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When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Printable Version

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When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Ironwatsas - 05-19-2009

Naomi fought doggedly to get the picture back, rebooting the drone's sensor feed and changing the access frequencies. Finally, the drone cameras re-activated, and the cause of the problem became apparent. A neighborhood cat had apparently attacked the drone assuming it was a tasty meaty bird of some sort. Naomi re-activated the drone's hoverdrive and looked back into the Senzo residence.

Unfortunately, she could make out that Reiko had apparently not seen the photos in question, given that Senzo was gathering up the files, and his wife was not disemboweling him with a butter knife. Unfortunately, Naomi would have to go to plan B...

She wheeled her ship around, and began to orbit the planet making her way to Roppongi station. Nobody seemed to notice her as she docked her ship and quickly rummaged about the cockpit. Somehow, despite the unrepentantly tiny cockpit cocoon, she managed to strip off her GC flight suit and any indication she was a Chrysanthemum at all, and put on a civilian outfit consisting of a short skirt, shirt, crochet hat, and sunglasses, and grabbed a paper envelope containing a copy of the photos, before leaping from her ship and dashing through the station to the dropship shuttle. With a simple exchange of credits, she bought herself a ticket and caught the dropship just as it was about to depart.

Within five minuites, the shuttle departed, headed directly for the surface. Naomi stuffed the envelope into her shirt and sat back for the short ride down to the surface. She would have to do this the old fasioned way, up close and personal...

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Dashiell - 05-19-2009

Senzo turned around in the blink of an eye. Reiko was standing in the doorway of the bathroon,looling into the hallway where the dropped image file was lying. She made an attempt to walk to it but Senzo told her to stay back, as he would clean up. Reiko did and Senzo was safe. He took the files and walked out the backdoor, into the yard.

"that was too close... away with these evil things" he said to himself.
He lit the old skool H-fuel bbq and threw the files in. the vision of those dreaded images smoltering and burning made him feel like a new man.

"why are you burning my brochures?!" Reiko yelled. she was entering the yard.

"damn, woman. you always take your sweet time in the bathroom and now you`re done within 2 minutes. curses" senzo thought.

He turned around, obscuring the view to the bbq from Reiko.

"they weren`t brochures honey-boney". it was spam. you know, real rancid one."

"we never get spam..."Reiko said. "what have you been up to then that we get spam all of a sudden?"

Senzo imersed into thougt. how to get out of this one?

"I downloaded animal porn" He blabbed

"..." Reiko gave him a strange look. it looked like disgust mingled with horror "what`s gotten into you?"

"ehhh... did I say I downloaded it? I mean Habaki did. I told you he has a lousy sense of humor. I`ll tell him to knock it off. these jokes aren`t appriciated. don`t worry about it cutiepie"

Senzo couldn`t help but notice that he actually checked wether there were any sharp, removable objects anywhere near Reiko, and wether he would be able to scale the yardfence in time before he would be pulled into a screaming oblivion. the thought of him being gut like a pig in his own backyard was not appealing. especially since the bbq was already lit.

then the doorbell rang.

"Now who could that be?" Reiko asked.

"I`ll get it honey." Senzo said.

"if it`s Habaki tell him I don`t find his last joke any good." Reiko yelled after Senzo

"Don`t worry, it is`t Habaki, he`s on the Shinshiro doing paperwork. it`s probably some religious nutcase bringing us fortune and happiness"

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Ironwatsas - 05-20-2009

The taxi speeder parked just down the street from Senzo's residence, Naomi climbing out before handing the driver a quick tip and heading forth. Once she was sure the coast was clear, she made her way over. She hid inside a large decorative schrub bush, hid inside it, and pulled a pair of bionoculars.

Naomi monitored the house and planned her approach. Senzo would have known she was coming and recognize her, but Reiko would be none the wiser. However, she most definately did not want to be within a mile of the place when Reiko actually saw the Photographs. Nor could she affoard her cover blown by encountering Senzo prematurely. She would need a distraction...

Stealthily, she made her way around the oriental styled house and over to Senzo's hovercar in the driveway, from her pocket, she pulled a tiny remote control and what resembled a small firework, placing the latter inside the car. Then, she walked up to the front door, and using a grappling hook, attached it to the roof of the house. She rang the doorbell and quickly climbed out of sight, pulling the rope with her.

After a few seconds, she heard the door open, and triggered the firework, which made a loud bang and caused the car alarm to begin to blair uncontrollably. She quiclky and stealthily rolled across the other side of the roof and into the backyard.

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Dashiell - 05-20-2009

Senzo walked to the door and yanked it open. there was no one there.

"that`s odd" Senzo thought.

then he heard a loud bang and a car alarm.

"what the?" he ran to the driveway to find his car filled with smoke and the alram blaring violantly.

"what is this? this looks like a classical decoy manouvre. but who who do such a thing?"

