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Affiliate: Kira Marks - Printable Version

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RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Killgarrn - 04-29-2022

I was passing through Inverness and ran into a bigger than a fighter Nomad. Here's some of the attached audio-logs, didn't get a clear visual since it was in the East Avlemore. It seemed kinda in a hurry. [Image: unknown.png]

- Affiliate Trigger

RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Kauket - 04-29-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: NqZ2nOf.png]



Their arrogance will not go unnoticed.

[Image: unknown.png]

Thank you for informing us. We will investigate these new incursions.

Rest assured, we will deal with them to ensure that they cannot disturb the residents of Inverness anymore.


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...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Kauket - 06-08-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]



There is a new task available for you, if you desire.

A transhumanist high society association is on the verge of setting up a tech show. The usual club meet up for the more introverted and the innovative to express their "high edge" interests. The usual elite societies.

They will need a drop off at Manhattan to refresh their augment supplies. Some, even expressed interest of coming to our homeworld in venture of exploring higher avenues.

Do you find yourself capable of delivering 1200 Units of Cyberware to Planet Manhattan in one piece, and picking up these 120 VIPs from Manhattan? The reward payout is 50,000,000 Sirian Credits. An assistant on the ground will help you with any offloading concerns. The coordinates will be sent when you have signed your interest.


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RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Killgarrn - 06-09-2022

Alright, sound easy enough. Here's the marked cyberstuff... Sooo, where am I supposed to meet these VIPs?

RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Kauket - 06-10-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Excellent work.

The coordinates in question are upon the "darker side" of Manhattan, transmitting...

39.212342001420424, -106.15816399505898.

You will need to arrange a passenger Freighter to head to the White Ridge District, you may know it as one of the many shady ports upon the Planet. The main atmospheric point of entry is usually taken from the back of the world - follow the neural markers across the globe, they will guide you to the District.

From there, you will meet one of our associates at the Starport, they will guide you to the pick up point.

Remember, you want to be discreet, so... Don't bring a large transport vessel, you'll draw too much attention from the authorities. Not that the Starport can support those larger vessels anyway.

Tell me when you're successful coming back, and provide an account for us to wire the reward to.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Killgarrn - 06-11-2022

Alright, here's the VIPs, freshly delivered and nobody is the wiser. Well, except them. And us. Also was nice being back in White Ridge. Not really.

Anyways wire the funds to Kira.Marks and everything'll be peachy.

RE: Affiliate: Kira Marks - Kauket - 06-11-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Very good, affiliate Trigger.

Your quick work is admirable, but there is more to be done. Namely within the Pennsylvania sector. Are you familiar with the "Pennsylvanian Re-emergence Front"? Are you familiar with their doctrine and ideology?

If you find yourself comfortable, there's a lot to be done against the Liberty Navy, and we cannot guarantee direct support there. It will be risky, but the price of freedom never has been a cheap one.

Note: Your payment has been authorised, disregard the display error, it should appropriately display as the previously discussed amount. Not to get your dreams up of the path to becoming a billionaire.

[Image: unknown.png]


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