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Remodeling Bases - Printable Version

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Remodeling Bases - BlueSpawn - 05-31-2009

256? Are you sure? That sounds tiny. A large spacestation with all parts combined should have a texture no less than 2K, otherwise we're talking smudge city.

Remodeling Bases - Boss - 05-31-2009

Bleeaah, lemme check. Will edit with results.

EDIT: All the .dds files are either 128x128 or 256x256. Most models use more than one though.

Remodeling Bases - BlueSpawn - 05-31-2009

Ah okay. That's not too bad in that case.

I'll begin by making a number of designs.

Remodeling Bases - Seth Karlo - 05-31-2009

I mod sytems for the mod, and anyone who told you not to try should go and shove their head where the sun doesn't shine. Freelancer is easy enough to mod. Do you have Skype? Come this Wednesday I can walk you through putting them ingame. To put it simply, you need a .cmp file (search forums, am typing this on iPhone, so it's a pain to explain... Huh, that rhymes), a .sur file and a .mat file. Put these in DATA/MISC and then create a new entry in Solararch.ini, which will allow then to be put ingame. Pretty simple:)

Any problems, either PM me on the forums, or add me on Skype (username : Sedrander). And good luck to you sir, never let anyone stop you!


Remodeling Bases - Linkus - 05-31-2009

The textures are all placed singularly, not just a single one for the entire station usually.

So small texture sizes tends to work out in the end, though there can be some nasty stretching effects sometimes.

Station wise, get modelling:P
Disco apparantly is meant to keep to Freelancer's general theme (All evidence to the contrary. Places expanding more in 17 years than in over 500) which is a handy excuse not to change the stations I think.

Many stations are just the simple station models and not modular unfortunately. The modular ones tend to be rather..big.
All the same, moar needed.

Remodeling Bases - BlueSpawn - 06-01-2009

I'm happy to hear so much positive feedback. I was half expecting to hear "what, change the original bases? They're good as they are!"

Remodeling Bases - Seth Karlo - 06-01-2009

No, they're really not...

Remodeling Bases - Malaclypse 666 - 06-01-2009

I can barely fly.. I die really well.. but..

I believe you and I got off to a bad start, so let me say that you are a shining example of "Homo Neophilus".

Kudos, and go for it, sir.


Remodeling Bases - Cellulanus - 06-01-2009

I strongly advise for you to make new base models that are the same size and similar overall shape as the current ones (i.e. same connecting points), so that they can be seamlessly replaced without the need to completely remake the station.

Remodeling Bases - Turkish - 06-01-2009

As it seems lately, I have some experience with this as well. I've got a few small projects relating to this on hold if you'd like to share notes.