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Making events count - Printable Version

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Making events count - Xoria - 05-23-2009

Here's just an off the top of my head list of the code that would have to be changed for each base switching ownership to do this :
Commodities on the base
Equipment and guns sold on the base
Ships sold on the base
weapons platforms nearby the base change ownership
base infocard
all news infocards on the base
all rumor infocards on the base
NPCs on the base in the bar and dealers
NPC patrol paths

And that's just what I know of without even really having to think about it. That's hundreds of lines of code that have to be changed, and then debugged of the inevitable errors that may create anything ranging from weird circumstances to client side crashes to server crashes (oh yes, these bugs can cause the server itself to crash). Add to this the fact that the responsibilities for changing all of that code is dispersed among multiple people in multiple time zones, and from recent experience it would probably take at least a month to finish, BEFORE it could be debugged, which would have to be done on the test server due to potential server crashes. Add another month for debugging, and a month for the events to take place to decide the switch in ownership, and it's at least 3 months to change one base's ownership, and that's if everything goes smoothly. Add another month to plan and debate the events.

So possibly 4 months after somebody says "let's fight over Base X", it might change ownership. And while the developers are doing all of this work to change one base's ownership, they aren't adding anything that is actually new to the mod.

Switching the ownership of Stokes Mining from Bretonia to Kusari was one of the persistent problems delaying the release of 4.85, by the way, so the problems involved are not minor or simple.

So, no, it's not a good idea.

Making events count - n00bl3t - 05-23-2009

We can still fight for rocks. (Since it involves little effort on the Admins part, or so I think. Could be wrong)

I want that weird one in Dresden. (Will fight all terrible-at-PVP people for it.)

Making events count - ophidian - 05-23-2009

Well, what I can think of is the "If and Then" scenarios

Like, taking an area is too fast for one event? Make it an if and then scenario, agreed on both sides, like BHG and Order, to have a 10 step victory


If and then list for

BHG - Order
10- Territorial expansion

Kinda, place stuff going from small scale to bigger scale on that 1-2-3-4 list, each of being an event and decide on what to do with the counter win (THIS SHOULD BE DONE TOGETHER WITH BOTH FACTIONS LEADERS')

And then you will have a mid-term outcome and meaningful event expansion.

Only an idea

Making events count - Tovig - 05-23-2009

' Wrote:Well, what I can think of is the "If and Then" scenarios

Like, taking an area is too fast for one event? Make it an if and then scenario, agreed on both sides, like BHG and Order, to have a 10 step victory


If and then list for

BHG - Order
10- Territorial expansion

Kinda, place stuff going from small scale to bigger scale on that 1-2-3-4 list, each of being an event and decide on what to do with the counter win (THIS SHOULD BE DONE TOGETHER WITH BOTH FACTIONS LEADERS')

And then you will have a mid-term outcome and meaningful event expansion.

Only an idea

Nice idea !:)

Making events count - Blodo - 05-23-2009

' Wrote:Suppose RHA and TBH/OPG agreed to do something decisive over Omega 5. A three-match series. whoever wins two of those fights - blows up/captures Ronneburg or Cadiz.
I point you to the Okinawa event and to the grief and tears that are now accompanying it. Last thing we need is fermenting even more OOC rage and drama between people on this server...

I say we just leave it to Igiss to guide the storyline instead of dumping the fate of the mod on pure PvP prowess or "who's faction can get more people online for lolpwn".