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Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Printable Version

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RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Akutan - 06-23-2024

(06-22-2024, 04:26 PM)Ram Wrote:
-_-_-_-_-: Secure Channel Open :-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Opening Message:-_-_-_-_-
-_-_-_-_-: Sender: Kelly Durham:-_-_-_-_-

To Akutan Equipment and Weaponry,

I have a Peregrine Frigate that I've been restoring and tinkering with for some time and I've been considering how I could further upgrade my armament. If things aren't all too busy right now I'd like to place and order of X2 Quake Turrets. Once things are closer to being completed I will make my way towards Akutan to transfer a payment for the equipment.

Kelly Durham

-_-_-_-_-: Message End :-_-_-_-_-

Incoming Transmission

[Image: QkbyH9Q.png]
User ID: Akutan Productions
Recipient: Kelly Durham
Subject: 2x Quakes


Good day,

Your order for 2 Quake Turrets is: COMPLETE and ready for pickup

End of message.

Transmission Ends

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - R.P.Curator - 06-26-2024

I'd like to place an order for a Novaspear.
The Blueprint has been delivered.

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Akutan - 06-26-2024

(06-26-2024, 01:54 PM)R.P.Curator Wrote: I'd like to place an order for a Novaspear.
PM me or contact me to talk about the blueprint (I have it).

Incoming Transmission

[Image: QkbyH9Q.png]
User ID: Akutan Productions
Recipient: R.P.Curator
Subject: 1x Novaspear


Good day,

Your order for a Novaspear Turret is: accepted and in PROGRESS

Akutan is ready to receive your specific schematics at any time.

End of message.

Transmission Ends

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Akutan - 06-27-2024

(06-26-2024, 01:54 PM)R.P.Curator Wrote: I'd like to place an order for a Novaspear.
PM me or contact me to talk about the blueprint (I have it).

Incoming Transmission

[Image: QkbyH9Q.png]
User ID: Akutan Productions
Recipient: R.P.Curator
Subject: 1x Novaspear


Good day,

Your order for a Novaspear Turret is: COMPLETE and ready for pickup.

End of message.

Transmission Ends

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - R.P.Curator - 06-27-2024

Equipment received in top condition! Was a pleasure working with you!

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Helo - 06-27-2024

I'd like to order two battleship autopulse turrets.

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Akutan - 06-27-2024

(06-27-2024, 10:58 AM)Helo Wrote: I'd like to order two battleship autopulse turrets.

Incoming Transmission

[Image: QkbyH9Q.png]
User ID: Akutan Productions
Recipient: Helo
Subject: 2x Autopulses


Good day,

Your order for two Autopulse Turrets is: accepted and in PROGRESS

We'd like to advice that systems of this size take a while to build, we will update you once complete though you can also check with us directly for a status report.

End of message.

Transmission Ends

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Akutan - 06-28-2024

(06-27-2024, 10:58 AM)Helo Wrote: I'd like to order two battleship autopulse turrets.

Incoming Transmission

[Image: QkbyH9Q.png]
User ID: Akutan Productions
Recipient: Helo
Subject: 2x Autopulses


Good day,

Your order for two Autopulse Turrets is: COMPLETE and ready for pickup or installation

End of message.

Transmission Ends

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - R.P.Curator - 07-03-2024

I'd like to place another order for 1 Novaspear.
Thank you.

RE: Akutan Equipment and Weaponry - Akutan - 07-03-2024

(07-03-2024, 10:00 PM)R.P.Curator Wrote: Hello,
I'd like to place another order for 1 Novaspear.
Thank you.

Incoming Transmission

[Image: QkbyH9Q.png]
User ID: Akutan Productions
Recipient: R.P.Curator
Subject: 1x Novaspear


Good day,

Your order for a Novaspear Turret is: accepted and in PROGRESS

Akutan is ready to receive your specific schematics at any time.

End of message.

Transmission Ends