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Nomad in Britonia - Printable Version

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Nomad in Britonia - mohr - 01-06-2007

ooc: Okay, I agree that the RP responce to different char should be different. For instance the =BSG= would not tolerate a nomad BS but would tolerate a train, if the rep was allright. I know that this server has had some bad expieriences with some players in the past, so there may be some over-reacting. I don't know, but talking it out seems the best option.

In game grudges against a char should not cary to other chars by the same guy, unless there is a RP reason or the player is the reason for the grudge. If the player is the reason for the grudge, then it's gotten personal and there's talking that needs to be done.

Just my thoughts on that.

Nomad in Britonia - Guest - 01-06-2007

yes , the first charactor was a nomad ship.. thats understandable

my sec charactor is a large train ! and that was orderd out as well, or be destryied.

and well its stuck thier.. as it will be blowen up and re blowen up , if they see it :[

the nomad ship i got is to broke to buy other 1 , it cant even aford to buy a proper id tag .

and train cant out last 3 secs with out being killed by thier clan.


Nomad in Britonia - Forsaken - 01-06-2007

OOC: I wasnt going to post here, because one of my major peeves about this area is the constant mutilation of threads in this "ROLEPLAY ONLY" area by OOC comments. Since this thread his been butchered in a roleplay sense, I will cast in my lot and say my piece....

' Wrote:I realize thier Suposto be role Playing , Thats fine With the Nomad ships if thats the Way Role playing works?
But with cargo Vessles it should Fall under the Same line , Not labled
" Kill This player on sight as he owns a nomad " As thiers No Fair Role play in that.

MMZ>WarHorse - Nomad
Warhorse - Large Train

This is a prime example of metagaming. And generally considered terrible roleplay etiquette by most adept roleplayers. Characters CAN NOT utilize out of character information in determining thier characters actions and attitudes toward others (in this situation you). Does it happen? Yes, I guess it depends on how willing this Disco community is willing to police thier own and inspire higher a higher level of roleplay. :rolleyes:

Nomad in Britonia - Guest - 01-06-2007

its a grudge .. & i realy :(am not sure exacly why!

Nomad in Britonia - Dab - 01-06-2007

If the second char has nothing to do with the first (the nomad BS), then they have no right to order you out. Its not the same character in RP as the nomad BS is, so they shouldn't order it out because another char is a nomad. For instance, my yacht shouldn't be told to leave Bretonia because my Wraith character has made attacks there.

I think I made a post in RP forums about how people shouldn't treat separate characters as the same..

Nomad in Britonia - Guest - 01-06-2007

' Wrote:If the second char has nothing to do with the first (the nomad BS), then they have no right to order you out. Its not the same character in RP as the nomad BS is, so they shouldn't order it out because another char is a nomad. For instance, my yacht shouldn't be told to leave Bretonia because my Wraith character has made attacks there.

I think I made a post in RP forums about how people shouldn't treat separate characters as the same..

my nomad ship was not a battle ship , that was some 1 else , but yah the points still thier..

"once a nomad always a nomad "

no matter what ship hes in..

and i dont think thats in all fair play

Nomad in Britonia - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-06-2007

Forsaken, you have hit the nail right on the head there. Dab is right to, each char has nothing to do
with any of your others, unless stated somewhere by you.
Not a sign of any roleplay from the protaganists concerned, shame its such a difficult one to police.
Though continued harrassment would create a bannable offence situation.
Think about it ...


Nomad in Britonia - sunergos - 01-06-2007

Well, next time you are on, look for an [SF] member, and explain your situation. We will see to it that your trader makes it out of Cambridge unharmed.

Nomad in Britonia - marauder - 01-07-2007

How many times did they blow you up?

If it was more then three times, then you should have gotten a screenie and posted it.

Nomad in Britonia - Qunitinius~Verginix - 01-08-2007

Wow, I really really hate it when people do that. It was kidna like durring th Helghast SCRA war, Kololmo was pissed at me so he posted a bounty on Roddy & Rita :s I don't see why He did, but w/e it has added some more adventure into the character anyways lol.....

Take a screen shot next time Buddy, then whoever did that will have some explaining to do.

Verginix Out