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Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Stories and Biographies (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=56) +--- Thread: Freeport 12 A New Beginning (/showthread.php?tid=196867) Pages:
RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Whesto - 05-03-2023
Trex listened carefully but quietly, he was more of a soldier than a politician and was mindful not to step on any toes. His mind was, as per usual, set on risk assessment, problem-solving, intelligence gathering and combat. With this point of view he noted the plans and suggestions for Taurus vessels. He took a moment to reflect over his answer and replied to his CEO and Katashi. "It depends, I suppose. We have too look at the intended purpose when it comes to the Taurus. I think it is important to separate in-house business, such as the base movement and the border- and edge world business, to some extent. The retrofitted Taurus alongside normal ones, will work for the base movement. If needed we can complement this with other fighter vessels or even a Corvo or two if needed, which I doubt it is. So here the Taurus should be fine. If we are looking at the Border Worlds and Edge Worlds, you'll have to excuse my scepticism. Out there, as you are well aware, it is no mere lane pirates looking for a quick fee or sabotage of a transport. Here we are talking all sizes of vessels and numbers in groups, often in systems ridden with skirmishes and attrition. Whole bases are being sieged or destroyed. Add the Nomad threat to this and I hope my point of view is understandable. The choice of the Taurus to me is surprising here. I wouldn't mind hearing your thought process surrounding this decision and I'm humble to the fact I do not have knowledge of all your plans and preparations. Why was it chosen over other vessels in the Super Heavy Fighter class? Allow me to demonstrate. Trex brought up vessel schematics and statistics on his data pad as he was explaining. If we look at your own vessel in the same class, the Osprey or the open license Spatial. Then the Taurus is able to fit a decent shield, its armaments comes down to preference. Then after that it is inferior in several areas such as in hull strength, amount of nanobots and shield batteries, it has half the power output, give or take, and a lower power regeneration. I do apologize if I come down as blunt, I merely look at it in a security essence, numbers and experience. If we are to combine with the Taurus in the Omicrons, with your decision, I will respect that decision. It will affect the level of security, is what I am advising. So that you can make as an informed decision as possible. The Taurus is not made for the Omicrons, on the other hand Zoners do have an advantage of neutrality and diplomacy out there. From my end however, defending convoys and guarding Delta Research Station will need vessels fit for the Edge Worlds. Such as Zoner fighters and capital class vessels, for example. Reaching a deal with The Core is another". Trex paused, looked at everyone in the room and nodded slightly and slowly sat down, almost excusing himself. He took a deep breath. The only answer to his question so far, of what the Zoners had available in terms of vessels, was the Taurus. There were also no mention of his inquiry of assisting in his contact with Zoners in the Omicrons, concerning the Bustard. He realized he was getting a bit passionate and told himself to be patient. He advised concerning security, now he trusted the leaders to consider it and take it into account with all the other aspects. Trex respected that fact and calmed down again. RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Takeo Katashi - 05-04-2023 Takeo Katashi
<Katashi requests permission to interject his comments on the conversation by way of softly clearing his throat as he stands and bows his head slightly to Mr. Trex .> "Forgive the intrusion, but I would have to agree with Mr. Trex regarding the Taurus as a security ship. It's armor is significantly less than both the Spatial, and say the Obsidian, being considered the paragon of fighters by many. Which I might also mention <while looking at Mr. Dante briefly> is an OS&C ship. This may indeed make it unsuitable for duty in the wild edges of Sirius. While it has significant armaments and better agility than both of the other ships I mentioned, it's ability to take the punishment that it might have to endure in, say, the Omicrons, would be lacking. I am Glad however, Mr Trex, that you mentioned the Spatial. It has an gun and armor complement that I would consider quite capable in the areas that you mention as the most perilous. Not only does it have considerable strong armor, it also has the ability to accept up to a Heavy Armor Upgrade which would triple it's base armor, although it would be rather costly. However, in combination with it's 2 class 8 guns, 4 class 9 guns, 3 fighter turrets in adition to torpedoes or missiles plus Mines, it would not take long for such a group of escort ships to develop a reputation of ships not to be trifled with. In concert with the Frigates that we already possess and the Tauruses available as fighter/bomber cover if needed, we could travel with confidence most anywhere, in my opinion. Additionally, the Spatial is capable of mounting a Hyperspace beacon, which would allow us to request assistance from jump-capable ships in a tight spot. <Katashi again nods politely as he takes his seat.> Thank You, Mr. Trex. RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - All Worlds - 05-04-2023
