RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 09-25-2023
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From: John Connasby, Executive Officer of the Dolaucothi
To: RPA Command & Minister J. Burns
Subject: Logistics & Maltese Visitors.
Evening Commanders, & Minister Burns.
Connasby here, reporting in, Dolaucothi just got done running the fields for a bit. Three solid trips, totalling 8,235 units of Hegemon purified Gold Ore.
Asides that, we had a couple of Outcasts show up at Cinnacht, both in strike craft. They chatted a bit, brought up some trade things... I don't know, i'm just a miner, we chatted for a bit and went our seperate ways.
I've attached the logs below, along with the Connacht gold level.
Right, uh, thats me. This net stuff isn't my docket normally.
Connasby signing off.
Code: [24.09.2023 23:24:22] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: CO: Uh, Got something on scans... Looks like a... Outcast...?
[24.09.2023 23:24:29] Cimitarra: I will make a wild guess and assume you're from this so-called "Republican Provisional Assembly".
[24.09.2023 23:25:07] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: CO: [Some background chatter, briefly.] Affirmative, Outcast. May i inquire as to your presence here?
[24.09.2023 23:25:31] Cimitarra: Some tourism, checking our far neighbours here and there.
[24.09.2023 23:25:47] Cimitarra: I can see you're doing pretty good for yourselves, albeit the corsairs sure seem a pest.
[24.09.2023 23:26:33] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: CO: The Assembly is doing well at getting the movement back organised... As for the Corsairs, bah. They're a nuisance.
[24.09.2023 23:26:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Though a quiet one as of late.
[24.09.2023 23:27:07] Cimitarra: Well I'd say they're still a common sight around here.
[24.09.2023 23:27:24] Cimitarra: Not only that, but I even saw a squid some days ago.
[24.09.2023 23:27:58] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Common enough, thats true. Though the larger raids have petered out to a rare occurance... Couldn't say about the uh... Squids.
[24.09.2023 23:28:25] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Don't seem to show up in Bretonia, and we don't venture the Tau's too much.
[24.09.2023 23:28:25] Cimitarra: It didn't seem to cause some trouble though, likely it was heading towards the Omegas.
[24.09.2023 23:28:29] Cimitarra: Still a concerning sight.
[24.09.2023 23:28:59] Cimitarra: Anyhow, would the RPA be interested in making some deals with a few folks from Malta?
[24.09.2023 23:29:17] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Can't say its been high on the list...
[24.09.2023 23:29:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: But i'm sure the Assembly's leadership wouldn't be against talking it over.
[24.09.2023 23:29:41] Cimitarra: Well consider it an unplanned offer.
[24.09.2023 23:29:56] Cimitarra: I saw one of your suppliers earlier.
[24.09.2023 23:30:13] Cimitarra: I asked him to check out that base, Goldgeist, by the mining field.
[24.09.2023 23:30:30] Cimitarra: It seems they're looking to sell gold at 2,500 bucks per unit.
[24.09.2023 23:30:41] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: That bloody cursed base. We'll deal with them eventually.
[24.09.2023 23:30:44] Cimitarra: Or wait, nah, it was 2,200.
[24.09.2023 23:30:58] Cimitarra: I expected as much, but hear me out.
[24.09.2023 23:31:07] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Guess they're trying to undercut us. Not surprirsing.
[24.09.2023 23:31:16] Cimitarra: You should get some folks docking by and grabbing the gold.
[24.09.2023 23:31:33] Cimitarra: Then stock Connacht which sells at 2,500.
[24.09.2023 23:31:48] Cimitarra: Just an idea.
[24.09.2023 23:32:14] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Heh, bloody underhanded one at that. But you're right. Maybe some of our unaffiliated friends might be willing to indulge.
[24.09.2023 23:32:27] Cimitarra: !
[24.09.2023 23:32:49] Cimitarra: See how long they take until they find out why their stock gets dry so often.
[24.09.2023 23:33:21] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Most of their miners already seem to have abandoned the system out of concern of the increased presence of our ships.
[24.09.2023 23:33:51] Cimitarra: I caught two freelancer miners just today by the way.
[24.09.2023 23:33:59] Cimitarra: One of them got killed for testing my patience.
[24.09.2023 23:34:33] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Eh. Can't say it's the first time i've heard that happening.
[24.09.2023 23:34:41] Cimitarra: Sure won't be the last,
[24.09.2023 23:34:51] Cimitarra: Name's DanielBoone, by the way.
[24.09.2023 23:34:56] Cimitarra: Serenity transport.
[24.09.2023 23:35:04] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Some bloody Bowex recently got caught by one of our ships.
[24.09.2023 23:35:08] Cimitarra: If your folks see it, don't expect any sort of reason out of him.
[24.09.2023 23:35:12] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: The man flew into the bloody sun!
[24.09.2023 23:35:20] Cimitarra: That's a new one.
[24.09.2023 23:35:27] Cimitarra: He did it on purpose?
[24.09.2023 23:35:47] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Seemed like it. Don't know what the corporate types are doing to their bloody workers these days to elicit that response.
[24.09.2023 23:36:32] Cimitarra: They're basically slaves at this point.
[24.09.2023 23:36:40] Cimitarra: So it's unsurprising they'd choose to kill themselves.
[24.09.2023 23:37:14] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well... more people rise up out of places like Spargue every week. We'll push them back eventually... Sooner than they think.
[24.09.2023 23:37:15] Cimitarra: Looks like the Starfleet decided to come by and pay a visit as well.
[24.09.2023 23:37:26] HS>Resurreccion: Saludos.
[24.09.2023 23:37:32] Cimitarra: Hail.
[24.09.2023 23:37:34] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Evenin' Outcast.
[24.09.2023 23:38:35] Cimitarra: If we get some deals going on, we may even send some of our ships to keep unwanted attention out, who knows.
[24.09.2023 23:38:41] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Guess word of our work really must be spreading, getting multiple outcasts wandering on down here.
