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Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Printable Version

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Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - DeathsOverture - 06-27-2009

Ugh, I'm a sucker for Johto...

Actually, just Ampharos. The damn thing evolved from a Flaffy and I was wtfing because it was so cool... then I learned breeding, which made Silver so much fun. I had my Amphy with Thunderbolt, and Golduck with Psychic (no, the trainer doesn't work).

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Virus - 06-27-2009

' Wrote:Dammit you guys.
For pokefans like us...

That news came out what... 2-3 months ago! maybe ieven 4-6...

Yeah... But seriously. I'm pretty hyped. I remember getting Red version for my Game Boy Color when I was six (or so?) and I still have it!

Can we start talking about our favorite pokemans, now? Oh! Oh! I pick... Abra!
[Image: Pokemon_063Abra.png]

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - JovialKnight - 06-27-2009

I had red. I had 150 pokemon in the pokedex. Including mew, just needed vileploom (sp?) and I loaned it to a friend... *sigh* Came back with a just stated file called bumface. Never touched a pokemon game again.

Might get it, shame I just loaned my DS to a friend who has beggered off to europe for a month. :S

Edit: Oh and squirtle[Image: 007Squirtle.png] or possibly pidgeot [Image: 018.png].

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - lw'nafh - 06-27-2009

I liked Lugia in Crystal

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - tansytansey - 06-27-2009

[Image: Pokemon_171Lanturn.png]

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Pinko - 06-27-2009

[Image: 132Ditto.png]

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - BaconSoda - 06-27-2009

To be honest, I'm considering getting a DS just to play the new Pokemons. >.>

Nostalgia...It's SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Also, [Image: ninetales.png]


EDIT: That was a bigger picture than I thought....

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - JovialKnight - 06-27-2009

Played a bit of platinum, and all I can say is: Happiness = evolution! NAU! Level grinding ftw!

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - reavengitair - 06-27-2009

My friend has platinum.

Hes going on about how its worth more than everyone in the school's life and how he can pwn everyone with a team of pure sweepers...

Whereas im the team with pure tanks.

Poke'mon HeartGold & SoulSilver - Thexare - 06-27-2009

My favorites are Spinarak, Farfetch'd, and Articuno.

Why Farfetch'd? Best leek-wielding ninja duck ever, in anything.

And Spinarak? Just look at it.

[Image: 167.png]

Cutest bug ever. Not that it's got a lot of competition for the spot, mind you.