It is Don that now raises his hand while beginning to speak in short order after Takeo Katashi. "I have noted we have not yet commented further on Mr. Praetor's inquiry on potential Zoner referral to contacts on Corfu Base or Livadia Shipyard for our acquisition of the Bustard Liner for his FIREBRAND initiative. " "Does your group have some sway with these locations to ease the process of adding another of these vessels to our Interspace fleet?" Don relaxes back into the chair, letting the question be absorbed by the group for follow-up. RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Zoners of Galileo - 05-09-2023 ![]() FREEPORT 12 A NEW BEGINNING Leon clasps his hands together very forcefully and rise from his seat. Well, I seems that we have been ironing out some very important issues and some very good ideas so far. Takashi has initiated some aspect of moving your base and has come up with some good points, and also the security issue will be planned for the movement of the base and will need alot of resources. Also Praetor's enquiry about the Bustard is very relevant, and I can assure you I will do all I can to sway this additional acquisition of another Bustard, which to me should not be a problem, you can leave that with me. It seems that our organisations can definately work together and make a very long and prosperous relationship, which will hopefully last for years to come. Now gentlemen, we should suspend our meeting and make sure that we have ironed everything out in private, and if there is more to come we can reconviene and continue. Leon shakes hands with everyone and pats his team members on the back in a way of celebrating their newly found friends. They all make their way to the Casino bar which is partly open just for the occasion. RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Mr.Jamison - 05-10-2023 While sitting at the bar, Mr. Jamison notices a large group of executive-looking persons entering the establishment. Looking down at his relatively shabby attire, he says to himself, "Maybe I'd best keep to myself today, I look like a sheep farmer." And takes another solid hit from his double bourbon. RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Takeo Katashi - 05-10-2023 Takeo Katashi
<Upon entering the Bar, Katashi scans the faces present to locate The Senior AWES representative, and upon seeing Don Vega, he straightens his Tie and strides in Mr.Vega's direction. As he approaches, Mr.Vega meets his gaze, at which Katashi stops at a respectful distance of 2 meters, smiles at him with a slight bow, then approaches.> "Mr. Vega, if I may, I would like to request a meeting between myself and my engineering staff and that of AWES to discuss the logistics and technical planning regarding your impending base movement. My understanding has been that AWES would like to proceed with this activity post haste. As such, I have already dispatched our Telemetry and Gravimetrics Shuttle to begin the preliminary scans of the systems through which such a movement would most likely occur so that we could begin to work out the finer detail while having some necessary data. We could convene such a meeting at a mutually convenient location. Say, Newark Station perhaps? RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - All Worlds - 05-12-2023
Before answering Mr. Katashi's query, Don politely holds up his hand to indicate a 'pause' prior to his response and gestures to Ms. de Vados to quickly join them. As luck would have it, she was close enough to be aware she was being sought out and promptly nears the two in discussion. "Eylon, Mr. Katashi is seeking to advance our move project as he and his team are available to assist. We should advise Victor to contact him before Mr. Katashi's schedule gets busy with other projects. They'd prefer to schedule a meeting on Newark Station, so let's have Victor meet him there. Can you please relay the message to Victor and his team asap?" Ms. de Vados nods in affirmation and proceeds elsewhere to get the communication underway. "Mr. Katashi, you have no idea how much we appreciate your assistance with this project. It has extremely important benefits both in the near term with our trading opportunities with the Zoners of Galileo as well as other factions, and the Liberty itself in the long term, although that discussion is for another time." "Victor is an extremely sharp individual who whipped our prior Racing Enterprises in Dublin into operation in no time at all. His dedication to his projects is truly awe-inspiring. We are glad to have him with our organization, and I'm sure you both will work well together, especially given your expertise and his eagerness to learn the material." "He will reach out shortly to confirm your meeting and planning can proceed quickly, as we'd hope it could. I'm pleased to hear as well your initiative to begin data scans of the potential flight paths in anticipation of the first planning session - Victor will love that too, I guarantee it." RE: Freeport 12 A New Beginning - Takeo Katashi - 05-13-2023 Takeo Katashi
<Katashi smiles broadly at Don Vega's eager response, and bows slightly upon hearing his praises of his staff's initial efforts..> "Yes, Mr. Vega. We are also looking very much forward to meeting both your staff and the challenges that lie ahead. We hope too, that this is the beginning of many more such cooperative enterprises between our groups." I will be humbled to hear from your talented director and feel great anticipation toward beginning this project." <Katashi bows slightly with a smile while taking a step back, then turns to walk away.> |