[24.09.2023 23:39:05] HS>Resurreccion: Other Outcasts have wandered down as well?
[24.09.2023 23:39:11] Cimitarra: He's referring to me.
[24.09.2023 23:39:49] Cimitarra: I've been checking the place for a while now.
[24.09.2023 23:40:01] HS>Resurreccion: Mmm... I see.
[24.09.2023 23:40:13] HS>Resurreccion: Unfortunate, but. Not unsurprising.
[24.09.2023 23:40:32] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well. I don't know what talk the bosses might feel like having. Be honest i don't think they'll be too interested in the, uh...
[24.09.2023 23:40:40] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: *Typical* Outcast trade.
[24.09.2023 23:40:49] Cimitarra: That's no problem from me.
[24.09.2023 23:41:04] Cimitarra: I very much assumed cardamine wasn't your thing.
[24.09.2023 23:41:44] Cimitarra: Still, we can get stuff moving and I've been looking for more incomes other than cardamine as of late.
[24.09.2023 23:43:11] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: But as it stands we've got no fight with the people of Malta, so won't be any issues if any of you want to stop around.
[24.09.2023 23:43:27] Cimitarra: Sure thing.
[24.09.2023 23:43:45] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: And if some Corsairs end up dusted as a result, well, more power to you.
[24.09.2023 23:44:03] HS>Resurreccion: The last group we ran into didn't want us to stick around.
[24.09.2023 23:44:14] HS>Resurreccion: How much weight do you have around here.
[24.09.2023 23:44:24] Cimitarra: Who was that?
[24.09.2023 23:44:56] HS>Resurreccion: Not sure. Some other subcell of the Molly's.
[24.09.2023 23:44:57] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Assembly doesn't run the whole movement. But we can pull some weight with the independent Mollys. But they're always able to-
[24.09.2023 23:45:04] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: -ignore us and do their own thing.
[24.09.2023 23:45:25] Cimitarra: Well I'm sure they won't see it much of a problem if we bring something on the table.
[24.09.2023 23:45:27] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Theres at least one other active group, a minor group of... Ah... *Particularly enthusiastic*? Mollys?
[24.09.2023 23:45:32] Cimitarra: So in that regard, it's understandable.
[24.09.2023 23:45:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Wrangling the Rager's has been a bit of a task...
[24.09.2023 23:46:19] HS>Resurreccion: If you ever need a hand up to get ahead, talk to us.
[24.09.2023 23:46:33] HS>Resurreccion: As I'm sure Cimitarra already mentioned
[24.09.2023 23:46:57] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: They're a pretty minor band though. So long as you're not bringing Cardamine down into our territory we shouldn't have issues.
[24.09.2023 23:47:01] Cimitarra: Yup, if there's some deal out of it, I could tell my boys to come by and offer assistance keeping the place clean.
[24.09.2023 23:47:19] Cimitarra: I hear ya, no cardamine.
[24.09.2023 23:47:20] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well, i'll pass that up to the Chancellor, and i imagine he'll get in touch when he can.
[24.09.2023 23:47:46] Cimitarra: Good, he can contact Ivan Gutierrez for any inquiries.
[24.09.2023 23:48:52] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: I'll pass that along. I'm sure we could work something out.
[24.09.2023 23:49:26] Cimitarra: Cool.
[24.09.2023 23:49:32] Cimitarra: Anyhow, I won't bother you any further.
[24.09.2023 23:49:33] HS>Resurreccion: Do you ever deal in anything besides Gold?
[24.09.2023 23:50:10] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: We don't export much else personally. But we've got access to a few extra markets, like the Sirius Coalition.
[24.09.2023 23:50:27] HS>Resurreccion: Mmm...
[24.09.2023 23:50:30] HS>Resurreccion: Anyone else?
[24.09.2023 23:50:40] Cimitarra: The Hessians I can gues.
[24.09.2023 23:50:43] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: So we sometimes act as middle distributors of goods originating from the Coalition, Hessians.
[24.09.2023 23:50:53] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: It's not come up, but we do have clean access to Gallia and Kusari markets as well.
[24.09.2023 23:51:08] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Liberty and Rheinland don't like us, but Kusari and Gallia don't bother our transports.
[24.09.2023 23:51:39] HS>Resurreccion: Intriguing.
[24.09.2023 23:51:41] Cimitarra: Also the large portion of Bretonian black market is under Mollys control.
[24.09.2023 23:52:11] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Lot of goods do pass through the Hood as well, which is IMG territory, but we use it as a mid point as wel.
[24.09.2023 23:52:30] Cimitarra: Those miners have been a nuisance on the Taus for the last decades.
[24.09.2023 23:52:45] Cimitarra: Doubt we're welcomed there, anyways.
[24.09.2023 23:52:59] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: So, aye. While we personally only really deal in Gold, we can get access to plenty other markets if it interests.
[24.09.2023 23:53:03] Cimitarra: But if your folks act as middle-man, then that's all we need.
[24.09.2023 23:54:21] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Asides that, Outcast ships are free to take avantage of our civil depot here regardless of anything else.
[24.09.2023 23:54:50] HS>Resurreccion: How well has the Blessing been recieved among southern Sirius?
[24.09.2023 23:55:00] HS>Resurreccion: I rarely hear of them.
[24.09.2023 23:55:55] HS>Resurreccion: Mm?
[24.09.2023 23:56:12] Cimitarra: Cardamine's not very popular on the Omegas.
[24.09.2023 23:56:23] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Couldn't tell you how wel it goes in most of central Bretonia myself.
[24.09.2023 23:56:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: I'm sure plenty of aristocratic prats have nothing better to do with their money though.
[24.09.2023 23:56:51] HS>Resurreccion: Shame.
[24.09.2023 23:57:01] Cimitarra: They spend it with Gallic souvenirs.