Senzo opened the car door to vent the smoke while he was still wondering what this all was about. then he saw the remains of some sort of fireworks lying on the driver`s seat as he deactivated the car alarm.

"what is this?" he looked at it and noticed tiny bits of receiver that were charcled and bent but not completely detsroyed.


"**** ** **** ****!" Senzo thought.

He ran back to the front door, tripping over the cat once more, and swearing over his shoulder he dashed back into the house.

"where is that filthy piece of ****!" he ran to the livingroom, grabbed his blaster from the livingroom floor and ran upstairs. there was nothing out of the ordinary upstairs so he ran back down again, tripping over the cat in the process, and went arse over tits off the stairs.

"you ******** ****** ***** ****** piece of ***** feline ***** I`ll cut of your **** and stuff em down your ***** and *****!" Senzo raged as a true drunk. the car alarm was nothing compared to this latest outburst.

"Reiko enterd the house through again the yarddoor.

"what is blazes are you doing?" she asked as she saw Senzo lying upside down at the bottom of the stairs.

When she looked into the stairway there were tiny clawmarks and burnholes in the walls.

"are you mad? have you been shooting at the cat again"?

"that **** thing had it coming." Senzo replied as he got up.

"I don`t want you fiiring that thing in the house you maniac!"

"oh be quiet, woman" Senzo said. He felt like taking his frustrations out on Reiko.
but just as he was about to follow up he saw a figure slipping from the roof into the backyard.

"just a second honey-pie, I`ve got to exterminate some vermin"

Senzo walked towards the yard door with such an evil grin on his face accompanied by such maniacal, hysterical laughter that it would make nomad babies cry.

reiko was stomped. "what on New Tokyo are you doing?"

"I`m just gonna "spray" some Chrysantiums pumpkin"

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Ironwatsas - 05-21-2009

Naomi ducked around the corner of the house, hearing Senzo screaming from within. Presumably, he had saw her, forcing her to initiate a backup plan. She used her grappling hook to climb up to a second story window, hearing the backdoor open and someone run toward her as she did so. From another pocket, she pulled what she hoped would slow an angry Senzo down...

Just as whoever it was was about to round the corner of the house, she threw the flashbang grenade behind her, and hauled herself into the 2nd story bedroom just as it detonated. She couldn't make out weather it worked or not, but that was of little concern. Now in the bedroom, she withdrew the envelope and searched for the perfect place to hide it.

"Dresser... no. Under the pillow... no, Senzo will find it. AHA!" she thought as she looked around for a hiding spot.

Naomi walked around to the clothing drawers and opened them, checking their contents, until she found what appeared to be Reiko's Lingerie collection. She hid the envelope underneath a pair of underwear and closed the drawer. Hearing someone running up the stairs, she climbed back out of the window and onto the roof again using the grappler hook.

With "Ninja-like" percision, she rolled off the roof and hid herself in a bush in the front yard... realising too late however, that the bush was infact full of thorns. Pain and discontent ensued.

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Dashiell - 05-22-2009

Senzo stormed into the backyard, looking left and right to make sure that if a certain chrysantemum was there, he would vent her in seconds. Reiko was hot on his tail.

"what has gotten into you? don`t chase the cat around again..."

"stay back honey, I think we may have a burglar in the vicinity"

"really? that might explain the car alarm, speaking of which..."

Reiko walked around the side of the house towards the driveway when a small tube-like object fell before her feet.

before Reiko realised what was happening a flash blinded her, followed by a deafening loud bang
she fell over backwards, screaming.

Senzo came running around the corner. "is it that cat again?! honey? what happened?"

Reiko was blinking her eyes, looking around glazely as Senzo sat her up. she saw his lips move but couldn`t hear a word he was saying. all she heard was "peeeeeeeeeeep".

Senzo picked her up and carried her inside the house.

"don`t worry honey, just lay down for a while. I`ll handle that burglar. you just calm down and lie down in bed and relax."

Senzo lay is his blaster on the closet in the hallway and walked up the stairs with Reiko on his back.
He nearly tumbled all the way back down again, with Reiko still on his back, as the cat came zooming by.

"I`m too tired too yell at you now you misbred of nature" Senzo mumbled as he opened the bedroom door and put Reiko down on the bed.

"you just lie down and get some sleep honey, I`ll make sure nothing weird will happen again"

He walked down the stairs, kicking at the cat as it came running past, and entered the livingroom.

"buddha in heaven, I`m getting too damn tired of this..."

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Ironwatsas - 05-23-2009

Naomi would at this point have normally hidden somewhere nearby to observe the terror that would ensue when Reiko found the Photos. Unfortunately however, she had falled off of the roof of Senzo's home into what seemed to be some sort of mutated rosebush. She was already covered in cuts and scrapes, and her clothing was partially shredded.

