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Death and "Self defense" - litlwicked - 04-16-2009

Quote:Well... We didnt actually want a fight...

is that why you PMed us then? to remind us that you DIDN'T want a fight?

Please explain 'Do you want a fight or not? now or never, just yes or no?' means then? Cuz i am thoroughly confused.

Death and "Self defense" - darthbeck - 04-16-2009

....... will someone please explain just what happoned?

Death and "Self defense" - lw'nafh - 04-16-2009

' Wrote:Kinda ironic considering myself and another Navy member destroyed your ship in New York twice and then you moved to California and engaged us there.

Geez. Why don't pirates take the hint and just leave:P
Meh? Atleast we put up a fight even when we are outnumbered!!!

Anyway... This is old... What happened happened.... I'm over it.

' Wrote:is that why you PMed us then? to remind us that you DIDN'T want a fight?

Please explain 'Do you want a fight or not? now or never, just yes or no?' means then? Cuz i am thoroughly confused.
And the fight at Housten we wanted... The the LABCs showed up so we backed off... So if that isnt sending a message I don't know what is... But as I said.... Im over it.

PS: Even though this all happened. It was still fun RPing with y'all! No hard feelings eh?

Death and "Self defense" - Xoria - 04-16-2009

Quote:5.6 If a player engages cruise engine or docks during a PvP fight, this player is considered fleeing. The fleeing player must leave and may not re-enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.

However, the fleeing player can re-engage at will if chased.

5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) while the enemy (player or players involved in the fight) remains in the system, but no more than 4 hours.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system without engaging. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

5.8 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not re-engage the enemy (player or players involved in the death) with any of the characters on his/her account(s) for 4 hours.
Quote:when you were killed - and your killer moves into your system, you must leave at once. - you cannot wait for him to force you out again... unless you are a trader in a transport / freighter.
otherwise a police char that killed a pirate in new york - and the pirate respawns in california - would have to fight and win against you in california again to force you out.
Wrong. The loser only has to leave the system in which he lost the fight. He can do whatever he wants in any other system, without regard to who else is in it, including the winner of the fight.
Quote:- which means, you... as a pirate could move from system to system - forcing the police to chase you all around and fight "for every single system"
That is exactly what the loser can do. No one ever has to leave a system unless you flee from a fight or lose a fight while in that system. The consequences of losing or fleeing do not apply to any system other than the one where you lost or fled.

Death and "Self defense" - sovereign - 04-16-2009

' Wrote:Wrong. The loser only has to leave the system in which he lost the fight. He can do whatever he wants in any other system, without regard to who else is in it, including the winner of the fight.
That is exactly what the loser can do. No one ever has to leave a system unless you flee from a fight or lose a fight while in that system. The consequences of losing or fleeing do not apply to any system other than the one where you lost or fled.

Just clarifying- Person A kills Person B in System X. Person B respawns and shuffles off to System Y. Person A ends up in System Y later. Person B does not have to leave System Y, as I understand from your post. However, if Person A and Person B end up in close proximity within 4 hours of first incident (due to, say, a disrupted tradelane or the like), Person B cannot engage Person A outside of self-defense- as in, Person A must drop their shields below half again or fire a cruise disrupter. That's still true, right? Beating someone out of a system only applies to the system the death occurred in, but re-engaging doesn't care about location? That was my interpretation, but I want to make sure I have it right.

Death and "Self defense" - Xoria - 04-16-2009

Thanks for reminding me why I hated algebra.

Sovereign's interpretation is correct.

What constitutes a re-engagement on the part of Person B may also be more than attacking Person A directly. Person B providing bots/bats or other tactical assistance to Person C who is fighting Person A before 4 hours have passed since the A-B fight concluded is also a re-engagement violation. In which case, Person B may find himself stripped of W, E, and C, and languishing in Place P for Time T, which falls somewhere between 0 and googleplex.

The moral of the story is : next time stick to metaphors instead of mathematics.

Death and "Self defense" - Jinx - 04-16-2009

now - that interpretation is truely amazingly interesting.

so when i was pirating in Leeds - the BAF comes in and kills me.... ( fighter vs. figher )

i can freely move to New London - and keep pirating just as long as they don t catch me. - so i can affect their RP heavily. - i can even log on a gunship - and make them either ... force to fly something that beats it, or simply leave me be, cause - even if i cannot attack them, they can only force me out by killing me again, - which is not so easy if it was one fighter killing me before while no other BAF was logged on.

/shrug - works for pirates, - a bugger for the police.

to affect RP ... but since you as an admin said it, i take it as true. - so in order to disband piracy by person A from the whole ZoI of person B ( police ) - person B has to kill person A in every system.

would ve been more logical if person A was simply not allowed to be where person B is for 4 hours. - in theory - rule 5.6 might cover that eventuality ... but it is that rule that says "should" and not "must".