[24.09.2023 23:57:05] HS>Resurreccion: At least one day they will all grow to love it.
[24.09.2023 23:57:19] Cimitarra: Kind of ambitious.
[24.09.2023 23:58:15] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Ah, well, thats your business.
[24.09.2023 23:58:21] HS>Resurreccion: Regardless.
[24.09.2023 23:58:34] HS>Resurreccion: Do any other commodities go well here?
[24.09.2023 23:59:34] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well, any form of armaments and munitions are always welcome. Preferably off-grid ones.
[25.09.2023 00:00:37] Cimitarra: Fetching guns and ammo from Detroit wouldn't be much of a problem.
[25.09.2023 00:01:32] HS>Resurreccion: Alternatively, we could probably scrounge up some more...
[25.09.2023 00:01:37] HS>Resurreccion: exotic weaponry
[25.09.2023 00:02:16] HS>Resurreccion: Perhaps some unregulated edge worlds black market arms might sell well, then?
[25.09.2023 00:02:31] Cimitarra: Oh yeah, that's also good stuff.
[25.09.2023 00:02:32] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: We've had a couple of dealings for some of that Omicron type stuff, or other more high grade arms. Rare though.
[25.09.2023 00:02:41] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Can be hard for most people to get ahold of it.
[25.09.2023 00:03:30] HS>Resurreccion: Interesting.
[25.09.2023 00:04:40] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Either way, we can always find the credits to front for weapons. And if things keep at their current rate, Connacht should-
[25.09.2023 00:04:58] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: -always be stocked with gold to be taken back up north-sirius way.
[25.09.2023 00:05:23] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: If its not, well. Send us a message and we'll get that fixed.
[25.09.2023 00:07:57] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Anyway, aye, apologies, but we've gotta get moving. Somebodies got to keep this place supplied.
[25.09.2023 00:08:18] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Well. Till Bretonia decides to try and blow it up at least. Heh.
[25.09.2023 00:08:23] Cimitarra: Sure mate, no worries.
[25.09.2023 00:08:31] HS>Resurreccion: Good day.
[25.09.2023 00:08:39] RPA|PRS-Dolaucothi: Safe flights, Outcasts.
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Nika - 09-25-2023
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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Your friendly neighborhood Jill
To: The Kin
Subject: The return, testing the waters
My friends,
It's been unjustly long since I've breather the air of freedom... or fresh air for that matter, after the stuffy interiors of Rogues base. The landscape of Dublin and Bretonia appeals to me much more compared to the scenery of Liberty. I have had plenty of time to take in the sights of Bretonia's stellar landscape - and encounters with the people were just as pleasant as the sights. In New London, a convoy of Daumann large transports had the misfortune of being stopped at a lane intersection by yours truly. After indulging in short conversation, a deal of some benefits for both have been made, and we've peacefully parted ways.
Later, as my leisuery flight proceeded to Poole and then Omega 3, accompanied by Lewyn Yarwood, a Corsair passenger liner have been tracked down moored to the Freeport One - much to our surprise, the Deterrence is also running passenger flights that are not human trafficking; it, besides, turned out to be more cultured than expected and made a hefty contribution to the Assembly's cause for a total of sixteen million credits split between me and Lewyn equally, so it was decided to let such a miracle carry on as it went.
I understand that having a Gaul calling you friends, comrades and kin is bewildering but I was never part of Charles' genocide practices and imperial ambitions. It's my hope I can work together with you towards your goal again, like I used to in the past. I hope to see you all in space.
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 09-28-2023
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From: Lewys Yarwood
To: Kin
Subject: Lost Pony.
Just ran out on patrol. Found a BMM transport out there on its lonesome, looking for somewhere to buy g old i think...
I know, its soppy of me, but the men were unarmed and had an empty hold. Had a bit of a chat, they seemed dissatisfied, but stuck in their job, you know the drill...
Let him go with a wave, didn't feel free to risk their lives just to put holes in a transport, sorry O'Sullivan, i know, you'd rather we waste them all and call it a day...
Logs attached, as usual.
Lewys signing off.
Code: [28.09.2023 10:00:12] Shetland: "nazal voice" Hello there
[28.09.2023 10:00:41] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Evenin' [Brief pause, sound of the pilot hitting his dash] Stupid ship...
[28.09.2023 10:01:12] Shetland: Hard working I see
[28.09.2023 10:01:16] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: BMM transport out here on its lonesome? Bit odd.
[28.09.2023 10:01:36] Shetland: Wha? You see us in packs or couples?
[28.09.2023 10:01:47] Shetland: Might you know some guys who can fence some ore?
[28.09.2023 10:02:06] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Sadly not. Just find it odd that they still don't send escorts out here....
[28.09.2023 10:02:20] Shetland: What that?
[28.09.2023 10:02:23] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Hah, well, our own base sells, but it doesn't allow BMM tagged ships to dock.
[28.09.2023 10:02:24] Shetland: "Escort"
[28.09.2023 10:02:30] Shetland: Some sort of gallic snail?
[28.09.2023 10:02:57] Shetland: Ugh... you got a problem with the corporation, but you take it on the little guys...
[28.09.2023 10:03:15] Shetland: Yah kna, we just pilots and haulers makin a livin
[28.09.2023 10:03:27] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Heh, well, the big men don't come down here much. For what its worth, we do try and pick up pods and return them home...
[28.09.2023 10:03:42] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Nothing personal. But, ah, i'm not in the mood for it and you're empty and causing no harm, so.
[28.09.2023 10:03:52] Shetland: Not some fancy arsed CEO sippin gin and callin bets
[28.09.2023 10:04:05] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: If only that lot would come down here, eh?
[28.09.2023 10:04:37] Shetland: Or let us up their floor a bit for a friendly chat
[28.09.2023 10:04:48] Shetland: 'bout the ships, rations, pay
[28.09.2023 10:04:51] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Aye, wouldn't that be nice...
