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What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - Printable Version

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What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - Xing - 06-17-2009

uuh... Red Alert 1 and Age of Empire I were like, epic? (cow catapult ftw)

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - stardust47 - 06-17-2009

Dune 2: Building a dynasty. Transport Tycoon Deluxe. :yahoo::yahoo:

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - rayne - 06-17-2009

One of my all time favourites is Doom 2
[Image: 1134_full.jpg]

I also liked the first 2 from the Xcom series, mainly Terror from the Deep
[Image: 944520598-00.gif]
[Image: 944520066-00.gif]

But, the best pre-2000 game for me was Frontier Elite 2.
[Image: frontier_-_elite_ii_07.png]

And Frontier First Encounters.
[Image: FFE.jpg]

The Frontier games had excellent music and kept you immersed for hours on end.

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - 11of10 - 06-17-2009

The games that I remember mostly, and are not allready mentioned in this thread would be
Supremacy (or Overlord, depending on where you lived)

Master of Orion

and it's sequel, Mastero of Orion II: Battle at Antares

All three of these games are space strategy/management simulations.

Supremacy is the first I have ever played, on my Commodore - 64. That, and the Elite had taken away from me one winter and summer, respectively.

In Supremacy, you start as a leader of a single colony in a system with number of un-terraformed planets, and your enemies colony. There is no research, but you have to gather resources from your planets, and train and equip your troops. Resources are important for more difficult levels of the game, but in basic, you only really need cash, power fuel, and food for your citizens.

Master of Orion is much more complexe than this. It starts you as one of the different races, in a race to rule the Galaxy. The name reflects the supertech you get if you win in combat over the Orion guardian. (A super powerfull battleship).

Master of Orion II is pretty much the same, except with (I think, at least) less technologies to research, a bit different combat setting (you don't stack ships on eachother, instead you have them spread out over the battlespace.. can look impressive) some new races, and a superenemy, which raids entire galaxy, and who, if you destroy, you automatically win the game.

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - kikatsu - 06-17-2009

Riven and Myst are amazing

but for me the best game will always be Homeworld

1999 game of the year and the first 3D combat RTS

not to mention it's amazing story and (well then they were) state of the art graphics

oh and Rogue Squadron 3D is so much fun C:

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - Zero755 - 06-17-2009

' Wrote:1. Final Fantasy VII & Final Fantatsy VIII
[Image: final-fantasy-7.jpg]
Yeah the big boys. Ignore all the shocking atrocities committed under the final fantasy franchise. Yeah, all the ones before 7 were awful. Yeah, all the ones after 8 were awful (well, 10 was okay.) Hell, even the last 25% of 8 is actually pretty bad. Every single FF7 spin-off has been shockingly gross. But take these two games, 7 especially, at face value, and you wont find anything better today. 8 was a little more reaslitic in a few ways, but 7 was dramatic. 7's story felt genuinely important and relevant. Gushy gush.


Not so into Fallout, but I still regard FF7 as my all time favorite game. The story was enthralling, the leveling system was sweet and simple, and the Materia system IMHO was and still is the best system for spells and such. There were tons of places to go and all kinds of crap to find. Id say the only part of the game that I didnt feel appealing was having to raise a Gold Chocobo to get the final summon. That and the game could have been a bit harder. Killing the final boss in a few rounds was kinda anticlimactic. And one of the most amusing aspects of the game is that there seems to be an online following of people that seem to believe there is a hidden way to resurrect a fallen character <_<

Any way its a great game, pre or post 2000.

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - Bjorn - 06-17-2009

Red alert 1

My first game ever, and now, 13 years later I still have it installed on my computer.

Age of Empires 1 and 2

Games that have setup RTS genre to what it is today

Settlers 3

Other pathcarving game

Heroes of Might and magic 2 and 3

Tbs advanture/strategy games as we know it.


*this has no need for comments*

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - Zeltak - 06-17-2009

' Wrote:Red alert 1

My first game ever, and now, 13 years later I still have it installed on my computer.

Age of Empires 1 and 2

Games that have setup RTS genre to what it is today

Settlers 3

Other pathcarving game

Heroes of Might and magic 2 and 3

Tbs advanture/strategy games as we know it.


*this has no need for comments*

Exactly same games for me, except Settlers 3 since I never played it.

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - n00bl3t - 06-17-2009



The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall. (Epic map size, even if it was all the same.)

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

What's you're favorite pre-2000 game? - swift - 06-17-2009

Unreal Tournament. (Purely epic. Makes you die of joy)

Heroes of Might and Magic 3. (Especially Shadow of Death)

Those two games are some of the best I've played. Ever. And don't compare to anything.
I play them to this day..