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New Ship Models - Printable Version

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New Ship Models - Wolfpack98 - 01-23-2007

I've used GMax before and I'm not really too keen with it. I do however like Blender3D which exports in 3DS format easily.

The way a friend of mine did it for a mod he did was Build ship in Blender, export to 3DS, IMport to Milkshake, export to CMP, then use HardCMP to add the mount points.

Worked like a charm it seems.

New Ship Models - DBoy1612 - 01-23-2007

' Wrote:I've used GMax before and I'm not really too keen with it. I do however like Blender3D which exports in 3DS format easily.

The way a friend of mine did it for a mod he did was Build ship in Blender, export to 3DS, IMport to Milkshake, export to CMP, then use HardCMP to add the mount points.

Worked like a charm it seems.

Hmm.. That gives me an idea:D

New Ship Models - Kermunos - 01-25-2007

If someone of you know the game haegemonia, one of the best Shi-Fi RTS, in the game there are a lot of good ship models. Im not a 3d modder, but i've maked a lot of screenshots about the ships of this game. If someone whant to thake a look, i can send an e-mail with the pictures.

Fly safe.

New Ship Models - mohr - 01-26-2007

Thank you, everyone, for your assistance, advise and interest.

After failing to find anyway to import the current FL models into ANY 3d modeling program, (I would LOVE to be pointed to something that opens up the current models) I decided to go ahead and work on a ship that was requested. A BHG bomber. I will be posting a seperate thread for it; this is more along the lines my technical malfunction help board (TMHB for short).

I am using Maya to make the models. I have not yet finished the modeling, nor attepted to import it into milkshape. Please post your comments about the BHG bomber on the BHG bomber thread.

As always thank you for your time.

New Ship Models - Winkie - 02-01-2007

Here is an idea, Take that useless heavy lifter, whack those ...blocks off the front tighten up the engines and U would have the start of a cool cap ship! Wish I knew how to mod ships, I would do it myself :cool:

New Ship Models - mohr - 02-13-2007

Hello all!

Sorry for the long silence, been working hard on my chars, on my RL job, and on the models.

I took some time off on working on the BHG Bomber to make a Kusari one. The post should be up any moment.

Please feel free to leave any comments about it on its thread.

Thank you! :)

New Ship Models - afoofis - 02-13-2007

I am looking to help in this matter too. My goal is however to add ships to each of the sides which look like they fit. Liberty has a lot of new ships. However the other sides are lacking.

No offense to the makers but liberty got it too good.