[28.09.2023 10:04:58] Shetland: 'dat sorta a thing
[28.09.2023 10:05:01] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Ah, well. If you ever get the chance i
[28.09.2023 10:05:30] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: i'd say you and your crew should jump ship and go freelance, maybe sign on with the IMG, eh? Heh, then you'd be able to buy at-
[28.09.2023 10:05:34] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: -our bases. Heh.
[28.09.2023 10:05:46] Shetland: 'nd yah don't know... ah don't know bout that
[28.09.2023 10:05:59] Shetland: Some got credits, others got kids
[28.09.2023 10:06:06] Shetland: Mouths to feed
[28.09.2023 10:06:13] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Aye, never just that easy is it, unfortunantly.
[28.09.2023 10:06:20] Shetland: Meh, back to trading gin.
[28.09.2023 10:06:24] Shetland: Nice chat, imma be off
[28.09.2023 10:06:40] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Aye, safe flight, careful flying about here now. Some of the Molly Kin ain't so friendly.
[28.09.2023 10:06:42] Shetland: Friendly chaps you lot
[28.09.2023 10:06:50] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Heh, RPA try to be.
[28.09.2023 10:06:56] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Safe Journey lads.
[28.09.2023 10:07:00] Shetland: I'll remember Lewys Yarwood said yer nice
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 10-01-2023
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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Camille O'Reilly
To: Adm. O'Sullivan, CC: Cdr. Wynne, Cdr. Harris
Subject: Combat Patrol
Afternoon, Admiral. Banshee Actual reporting in.
Just this morning, I was going to hold a training exercise with the rest of Banshee Squadron, but got roped into a patrol by Commander Wynne.
It started unremarkable. We'd spotted a shady Junker frigate full of Cardamine in Newcastle. Then we'd met an Outcast Storta-class destroyer in Leeds near Halifax, designation 'Amalfi'. That's a little more unusual. Amalfi's CO engaged us in talks, but conversation got interrupted when some Corsair raiders showed up, of the 'Brotherhood' and 'Sails' crews. I attempted to drive them off, engaging the Brotherhood fighter in a duel, but ultimately our formation had to withdraw and call for reinforcements.
After returning to Dublin, there was a disturbance by the Poole jump hole. Another band of Corsairs, this one called 'Deterrence', entered our system. I counted three bombers and engaged the intruders. But of course, you already know about that - your ship provided backup in that engagement. Us two sure sent those buggers packing for daring to get so close to Arranmore.
Meanwhile, one of our kin, callsign 'Lusk', responded to the Leeds situation and reported two Corsair fighters downed and one Bounty Hunter driven off.
Not sure what happened to the Maltese ship, but presumably it slipped away.
Banshee Actual out.
Code: [01.10.2023 11:49:29] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Oh, don't we know it. Heh. So, what brings you down this way? Not the first outcast we've seen here recently.
[01.10.2023 11:49:41] Amalfi: CO: They are more than welcome to spar with my distant, less refined cousins to the south.
[01.10.2023 11:49:44] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Banshee Actual to Ystwyth. I think I see something in the smog.
[01.10.2023 11:50:08] RPA|PRW-Ystwyth: Wynne: Copy that, Banshee. We read. Leaving the situation under Yarwood's control.
[01.10.2023 11:50:17] Amalfi: CO: What brings us in here? Our trade interests, of course.
[01.10.2023 11:50:40] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Oh, hey Yarwood. Bugger me, is that a Storta?
[01.10.2023 11:50:50] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: That figures. What else would bring the Maltese anywhere i suppose.
[01.10.2023 11:51:17] Amalfi: CO: Well, to be fair, there were some attempts of imperialism among my peers.
[01.10.2023 11:51:18] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Apparantly it is Banshee. Trust me, i'm just as surprised.
[01.10.2023 11:51:39] Amalfi: CO: Yet, those times have long passed.
[01.10.2023 11:52:37] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Not a common sight around these parts.
[01.10.2023 11:52:51] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Ah, well. Suppose every group has its moments and has a crack at others more direclty.
[01.10.2023 11:53:11] Amalfi: CO: You must be the Republicans one of your peers have been talking recently.
[01.10.2023 11:53:29] Amalfi: //* talking about recently.
[01.10.2023 11:53:53] RPA|PRW-Ystwyth: Wynne: Word does indeed travel then?
[01.10.2023 11:54:03] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Aye, thats us. Republican Provisional Assembly. Been getting things rolling good and fine in Dublin again...
[01.10.2023 11:54:51] Amalfi: CO: So I have heard.
[01.10.2023 11:55:33] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: The Crownies have been oddly passive lately.
[01.10.2023 11:55:44] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Must be having a lot on their plate, eh?
[01.10.2023 11:55:59] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Just a touch.
[01.10.2023 11:56:08] Amalfi: CO: Unfortunately, aside for limited quantities of your gold, Dublin is not exactly in our sights.
[01.10.2023 11:56:31] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Tell that to the Corsairs.
[01.10.2023 11:56:45] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Ah, well, no offense, but given the Outcasts normal trade business, we'll shed no tears over that.
[01.10.2023 11:56:52] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Maybe they can bugger off back to Crete when they realise they're not welcome.
[01.10.2023 11:56:57] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Ports are open for gold trade regardless for your ships though.
[01.10.2023 11:57:36] Amalfi: CO: Unfortunately for you, my distant cousins are set for building and expanding their Empire.
[01.10.2023 11:57:55] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: So I've heard.
[01.10.2023 11:57:59] Amalfi: CO: They cannot stop as they would collapse otherwise.
[01.10.2023 11:58:13] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Yea, well, the Cretan's can barely get anything more than raiders past the Coalition and Hessians, so i'm not exactly worried.
[01.10.2023 11:58:37] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: You should be.
[01.10.2023 11:59:03] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: They've friends in Bretonia, you know.
[01.10.2023 11:59:15] Amalfi: CO: I am aware - the Gaians.
