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Drunken Sailor - Printable Version

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RE: Drunken Sailor - Reeves - 03-28-2022

He frowned in response to that, not appreciating the snarl because he'd done nothing other than just silently watch the altercation. Despite the fact that verbally dismantling her for doing that would be entirely justified, he restrained himself. "I like you, and I do care about you a lot if that wasn't already clear. But I don't like being spoken to like that. Dumb kid, I get it. I'm not judging you for how you reacted. So let's just drop it and go, okay?" His tone implied that he absolutely didn't want to hear anything more on the subject, at least not in the way she'd chosen to bring it up, but he wasn't going to fight with her or scold her over it, opting to make his position clear with a mix of firmness and encouragement.

Waiting a second for her to either compose herself or make the mistake of blaming him for whatever reason, he soon turned in the direction of the bar they were heading to. It was up to her if she wanted to follow him or not, having made things a little uncomfortable for him. While he might have felt bad for having to be stern in response, which was clear from his posture, he knew he couldn't accept being disrespected like that from a position of principle. She certainly didn't tolerate him taking things for granted, so he shouldn't either.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Erremnart - 03-28-2022

Virginia watched his reaction and was ready for another fight - verbal or physical. Her eyes made that more than clear. Morreti's response made her even more alarmed and she folded her arms across her chest, "Fine.", ready to argue. The fact that Morreti decided to just walk off towards the pub took the wind out of her sails, after all she wasn't going to chase after him because of an argument. She knew the way home.

But as he walked away, the more professional part of her personality won out, and she turned on her heel and hurried after him to catch up. Her face still wore a somewhat annoyed expression, but this time she didn't look like she wanted to argue.

Virginia wasn't much for talking, and kept quiet on the way to the 'Bombshell' establishment. Her expression softened somewhat as they finally neared their destination and 'Bombshell' looked like one of the many Houston seed pubs she remembered. The sizzling neon lights over the otherwise nondescript entrance, the distant sound of loud music, and of course, there couldn't be a shortage of drunks and troublemakers smoking and arguing outside the entrance.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Reeves - 03-28-2022

He didn't show it, but her reaction just made him feel worse. At least when he'd been the one to make a mistake, he instantly conceded when it was pointed out to him. And in that particular circumstance, she'd softened a little despite having every right to continue verbally abusing him. It was disappointing to him that when the tables were turned, she felt entitled to behave the way she did, disregarding the more significant part of what he'd chosen to say. So when they arrived, bright neon lights washed over a dull face that seemed entirely uninterested with everything around him.

When they were inside, some people seemed to recognize him, while most didn't even know who he was. The few that did gave him nods, and for the sake of being polite, he offered a brief one in return. Without enthusiasm and purely out of necessity, his eyes scanned for free seats. And when he spotted a booth that just saw its patrons getting up to leave, he gestured for Belle to follow him there. It was clear he preferred to get seated first before seeing to drinks or anything else. But the more talkative version of himself that seemed to ring her bell hadn't followed them through the door, and at this point that much was clear.

When they sat, a woman came over to tend to their table and see what they wanted. "Welcome back, Commander. What'll it be?" Since he was the man at the table, of course the waitress defaulted to him. "A bottle of the good stuff, Darcy, thank you." His response, cordial as always, made the waitress smile. She offered Belle a brief glance, silently conveying approval to her for the fact that she wasn't being bought cheap drinks, assuming she was his date. With that second of lingering done with, she walked away from their table and approached the oasis of booze at the center of this place, going through the motions of getting what was asked for.

Morreti didn't seem to have much to say.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Erremnart - 03-28-2022

Virginia sat up and looked at the smiling attendant, "Good evening.", and turned her gaze to Morreti as she laid out her metal cigarette case and lighter on the table. Her body language and facial expressions already seemed relaxed by her standards, pissed off Virginia from the shuttle stop was gone, at least for now.

Opening the case with her her aromatic cigarettes, she lit up and took a long drag as she watched him, "I don't seem to know that much about you - I had no idea you'd be known so well in a place like this.". Virginia attempted to strike up a slightly more pleasant conversation while they waited for their drinks to be brought, "There's no point in filling you in on what it's like growing up on the streets of Houston, I'm sure you've heard it many times, but what it's like growing up in Manhattan with a silver spoon up in...", she paused for a second. She definitely meant to say the opposite end of a body than she finally said, but changed it at the last moment, "... in your mouth? Was I even right about first impressions being the most important thing in high society, or do shows from that background lie?".

RE: Drunken Sailor - Reeves - 03-28-2022

A shake of his head suggested that this wasn't the case, but it was more of an elaborate answer than expected. "No, but it's not for the reasons you've been spoonfed." It was a play on words given what she'd chosen to say, he had no problems jabbing back verbally if he needed to. "Time is money in high society, every minute you're spending trying to figure out if somebody's useful or not is a minute wasted. And if it takes too long to work out how somebody can be useful to you, then they aren't actually worth the time. There was always a preference for people who could simply demonstrate their abilities, because then the question was answered instantly." It was a purely practical way of people with ones associates and peers. It had nothing to do with pride or manners, those things didn't escalate profit margins. Having the skill to do your job and do it well was what people actually valued, politeness was just a nice ribbon for an already pretty little box. It also revealed that people from the walk of life he was from didn't view people as people, they were things, assets, to be used as is necessary.