Now she was in a perdicament. The thorns from the dense rosebush were poking into a number of sensitive areas, and Naomi could not risk moving significantly. Also, there was the probability that eventually Senzo would find her, or Reiko would find the Photos before Naomi could retreat to a safe distance. While the rosebush offered some concealment, it was unlikely she would be completely missed.

She cursed mentally, and intensely as she slowly tried to move her arms to get the rose thorns away. At that moment, Senzo's cat appeared, crawling under the rosebush and purring and rubbing up against Naomi. It was at that moment she remembered she was highly allergic to cat dander. If she sneezed, not only would it give away her position, it was likely to cause epic amounts of pain from the thorn bush.

"Damn neko... meat-thing... how to not breathe, not sneeze... Raaaaaaaawrgh!" She thought to herself, continuing to slowly get herself out of the mutant rosebush.

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Dashiell - 05-23-2009

Senzo was sitting down in the livingroom. he was trying to figure out what just happened and how to deal with it.
so far he had shot holes in the walls of his own house, nearly killed his cat 5 time over, had his car smoked, his wife flashbanged and somewhere deep inside he knew that the source of all this evil was still around.

considiring that last point carefully, he got up to his feet, slowly and lethargic. right now, all he wanted was to crawl in his bed next to his flashbanged wife. but he still needed to take out the trash. litterally.

he walked into the backyard again, still vigilant for weird young women as he grabbed the garbage bags sitting in the far corner of the yard. there were 3 of them. 2 filled with garden waste. Reiko was giving the yard a good cutting, before all this weirdness began.

that reminded Senzo. that damn ugly rosebush, that Reiko really likes, god knows why, still had to be trimmed.
Senzo grabbed the shears that Reiko had left near the bushes as well as the 3 garbage bags and headed for the front of the house.

"maybe taking out my frustrations on that freaky rosebush will calm me down a bit."

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Ironwatsas - 05-24-2009

Naomi had just managed to get most of the pokey bits of the mutant rosebush away, and was had a clear means of extracating herself, when she heard the door open, and someone grumbly heading her way. She caught a brief glimpse of Senzo with a hedge clipper walking toward her. She needed a backup plan, a means of escape...

At that moment, the cat appeared again, and climbed up to grab Naomi's crochet hat, before proceeding up and out of the rosebush. She mentally cursed the creature, before seeing an escape route. Behind her was a small window leading into a basement. Carefully, she managed to lean down and open the window, just as Senzo arrived. Naomi slid into the small window, though in the process, her shirt was torn off by the pokey rosebush.

"Ack..." she said as she realised this, but there was no turning back now. She had to take cover while she still could, before Senzo came after her. She hurridly got out of sight and searched the basement for a suitable weapon.

When Chrysanthemums Attack! - Dashiell - 05-24-2009

Senzo walked unto the driveway, where the mutant rosebush was located.

he dumped the garbage bags on the sidewalk and turned to the rosebush.
he saw something strange but before he could come closer the cat came walking by with a crochet hat in its mouth.

"what the"?

Senzo looked around to see if there were any upset women around screaming something about a stolen hat.

there were non.

"where`d he get-"?

then it hit him like a slippery fish: Naomi.

"so, that fouls mishap of nature is still around."

he proceeded to the rosebush, remembering that he saw something there earlier.

upon closer inspection Senzo noticed a shirt which was still hanging in the thorns of the bush.
he yanked it out.

"looks like we have aphids. big ones. who like to take pictures of innocent hobbys"

brandishing the pair of shears Senzo wheeled around to try and spot the young Chrysantemum.
any minute now he expected to see a topless girl running past leaving behind a trail of foul images that left little to the imagination.

Senzo crawled around to see if she was still in the mutant bush. it appeared clear, apart from some dead birds it had snagged with its sometimes wild flanting tentacle like branches.

"this thing is disgusting..." Senzo thought.

Somehow the word "disgusting" made him remember his quest to find the blackmailing brat that was trying, and so far succeeding, to ruin his life.

he ran back into the yard, but saw nothing there. then he ran back to the driveway and checked around again.

"honey? what is all that racket?" he heard a female voice call out the bedroom window.

Senzo looked up. "ah, darling, you are awake. damn it all to hell."

"what did you say? my hearing is still not so good" Reiko said.

"nothing pumpkin. just go back to bed and for god `s sake, don`t wake up anywhere within the next 48 hours"

"I can`t hear you honey! what was that about a shower?"

a moment of silence.

"a good idea honey, I`ll take a shower. that will freshen me up."

Senzo facepalmed so hard it hurt.
Then he heard the bedrooom window close.

"blast and devil. I`ve got to erdicate that Naomi wench before Reiko bumps into her"

Senzo ran into the house via the front door to inspect the rest of the house, hoping the foul Chrysantemum wouldn`t be there.