[01.10.2023 11:59:24] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Aye.
[01.10.2023 11:59:26] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Bah, that relationship is *complicated*.
[01.10.2023 11:59:54] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Gaians don't have any organisation worth a damn, individual pilots cant agree if they need to shoot us or give us their credits
[01.10.2023 12:00:09] Amalfi: CO: I had few discussions with them in the past.
[01.10.2023 12:00:36] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Bloody Gaians. How do they justify aligning with raiders who would conquer and despoil Cambridge if they got the chance?
[01.10.2023 12:00:38] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Eh?
[01.10.2023 12:00:46] Amalfi: CO: They cannot.
[01.10.2023 12:01:13] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: That's what I've been saying.
[01.10.2023 12:01:18] Amalfi: CO: The Corsairs would even take Gaia if they could their hands on it.
[01.10.2023 12:01:18] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Don't think theres much thinking in it. For a group of university egg-heads they don't seem to care for what the-
[01.10.2023 12:01:28] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: -Corsairs would do to their precious world.
[01.10.2023 12:01:44] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: It'd be far bloody worse than anything the Crown wanted to do, thats for sure.
[01.10.2023 12:01:53] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: But the Chancellor's intent on playing nice with them, for some reason.
[01.10.2023 12:02:36] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Cause the jumped up university students aren't worth our bloody time, and some of then will hand over their credits for gold.
[01.10.2023 12:02:49] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Aye.
[01.10.2023 12:02:50] Nina.Rodriguez[TBH]: Mierda.
[01.10.2023 12:02:53] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Hi.
[01.10.2023 12:03:05] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Speaking of Cretans.
[01.10.2023 12:03:07] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Well, speak of the devil.
[01.10.2023 12:03:08] Amalfi: CO: Speaking of my degenerated cousins, one is right here.
[01.10.2023 12:03:36] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: You've been hiding on Halifax this whole time? Eh?
[01.10.2023 12:03:54] RPA|PRW-Ystwyth: Wynne: An adequate place to hide, might I say.
[01.10.2023 12:03:57] Nina.Rodriguez[TBH]: Just taking a break from a certain degenerate group.
[01.10.2023 12:04:04] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Hah, like Halifax has the ability to have standards. They can't judge, the place is falling apart as fast as they build it.
[01.10.2023 12:04:44] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Permission to engage this intruder?
[01.10.2023 12:05:00] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Ah, leave them for the moment. Freeport rules and all that.
[01.10.2023 12:05:09] RPA|PRW-Ystwyth: Wynne: Granted, provided the use of munitions is kept away from the station.
[01.10.2023 12:05:26] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Uh... Banshee Actual standing down due to conflict orders, sir.
[01.10.2023 12:05:27] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Not that we've that much mind to care for the Zoners, but Halifax is a good transfer point. Don't ipss off the adminsitrators.
[01.10.2023 12:05:38] RPA|PRW-Ystwyth: Wynne: Lewys, NFZ rules do not apply to a Freelancer installation.
[01.10.2023 12:05:50] Amalfi: CO: That is wise. Halifax does not need much in order to fall apart.
[01.10.2023 12:06:16] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: [Subdued mumbling.] Bah. Wynne's got authority Banshee.
[01.10.2023 12:06:41] Nina.Rodriguez[TBH]: You are free to try, but know I won't be an easy target.
[01.10.2023 12:07:07] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Roger that. Moving to intercept.
[01.10.2023 12:07:15] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Weapons free!
[01.10.2023 12:07:20] Nina.Rodriguez[TBH]: Eh... good enough.
[01.10.2023 12:08:56] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Ffycin sbardun hapus- [Comms-quiet murmurs.] Well, suppose that was always going to happen.
[01.10.2023 12:09:32] RPA|PRW-Ystwyth: Wynne: This one's been stewing for a while, Yarwood. Best let them get it out of their system.
[01.10.2023 12:10:08] Amalfi: CO: There are more of them.
[01.10.2023 12:10:09] RPA|Lewys.Yarwood: Oh wonderful. Leeds is a whole bloody convention.
[01.10.2023 12:10:10] Mia.Galilea|Sails: Ayyy, caramba!
[01.10.2023 12:10:26] Nina.Rodriguez[TBH]: Wow... a Sails?
[01.10.2023 12:10:49] Mia.Galilea|Sails: Hola, hermana. Is my assistance required?
[01.10.2023 12:11:08] Nina.Rodriguez[TBH]: No.
[01.10.2023 12:11:11] Mia.Galilea|Sails: *nods*
[01.10.2023 12:18:08] Death: RPA|Camille.O'Reilly was put out of action by Nina.Rodriguez[TBH] (Gun).
Code: [01.10.2023 12:31:49] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Red alert, hostiles in Dublin.
[01.10.2023 12:32:02] DTR-CazadorCuervo: O: oh a thing floating there
[01.10.2023 12:32:02] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Banshee Actual engaging intruders.
[01.10.2023 12:32:09] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Weapons free!
[01.10.2023 12:32:09] DTR-CazadorCuervo: O: now you die
[01.10.2023 12:32:11] DTR-CazadorCuervo: O: fire!
[01.10.2023 12:32:21] DTR-Hornillo: Cut your engines por favor
[01.10.2023 12:32:28] DTR-Hornillo: Moving to assist
[01.10.2023 12:32:32] DTR-Hornillo: Weapons hot
[01.10.2023 12:32:32] DTR-Juan.Marcos: J: Weapons ready. Enemy on radar. Preparing to fight
[01.10.2023 12:32:42] RPA|PRW-Weriniaeth: O'Sullivan: Corsairs, Get the *Hell* out of Dublin or you will be destroyed.
[01.10.2023 12:36:51] Death: DTR-CazadorCuervo was put out of action by RPA|Camille.O'Reilly (Gun).
