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Concerns with Nomad factions - Printable Version

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Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

If left unrestricted, we'd have Nomad players flying everywhere, shooting things indiscriminately. It's like having a Terrorist ID be sold on Planet Erie.

The Keepers didn't just set themselves up overnight. From what I've read, it took them 2 mod versions, and plenty of careful planning and consideration from both Treewyrm, Igiss, and whoever else was involved to create this faction. Therefore, the rules regarding the Nomads and how one can RP as one have been taken into careful consideration and deliberation. However, we cannot have tons of Nomads flying around. It would affect the balance of Discovery, and knowing things around here, the balance is already on a fine line.

And if we do find certain bad eggs, if they attempt to RP Nomads, it would be too much work to get rid of them, and I'm sure you've seen ingame sometimes, that they never really learn. More work on the part of the admins and faction leaders, and the faction itself.

Concerns with Nomad factions - swift - 05-13-2009

Yeah, I understand what you're saying. And I don't say I don't agree with you, nor do I underestimate working for something hard for a long time, as I have some personal experiences with it myself.

What my point was, that there should be some remote theoretical possibility that an unofficial faction with Trial Nomad IDs, if behaved well over a long span of time, and proven to hold up to every standard, would have a chance at officialdom.

Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

A group of Nomad newborns grouping together?

A young Nomad hasn't yet completed growing his connection to Mindshare, and they're already grouping up together for something? For them to even do that, they have to have complete connection, which, in the parameters of what's canon about the vessel the proposed faction will be using, is impossible.

From the looks of it, it's impossible to have a group of young Nomads with the Trial ID, since the ID implies that it is merely growing, that its connection to Mindshare isn't fully developed, etc.

EDIT: Treewyrm's here. I shall now step down. XD

Concerns with Nomad factions - Treewyrm - 05-13-2009

To end all this speculation: as of the moment the restricted factions have only one representative player faction per each. You'll have the very same chance of success, i.e. none, to have independent Phantoms, independent Das Wilde, independent SCRA. I shall take no accusations of elitism and such, this is not a debate.

Make no mistake here, the Nomad Trial ID exists for the purpose of providing trial mechanism of joining the faction, if you do not like this we can revoke the ID and the whole concept of trial process and that's it. Had enough of dealing with people abusing it before the restrictions came into the place. If anything - they are the result of how people used, or shall I say misused, that feature. Remember: you make this place what it is not by desires but by deeds, thus they define what route does it take, a reflection of responsibilities taken and upheld.

Until there will be major changes in how Discovery internals work - nothing will change in this regard. I'll let other aforementioned factions do that, should they desire, of course, and look if they will succeed in that. Until then do not expect a change, nor make attempts to demand it.

Concerns with Nomad factions - Black Widow - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:The nomads are... Hard to play, correctly. Many times have I seen someone misinterpret anything in regards to Nomads. Though they can be taught, the fact that there is plenty room for abuse, I believe prevents more Nomad factions.

Added to that, Nomads cannot be factionalized. They are all a part of Mindshare, ergo, each Nomad is not individual, ergo, there cannot be splits and differences.
They are part of the mindshare doesnt necessarily mean they all have to be called Keepers thats crap comeplete crap, people come here download the Mod they should have the freedom to RP whoever they want.
if they want to be a nomad why should they have to get admin approval to use the Tech thats Bull.
Nomads are a clear cut case just like the WILD just like the Phantoms, of a faction in posession of Very Powerful Tech and because of that fact for those 3 Factions the Admin have Rubber stamped Sealed and Slapped there Mark all over it, which means only select few are allowed to play them.
Funny how all the Admins have a Phantom Character!
Anyway Radical change should be made to regulation regarding access to RP of these three factions and it must be relaxed, if someone abuses the Conditions of say for e.g. a Nomad Id then fine ban them w/e.
You say RPing a nomad is hard to do, how would you know you didnt invent nomads you dont work for Microsoft you just a player just like us, everyone knows the general idea of what a nomad does and if your telling me that all Rpers of Nomads have to use that ''****FGDFGDFGd***GHJHJGH****'' asterix between words crap and Talking in riddles then to be a nomad. then thats Crap complete Garbage!
No where in the Rules oR Rp guide does it State in order to Rp a NOMAD YOU HAVE TO CHAT LIKE A KEEPER.
SO PLEASE Vinny stop talking Out of your Behind !!!!!!

Concerns with Nomad factions - swift - 05-13-2009

You win then.

All I ask is a matter of principle.. When thinking of allowing someone into the faction, don't go by criteria of incredibly exceptional abilities, but go with the average abilities of the members of the Keepers throughout.
Note that I really don't know what kind of criteria you have, I'm just making assumptions.

Oh snap. Did I just beat my own argument?

I just somehow get a tone of defensiveness from you, Treewyrm. Don't.. think that I'm imposing on anything. That kind of misunderstandings.. don't lie with me.

Concerns with Nomad factions - Black Widow - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:What my point was, that there should be some remote theoretical possibility that an unofficial faction with Trial Nomad IDs, if behaved well over a long span of time, and proven to hold up to every standard, would have a chance at officialdom.

Hear Hear

Concerns with Nomad factions - VincentFerrex - 05-13-2009

Widow, read Treewyrm's post above.

Oh, and insulting me won't get you anywhere.

Concerns with Nomad factions - Black Widow - 05-13-2009

' Wrote:To end all this speculation: as of the moment the restricted factions have only one representative player faction per each. You'll have the very same chance of success, i.e. none, to have independent Phantoms, independent Das Wilde, independent SCRA. I shall take no accusations of elitism and such, this is not a debate.

Make no mistake here, the Nomad Trial ID exists for the purpose of providing trial mechanism of joining the faction, if you do not like this we can revoke the ID and the whole concept of trial process.

Until there will be major changes in how Discovery internals work - nothing will change in this regard. I'll let other aforementioned factions do that, should they desire, of course, and look if they will succeed in that. Until then no not expect a change, nor make attempts to demand it.

What right do you have OVer everyone else to police who is a Nomad??
Because in effect that is what you are doingm, You have No right! only over those under the name Keeper do you have right.

Concerns with Nomad factions - swift - 05-13-2009


Let it be known that I am not your "ally" in this discussion, Blackwidow.
I am peacefully discussing something, and you seem to be angry because you don't have the fancy toys right now now now.