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SCRA - HF Negotiations - Aeon - 12-10-2006

QV, you need to READ, not just look, at what we posted.

the SCRA and HF are NOT allied, we dont have anything agreed upon at this point in time. we are NEUTRAL with the AW, as it says in our faction status post.

SCRA - HF Negotiations - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-10-2006

Ok, Ok, all I care about is what happens to my faction at this time.

Verginix Out

SCRA - HF Negotiations - TankTarget - 12-11-2006

Verg nothing will happen to helghast....So go relax or something.... Now for the business of making an alliance...

SCRA - HF Negotiations - BestFlyerHere - 12-11-2006

Helghast is fine, QV, get back in the game. Good job in roddy and rita BTW.

SCRA - HF Negotiations - Aeon - 12-11-2006

TankTarget,Dec 10 2006, 03:34 PM Wrote:Now for the business of making an alliance...

right... anything you want to discuss then? i think ive made my side quite clear enough.

SCRA - HF Negotiations - TankTarget - 12-11-2006

Yes it seems you have, I will come back to this as soon as I discuss with my people how this should be taken and when I come up with something. Well I do have something now

If either of us become allies, we will promise to A( Defend any allied ships or help them in an attack)

B( Chat often)

C(Help each other trade and rasie money for their cause) Right now HF is no longer broke so we have cash to help with)

And when I think of something more I will be sure to post it...

SCRA - HF Negotiations - Aeon - 12-11-2006

well i know i have koolmo's backing in this. the SCRA does formally request an alliance, and at the very least a mutual non-aggression pact with the AW.

i hope my other members are behind me in this (*points at ant*). the HF and SCRA operate in similar areas, which is why this may work out quite well.

by having the pact with the AW, we can hopefully eliminate any possible complications on that front.

what say you, Dab and Korrd?

SCRA - HF Negotiations - Ant - 12-11-2006

I don't see how there can be an alliance with one part of a fleet and not the other part.

It seems to me that friendly status is the most appropriate.
The position of HF is untenable from my point of view, and association by alliance will only cause problems for the SCRA.

Aeon, the treasury is looking reasonably healthy at present, so I don't think the funding aspect should be taken into account.
Our hands are also currently full with integrating our new members into the SCRA.

The choice is yours, however I would suggest taking a few days before making a final decision.
[Image: scra_ad_003.jpg]

SCRA - HF Negotiations - Koolmo - 12-11-2006

I support Ant in this, since the HF are being absorbed by the AW, it does not make sence for us to be allied to only 1/2 of a faction, it would be like RM only being hostile to the eastern fleet. For the moment, a friendly staus would indeed seem appropriate. If we were to have a non agression part, it would have to be with the whole faction, not just one of its fleets.

SCRA - HF Negotiations - BestFlyerHere - 12-12-2006

Dab,Dec 8 2006, 11:40 PM Wrote:Well currently, the faction and clan of AW is neutral to SCRA.

However, I give my fleet leaders a fair amount of lee-way in what they are doing. In AW, the faction of AW is in the AW Fleet, the Fleet Admiral of it is Alpha. But HF is in the HF Fleet, lead by Tank Target. Because they are different fleets, we treat them as somewhat separate factions here on Discovery. Sort of like brothers, we do alot together, and will defend each other, but one might do something the other doesn't. This alliance for example.

AW's diplomatic stance with SCRA won't be changed, but HF is free to ally you if they wish. HF may assist the SCRA, but in all situations regarding the SCRA, the faction of AW will remain neutral unless paid to do otherwise, or we have an ally on the other side of the fight. (SCRA+HF vs. AW+SiN|Tech)

If thats the situation, I might order AW fleets on both sides to stand down and keep out of that particular fight. As we won't be attacking each other. I will probably cease an alliance, or potential alliance with a faction that is currently hostile to an allied faction on either fleet. So AW won't be allying the CR while HF is fighting the SF. Conflicts would arise because CR helps SF in policing Bretonia to an extent.

But for this situation, it should cause any problems with our current allies (AW's is SiN|Tech, don't know HF's allies). Because there are no conflicts of interest in this alliance, AW leadership won't interfere in the leading of the HF and their actions.
We're not being absorbed, persay, but just becoming very very close allies. Dab said we can make alliances with ppl if we want. We're still a separate clan. I'm not changing my tags to AW. :P. Tank is in charge of HF, so it'll work.