[01.10.2023 12:38:04] Death: DTR-Juan.Marcos was put out of action by RPA|Camille.O'Reilly (Gun).
[01.10.2023 12:40:56] Death: DTR-Hornillo was put out of action by RPA|Camille.O'Reilly (Gun).
[01.10.2023 12:41:06] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Area secure.
[01.10.2023 12:41:13] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: All hostiles down.
[01.10.2023 12:41:27] RPA|PRW-Weriniaeth: O'Sullivan: Strike Three and sector clear. Good flying Banshee.
[01.10.2023 12:47:22] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: This is Banshee Actual. Returning to base.
[01.10.2023 12:47:31] Golden.Trisquel: I hear ya'.
[01.10.2023 12:48:21] Lusk: Connor: Returning to base. Good work everyone.
[01.10.2023 12:48:42] RPA|Camille.O'Reilly: Aye.
[01.10.2023 12:48:47] 2023-10-01 12:48:47 SMT Traffic control alert: RPA|Camille.O'Reilly has requested to dock
Corsair bombers destroyed: 1
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 10-11-2023
> Incoming transmission <
Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...
Establishing video uplink.
From: Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan
To: Assembly Personnel & our Dear Kin Jill in particular.
Subject: Respect and Reward.
Soldiers of the Assembly, your attention for a moment!
Over the past few years, we've accomplished much, and fought hard, sortie after sortie of capital and strike forces have met the Bretonians in battle across Dublin and Bretonia space.
Now, Dublin is free, and while our situation is tenuous, and casualties have taken their toll, the struggle of our war has brought out the best in many of you, but some of our soldiers have stood above even the brave ranks that make up our numbers.
It is with that in mind, that i wish to draw your attention to one of our stranger members!
Our dear Jill, certainly a standout amongst us by her origin, and some of the greater movement have expressed concern at bearing a Gaul in our ranks, but throughout the days of this war, she has proven herself a woman of decisive action and with the willingness to engage in whatever action, violence or threat has been necessary to progress our goals. Quite frankly, Dear Jill's a woman after my own heart. Hah!
With that in mind, i want to make it known that as of this moment, Miss Genocide Jill is granted the rank of a Flight Captain in the Assembly's ranks, and is to be afforded the respect, authority and operational independence that comes with the position!
Fight on, brave men and women of Dublin & Poole!
Remember the Founders! Remember Cork! Remember Leeds! And Remember the Hood!
Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan.
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Nika - 10-11-2023
> Incoming transmission <
Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...
Establishing video uplink.
From: Your friendly neighborhood Jill
To: The Kin
Subject: Admission
My kin,
Wherever have I gone - I knew I'll be looked down upon for my ancestry and the atrocities of my people under the mad king; thus, I always carried on with the thought to be the living example of willingness to break the vicious cycle and make family of any society I stopped at, no matter how belligerent they are at first for my Gallic roots.
With the same sentiment, I have returned yonder.
With this admission, I believe, I got one step closer to that goal of reminding the Molly movement are, too, my family; but I'll not let pride nor joy get to me, and will continue standing by you in space and on the solid ground. However... words can not express how glad I am to see I am making progress.
See you in space, and godspeed.
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 10-11-2023
> Incoming transmission <
Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...
Establishing video uplink.
From: The Brick
To: RPA Command
Subject: Guns, guns, guns
Evening, gents.
Had a bit of a chat with a Detroit Munitions ship of all things in New Tokyo while I was doing a supply run.
Thought they might give me lip at first but then the captain realised that I'm not an outlaw in Kusari space and then bloody turned around and offered to sell guns to our movement. The logic is that what happens in Kusari stays in Kusari. Guess Libertonians really do love money above all things, eh?
Thought I'd let the people in charge know about a possible opportunity. Not saying we should jump on it, but hey, what could possibly go wrong?
The rest of the run went unremarkable.
Captain Jones out.
Code: [11.10.2023 19:43:00] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Good evening.
[11.10.2023 19:43:08] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Hey there.
[11.10.2023 19:43:25] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Don't mind me, I'm just a friendly merchant from Bretonia, aye?
[11.10.2023 19:43:36] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Thought you folks were all about independence and, uh, not being Bretonian?
[11.10.2023 19:44:21] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Dunno what you're talking about, mate. I'm totally loyal to the Crown.
[11.10.2023 19:44:36] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Absolutely no treason going on here.
[11.10.2023 19:44:49] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: With those raggedy-ass Bleeder turrets? [She scoffs.] Yeah, right, man.
[11.10.2023 19:45:55] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: I know my hardware, and who uses what.
[11.10.2023 19:46:22] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Sorry that me ship don't fit your high standards, lass. Surplus gear.
[11.10.2023 19:46:34] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: You're pretty damn far from home, but, like, it isn't really my problem. If you wanna buy some guns, hit me up,
[11.10.2023 19:46:43] /DM/-Second.Amendment: but otherwise, enjoy lying to people or whatever.
[11.10.2023 19:46:56] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Hey, you're gonna blow me cover!
[11.10.2023 19:47:00] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Peace out, man.
[11.10.2023 19:48:03] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: By the way, if you're worried about opsec, you should be careful what IFF you're blaring.
[11.10.2023 19:51:13] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: I'm not worried about opsec, lass. I'm just talking out of me arse for fun.
[11.10.2023 19:51:26] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: So that offer of guns - are you for real?
[11.10.2023 19:51:49] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Well, I saw the defense grid wasn't shooting at you. You guys are legal in Kusari?
[11.10.2023 19:52:34] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Aye, and why not? I think they're content to watch as we pick Bretonia apart. Probably eyeing the scraps.
[11.10.2023 19:53:22] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Well, obviously Detroit can't be seen dealing with you in Bretonia or Liberty.
[11.10.2023 19:53:40] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Buuuuut?
[11.10.2023 19:53:56] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Buuuuuuuut if you folks are just normal, private citizens so far as the fuzz is concerned
[11.10.2023 19:54:01] /DM/-Second.Amendment: in Kusaaaaaari...
