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[Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Printable Version

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RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - TheSauron - 07-18-2024

(07-18-2024, 10:36 AM)Emperor Tekagi Wrote: +1 to this. Staff needs to grow some spine and just slap, warn, fine, whatever, those who are repeatedly going to lengths showcasing they just want to be bitter and fling as "RP" disguised insults at people.

This, pretty much. Don't punish the majority for the excesses of a few players.

(07-18-2024, 10:50 AM)Spectre Wrote: Your cockpit bursts into flames, the first thing that goes through your mind isn't 'oh bother'.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Arne - 07-18-2024

One thing i agree on with Reeves. While most of us are adults, many fail to behave that way.

It became slightly better than my first stint here, but some still fail to grasp basic human decency. People will complain in the beginning, but you will create a more welcoming place overall, especially with new people.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Antonio - 07-18-2024

Yes, so I can get instantly kicked via the swear filter while in space instead of waiting 60 seconds for an F1.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Venkman - 07-18-2024

(07-18-2024, 11:56 AM)Antonio Wrote: Yes, so I can get instantly kicked via the swear filter while in space instead of waiting 60 seconds for an F1.


RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - A Magpie - 07-19-2024

I don’t even understand the concept of swearfilters beyond making a game advertiser-friendly, something Discovery will never be due to Microsoft’s lawyers dropping a nuke if ads start going up on these forums. Making profanity a forbidden fruit just has more of it, and anyone pearl clutching at the sight of someone saying flower, well, skill issue. I haven’t met edgy retards wanting to do their best inner city rapper impression in years, on pretty much any game I’ve played.

Friendly reminder the hardest swear in vanilla freelancer was “bitch”, anyone doing the intro to Beelzeboss is doing it wrong.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - JadeTornado - 07-19-2024

None of them work adequately, so I'm voting against it. I would bring mode moderators (my app is still unanswered) to handle the reports if that's the issue.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Nodoka Hanamura - 07-19-2024

(07-18-2024, 11:56 AM)Antonio Wrote: Yes, so I can get instantly kicked via the swear filter while in space instead of waiting 60 seconds for an F1.

I know that pain way, way too well.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - iiLeRoss - 07-19-2024

Given a recent on-stream incident, I believe it would probably be a good idea to filter certain words (use your imagination). But I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who cares if someone starts swearing in a moderate manner.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Nodoka Hanamura - 07-19-2024

(07-19-2024, 09:34 AM)iiLeRoss Wrote: Given a recent on-stream incident, I believe it would probably be a good idea to filter certain words (use your imagination). But I think you'd be hard-pressed to find someone who cares if someone starts swearing in a moderate manner.

I would be fine with filtering racial and other epithets. They have no place here. I concur with the sentiment of everyone else on profanity. We're all adults here. If you don't like it, you can go play Roblox.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Antonio - 07-19-2024

Good compromise. Filter out the worst of the worst (racial slurs, xenophobic slurs, etc.), and one token word nobody uses inrp (for example Hasteric) that we can use for quick F1 kicks in space.