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Ship crew amount - Cellulanus - 05-16-2009

I'd say that all gunboats have a crew around a dozen, cruisers crew would top at around 100, and BS have around 300 to 700, depending on the size of the vessel.

Oh, and mosts battleships can hould about half a dozen fighters in there holds by my estimates.

Ship crew amount - Heartless - 05-16-2009

I agree Johann.
Seems to me like it's

Gunboats/ships: 15-ish
Cruisers/Destroyers: 75-ish
Battleships: 250+

As for Battleships and Carriers holding fighters, I think that BS can hold 1 wing (a wing being 3 or 4 fighters, like what's those npc's fly around in) and a carrier 4 wings. So that's already 12+ fighters/bombers in a carrier which is a lot in FL if you think about it.

Ship crew amount - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-16-2009

Sorry, are we doing this one ... again? :P

Actually, the game Traveller had something about ship tonnage, and how a crewperson took up two 'tons' of space, ton being used as the amount of physical space in the ship that the person occupied.

So, since player ships have a certain amount of 'cargo' space available, perhaps that could represent ALL of the space available for storing things on the ship that are not actual ship components, not just in the cargo bay. Thus, you could have 350 units of space available on an Orca for people, cargo, food, or whatever.

Think of it as 350 cubic meters of space - most people occupy (effectively) 2 cubic meters.

Is it a perfect analogy? Of course not. But that also reflects why we don't have to have beds, mattresses, chairs, and workstations in our 'cargo' holds as well. Those are built in or part of the ship.

Either way, if a gunboat does in-system patrols, where it docks after a 12 hour shift, then it shouldn't need more than 6 - 8 crew total.

Ship crew amount - Heartless - 05-16-2009

well the rp for my gunboat is that it was just one of the lot made when the war with rheinland broke out. I know it's infocard says that gunboats aren't made a lot cause cruisers and avengers were more favorable, but that doesn't mean gunboats weren't made at all. So mine's just one of the many and I wanted to give it a nice rp to focus on, starting with info on every crew member, which is what this if for:)

Ship crew amount - Birdtalon - 05-16-2009

I have a liberty gunboat and i normally have 15 crew.

(One for every turret)


Some misalanious crewmembers:D

Ship crew amount - teschy - 05-16-2009

Well, when I commissioned my liberty cruiser, i had to write the crew manifest. Hope this helps for good measure.

1 x Command

3 x Navigation

8 x Sensors/Communications

4 x Screens

8 x Engineering

12 x Gunnery

4 x Medical

5 x Computers

35 x Troops

Total Crew = 80

Ship crew amount - MarvinCZ - 05-16-2009

I'm not sure if it is of any interest to you, but there is one vanilla sound file (I'm not sure if it plays anywhere in the campaign) by Captain Walker.
It is a damage report from that says "31 dead, hull is critical". It's apparently from his Cruiser.

Make from it what you want, it gives at least a lower bound.

Ship crew amount - Heartless - 05-16-2009

and an upper possibly, for gunboats.

Ship crew amount - Xing - 05-16-2009

my gallic BS have 250 crewmen. RPly, I would like to put 800... put you know, it costs.

Ship crew amount - Sarawr!? - 05-17-2009

My general theory is this:

Gunboats/Gunships: 20-50 crewmen
Cruisers/Destroyers: 80-100
Battleships: (depending on make, modernizations and such) 100-800
Carriers: 1000+

Liners: (of all types) should have upwards of 100 crewmen aboard.

In my opinion this would be realistic, I mean you'd need:
Bridge Command (Comms operators, Command Staff, Radar Operators)
Engine Room workers.
(Above Gunboats) Cooks.


That's my opinion.