[11.10.2023 19:54:13] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Well, Liberty's laws only apply /within/ Liberty.
[11.10.2023 19:54:35] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: And Detroit is happy to serve foreign clients, 'cuz anyone knows our shit's quality once they
[11.10.2023 19:54:36] /DM/-Second.Amendment: shoot it.
[11.10.2023 19:54:56] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Aye, your meaning is clear enough.
[11.10.2023 19:56:03] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Send a comm to one, uh, Johann Gatz, of Detroit Munitions.
[11.10.2023 19:56:12] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: He can definitely work somethin' out with your people.
[11.10.2023 19:56:56] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: I'll pass the word to me boss about your offer.
[11.10.2023 19:57:04] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: I just move the guns, but Gatz seals the deals.
[11.10.2023 19:57:42] /DM/-Second.Amendment: Voltolini: Anyway, safe skies and stay strapped.
[11.10.2023 19:58:56] RPA|PRS-Tornado.Brick: CO: Likewise, lass. Good journey.
> End of Transmission <
RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 11-06-2023
> Incoming transmission <
Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
Applying decryption algorithm...
Establishing video uplink.
From: William Harris
To: Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan
Subject: Scaglainne Oir
Evening, Admiral.
We've been monitoring activity in contested areas of Dublin, and there's some concerns about Scaglainne Oir, which is supposedly an unaffiliated installation that was left over when the Crownies legged it out of the system.
First, a suspicious transport was spotted near the station. It was a ship of Gallic origin, the captain was a freelancer who claimed to be Libertonian. His way of talking couldn't be placed, though, and his story sounded like a load of bollocks. They were carrying passengers and food supplies, but didn't share their destination, claiming to be on a cruise. The captain wasn't there to buy our gold, didn't prove himself useful or trustworthy or express interest in working for us. Can't say what he's been doing near that station. I recommend looking into this NHI org and treat them as potential spies in the meantime.
Second, we've spotted a transport ship registered to the Daumann corporation entering Dublin. The captain was... difficult to talk to, but he did say he was there to supply Scaglainne Oir with materials. I don't need to explain the threat this represents to our movement - hostile corporations shouldn't have access to Dublin and its wealth. More importantly, if Scaglainne Oir does business with Daumann, who else are they doing business with?
I think we ought to ask the base's owner some pointed questions.
For the Republic,
Liam Harris
Code: [05.11.2023 11:27:38] NHI-T>El.Correu: Howdy my friend
[05.11.2023 11:27:42] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: Harris: Hello.
[05.11.2023 11:27:49] NHI-T>El.Correu: How's the day??
[05.11.2023 11:27:51] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: Harris: Hold.
[05.11.2023 11:28:05] NHI-T>El.Correu: Why so agressive?
[05.11.2023 11:28:16] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: Harris: I just want to ask some questions.
[05.11.2023 11:28:24] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: Harris: Is that a problem?
[05.11.2023 11:28:25] NHI-T>El.Correu: Sure my friend
[05.11.2023 11:28:39] NHI-T>El.Correu: Its a problem for sure but I see you're angry because something :smiles:
[05.11.2023 11:28:42] NHI-T>El.Correu: Why that
[05.11.2023 11:29:05] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: Harris: Who are you? What does your ship tag stand for? Where are you taking these supplies?
[05.11.2023 11:29:46] NHI-T>El.Correu: My name is Hermenegildo, the tag is a FL new brand of commercial ship and we are on exploration across Sirius
[05.11.2023 11:29:55] NHI-T>El.Correu: In a world wide ultra fun tour across the systems
[05.11.2023 11:30:01] NHI-T>El.Correu: Long, and epic
[05.11.2023 11:30:09] NHI-T>El.Correu: We have a 200 humans aboard and some dogs and cats
[05.11.2023 11:30:21] NHI-T>El.Correu: And we like to dock in places, have some fun, enjoy some drinks, and share our adventures
[05.11.2023 11:30:30] NHI-T>El.Correu: And you my friend? why so angry? -cherfully-
[05.11.2023 11:31:24] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: You haven't answered two of three questions.
[05.11.2023 11:31:38] NHI-T>El.Correu: I did my friend
[05.11.2023 11:32:27] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: This system is not a tourist destination.
[05.11.2023 11:32:42] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: And you are not a friend of the Assembly.
[05.11.2023 11:32:50] NHI-T>El.Correu: Oh I tought it was. My apologies for that then
[05.11.2023 11:32:51] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Not until you prove to be one.
[05.11.2023 11:33:09] NHI-T>El.Correu: Alright alright my not friend, then we will continute elswhere our journey of discoveries and adventures
[05.11.2023 11:33:24] NHI-T>El.Correu: What is "the assembly" also?
[05.11.2023 11:34:44] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: The Republican Provisional Assembly is a branch of the Molly movement looking to secure a free Molly state and overthrow-
[05.11.2023 11:34:50] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: -the Bretonian Crown.
[05.11.2023 11:35:01] NHI-T>El.Correu: Woho! -surprised- That sounds amazing!
[05.11.2023 11:35:12] NHI-T>El.Correu: I never liked a lot this Bretonians they have weird tea
[05.11.2023 11:35:18] NHI-T>El.Correu: Like... charged water dunno
[05.11.2023 11:35:39] NHI-T>El.Correu: -scratches his head- I prefer Rheilander tea, it tastes better, a bit stronger and biter
[05.11.2023 11:36:21] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: And where exactly are you from?
[05.11.2023 11:36:51] NHI-T>El.Correu: Well, I was born in Pittsburgh, my father was a miner of iron, and my mother was a transportist
[05.11.2023 11:36:58] NHI-T>El.Correu: This is her ship in fact
[05.11.2023 11:37:13] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Liberty, then.
