version

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RE: [RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - Outlander Anerix - 07-13-2023

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering:
Proof of being at least neutral to [RM] and hostile to the faction(s) you intend to bounty:
[Image: 54444c252f533e135cbe9c8731431ee8.jpg]
PLEASE NOTE: if you wish to reach out to me heres my direct comm link:Anerix#7393

RE: [RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - Remember - 07-25-2023

[Image: Cain_incoming.png]

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering: Cain Beckett
Proof of being at least neutral to [RM] and hostile to the faction(s) you intend to bounty: If they are enemies of Rhineland, then they are going to be hunted.

[Image: CainRheinland.gif]

[Image: Cain_Ended.png]

RE: [RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - JadeTornado - 01-01-2024

If my eligibility has to be double checked, despite the board is open to the members of the Bounty Hunters Guild, so be it.

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering:
Proof of being at least neutral to [RM] and hostile to the faction(s) you intend to bounty:

RE: [RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - {Daumann Heavy Construction} - 05-03-2024

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering: Daumann Heavy Construction {DHC}
Proof of being at least neutral to [RM] and hostile to the faction(s) you intend to bounty: we build your ships. Hessians don't like us.

RE: [RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - Lea Kaufman - 11-22-2024

[Image: Tjquda6.png]

ID: Lea Kaufman

Recipient: Rheinland Military

Subject: Registration to the bounty board

Location: New Berlin

Guten abend,

My name is Lea Kaufman. I am an independent mercenary wishing to be registered so I can claim some bounties.


Transmission ended

RE: [RM] Bounty Boards Registration Form - Weiss Shipping - 01-24-2025

[Image: tlaRLQa.png]

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

We would like to submit our registration for Weiss Shipping, as per regulation.

Appended is the required form for our standings with the Rheinland Military, Government, and related parties:

Mit verbindlichen Grüßen,
CEO Franz Zimmer, Weiss Shipping