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Strafing Controls - Printable Version

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Strafing Controls - ryeguy146 - 06-18-2009

I just can't do it. I tried, I really did. But W just begs to go forward.

Actually, the big problem is muscle memory in my fingers. When I anchor turn, I have learned to hit S and then Z really quickly. It'd be damn near impossible to unlearn that. At least more difficulty than I want to deal with. I guess I'll have to learn to by my own INI ninja. Or maybe someone at another forum has figured it out. Maybe starport?

Strafing Controls - SevereTrinity - 06-18-2009

Send me a copy of the files in PM. I'm on a school computer with an hour to burn, give me something to do.

Strafing Controls - ryeguy146 - 06-19-2009

Sorry Trinity, I missed ya by about four hours.

Strafing Controls - Virus - 06-19-2009

Use X to anchor turn. Saves you time, anyway. W/S is much more useful as up/down than forward/stop. If you have to relearn your controls, fine. Just force yourself to do it for a day or two and ... you'll learn them.

Strafing Controls - ryeguy146 - 06-19-2009

The Virus has spoketh.

Alright, I'll force myself. Damn I hate learning muscle memory.

Strafing Controls - hribek - 06-19-2009

*puts on wizard hat*

Virus is right. I use Ctrl+W and Ctrl+S for fine acceleration / deceleration, because the mouse wheel only changes velocity in steps of 15 on my computer (mousewheel set to scroll 3 rows).

I've done the controls addon for 4.85 so I went over the files numerous times.

For me, there's no known reference to any key code that would refer to the mouse wheel, so I assume it's hardcoded in the binary.