[05.11.2023 11:37:18] NHI-T>El.Correu: They both died in an accident. A box of tea fell over them, both, at the same time
[05.11.2023 11:37:35] NHI-T>El.Correu: I was born there yeah, but decided to flee and have my own live
[05.11.2023 11:37:42] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Okay, now that sounds like you're taking the piss.
[05.11.2023 11:38:10] NHI-T>El.Correu: Piss? We have bathrooms for that. We don't drink it
[05.11.2023 11:38:11] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: I suggest you leave Dublin as soon as possible. For your own safety, of course.
[05.11.2023 11:38:43] NHI-T>El.Correu: uh, a treating not friend, how many emotions! yes yes, we will leave and dock somewhere else
[05.11.2023 11:39:25] NHI-T>El.Correu: Have a good day my not amigo of this system, -salutes and honks in a clowny way- Wish you have good tea day
Footage: 1 2
Code: [05.11.2023 11:41:38] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Hi.
[05.11.2023 11:41:45] MFN|M.Meier: K:Shit
[05.11.2023 11:41:48] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Hold your engines.
[05.11.2023 11:42:25] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Aye, that sounds about right. Why's there a Daumann train here?
[05.11.2023 11:42:43] MFN|M.Meier: Delivering some materials to a freelancer station
[05.11.2023 11:42:58] MFN|M.Meier: nothing more
[05.11.2023 11:43:04] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: How nice. And you just decided to do so out of the kindness of your heart?
[05.11.2023 11:43:27] MFN|M.Meier: no
[05.11.2023 11:43:41] MFN|M.Meier: over a private contract
[05.11.2023 11:44:09] MFN|M.Meier: i do only my job, nothing more
[05.11.2023 11:44:21] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Alright, then. And why would a 'freelancer' station contract Daumann to deliver for them?
[05.11.2023 11:44:40] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: A Rheinland corporation, which is friendly to Bretonia.
[05.11.2023 11:44:45] MFN|M.Meier: idk, ask my boss, i'm only an employee
[05.11.2023 11:45:32] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: What's the name of this station you're delivering to?
[05.11.2023 11:46:17] MFN|M.Meier: let me see, the pob is near the jh
[05.11.2023 11:47:44] MFN|M.Meier: Scaglaninne
[05.11.2023 11:48:18] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: Scaglainne Oir?
[05.11.2023 11:48:26] MFN|M.Meier: correct
[05.11.2023 11:48:36] MFN|M.Meier: something wrong with that station?
[05.11.2023 11:49:18] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: There might be, if it hires Daumann contractors.
[05.11.2023 11:49:46] RPA|PRW-Luton.Lad: CO: Proceed.
[05.11.2023 11:49:49] MFN|M.Meier: we dont want trouble mister
[05.11.2023 11:51:03] 2023-11-05 11:51:00 SMT Traffic control alert: MFN|M.Meier has docked
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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 11-07-2023
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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan
To: Assembly Personnel
Subject: War on the home front
This is the Admiral speaking.
The first of likely many engagements against Corsair interlopers has come to an end.
I am aware most communications on the matter and operation have been in person, and so some of you are likely unaware of the situation, so allow me to bring you up to speed.
Recently, we discovered a Corsair base in Dublin, in the Achill Asteroid Field.
This intrusion could not be allowed, by circumstance it happened that vessels from the Technocracy, Coalition and the IMG were present, and a mutual agreement was made that this facility could not be allowed to continue to exist.
Since that time, the newly formed alliance has gathered its warfleet, and a combined force of Coalition, Independent Molly, Assembly fleet, and Technocracy vessels, moved to engage this stain on our bright system, resulting in a battle against a significant number of Corsair warships, supported by Gaian... Order, and even a loose Gallic Royalist bomber. The resulting combat ended in the Rhodri Yarwood being badly damaged, and has returned to Foyle for extensive repairs, however, through the cooperation of heavy Coalition vessels, and both our own and Auxesian Cruisers and Gunboats, our plan of attack managed to drive the Corsair ships from the battlespace, and following some brief respite, the allied fleet commenced a bombardment of the facility.
This battle is not over yet, exhaustion, damage and munitions expenditure forced our eventual withdrawal, leaving the facility damaged, but not destroyed.
This war will continue. We will strike at the Corsair presence again, and again, until this attempt to enforce their sick hegemony upon our people is reduced to dust amongst the field.
We will be extending special thanks to our Auxesian and Coalition supporters for their aid in this conflict.
Remember Cork, Remember the Hood!
Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan.
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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 11-09-2023
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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan
To: Assembly Personnel
Subject: War on the home front; Update
This is O'Sullivan.
It is with great pleasure that i can inform you all that for the moment, Dublin is once again quiet.
The Corsair facility in the Achill field has been destroyed, after a significant battle that left several Molly ships badly damaged, and more Corsair vessels withdrawing to lick their wounds.
While the determination of our Kin, both in the Assembly and out, are to thank for this victory, i ask everyone to remember that we were far from alone, it was a combined fleet of vessels from the Independent Miners Guild, Coalition and Technocracy, alongside our own vessels, that secured this victory, another step towards the true independence of Dublin.
I will be extending thanks to our allies shortly.
For the rest of you, take a day to celebrate, rest, rearm, and drink to your hearts content, we've earned this respite.
Now for the harsh part.
As Admiral of the Assembly Naval Arm, i am extending the following directive to all Assembly fleet assets, and all Independent Mollys who follow our lead;
- Intensify Patrols around the Dublin system, fighter wings must sweep the belts and edge of the system regularly, report any Corsair presence, and any other unknown facilities or suspicious vessels to Command.
- I am granting Assembly vessels full authorisation to stop, interrogate, and turn back any vessel they encounter that is not known to the Movement, and who they find suspicious, act at your discretion. Any vessel that refuses to cooperate is to be assumed to be working with hostile forces to the Movement, and summarily destroyed.
That is all. The war continues.
Admiral Imogen O'Sullivan.
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