"I hated my life there." It was obvious he meant that, she might have thought differently since he had every luxury at his disposal. But there was no point to any of that if your life was still ultimately being spent in a cage. Other people might have been content to accept that reality, since their confinement came with ample amenities, the fact they had swallowed the key was immaterial. He couldn't bring himself to accept that, not when the real lie being sold to him back then was that he had a life.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Erremnart - 03-28-2022

"Hm, credits are needed everywhere. Even on the streets, though you need to be respected there as well.", she shook her head and took a drag from her cigarette and knocked the ash into the ashtray, "What are we actually going to drink? Something stronger, I hope.". She was obviously serious about her goal of getting drunk and was not about to back down from it. After all, it was such a tradition to drink away battles with death-close situations, especially in personal battles. Up until now, she'd had vivid dreams of fighting for the bridge, and this was such a ritual to appease her inner demons.

"What is Admiral Knight actually like as a person?", curiosity took hold of her again as to what was actually going on around her, "I doubt you walk around her with a high collar, saluting and addressing her by rank." She added slightly amused as she scanned Morreti with her blue gaze, trying to imagine him as a starched dummy in uniform on the bridge of a battleship. Taking another drag from her cigarette she spoke again, "But I guess the capital ships will come in handy for the Free Republic, if you have a way to supply them.".

Virginia was taking quicker drags from her cigarette than usual, but after all it was not entirely uncommon for smokers to smoke more cigarettes than their usual daily average over a bottle of alcohol.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Reeves - 03-28-2022

Before he could answer her about what they'd be drinking, Darcy was back at their table. Wearing a polite smile, the same one as before. She had a tray, expertly balanced on just one hand, on top of it was a full sized bottle and two glasses for them to use. There was also a smaller container full of ice next to it, just in case they wanted to add any to their drinks. She placed the tray on the table for them, popped the bottle open as if she'd done this for years and then poured a serving for both of them. She slid one glass over to Morreti and nodded at him. "For the Commander." And soon after doing this she handed Belle her glass next. "For the Commander's date." Then finally she would leave them with the bottle at the center of the table.

Just before she could walk away from the table, Morreti handed her a credit chip, which caused her to pause and accept it before leaving. The fact he was courteous to the staff here was probably why he was given preferential treatment, that and of course the tips helped. The bottle they were left with seemed to be a top shelf brand of scotch, brewed in the year 798. Once Darcy was gone, he decided to answer that question he'd been asked. "I don't address her by anything most of the time. If I absolutely need to then I just use her name. She wears a nice face over a rigid and uptight interior, part of what the academy does. Figure she was an officer from the get-go, doesn't look like a cadet that rose through the ranks and had to get her nails dirty. Feels like there's this part of her that believes she's better than me and the people I represent." While not the sort of man for drinking, he did decide to try and just roll with it since the drinks were already here. It turned out to be quite the burn, but it was somehow smooth enough to manage.

"It's the case with most officers. They have this mindset that the people they serve are sometimes beneath them. That civilians are bothersome and don't understand the reality of things. But we're not the ones who made a living off of blind disobedience." That was quite the simplification of the military profession, but it also wasn't wrong in most cases. Serving people who couldn't do something themselves often resulted in a sense of superiority.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Erremnart - 03-28-2022

Virginia gave Darcy a nod of thanks and took her glass. She decided to pass over the remark about the Commander's date without further comments, she was not here to argue, she went here to get trashed.
She listened to Morreti talk about the officers and Admiral Knight for a moment, now and then snorting or smirking. She subjected the contents of her glass to a more thorough examination - examining the color of the scotch and taking a sniff.

She then raised her glass for a toast, "To the Liberty Free Republic! To the survivors and the memory of those who died for it!", she waited for them to clink their glasses before downing her glass in one go. However, Virginia was no seasoned drinker, but rather a holiday one with irregular strokes on the bar, so she immediately coughed lightly and patted her chest, "Strong drink.", she cursed softly and wiped the tears from her eyes.
However, this didn't stop her from pouring herself another drink and once she had calmed down, she took another drag from her cigarette as the quickly consumed alcohol was already turning her cheeks pink.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Reeves - 03-28-2022

He was doing his best to keep pace with her drinking, but he was going to end up in a veritable coma at that rate. So after a much longer break than her, he poured himself his second glass, having to intermittently clear his throat. For somebody that didn't drink often at all, he was holding his alcohol down quite well and keeping the coughing to a minimum.

"Going to ask me what I think of you?" He wondered how much she'd like to have the perception he aimed at Knight directed at her instead. It was easy enough to find it amusing when a smoking gun was pointed at somebody else, but not so much when you were on the wrong end of it. But then again, she was rather unpredictable, so she might even appreciate some harsh honesty. After all, she'd proved that he didn't need to even do anything to provoke a rash response from her.

The band that was currently on stage had finally stopped, after having played for the past few hours before Belle and Morreti arrived. They informed the people currently seated that they had just finished their last song for the night and were stepping off, but also that the next group were on their way.

RE: Drunken Sailor - Erremnart - 03-28-2022

Virginia took a sip from her glass of scotch and fixed her gaze on him again, but it was losing its 'edge' under the onslaught of alcohol. Her mind was no different, having put thinking on the back burner and so it took her a while to think of an answer. It was not helped by the fact that the bands on stage were changing and that was also distracting.

She slowly finished her first cigarette and took another sip from her glass, "So... let's see what you think of Captain Virginia Belle.". Shortly after, she leaned conspiratorially across the table and said quietly, "I think she acts like an insufferable b*tch sometimes.", before leaning back against her chair and fiddling with the lighter in her left hand.