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Its a Cartograph - Printable Version

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Its a Cartograph - NerdRage - 06-28-2009

Might i suggest adding the pinky/purple cloud of the omicron 90's?

Its a Cartograph - reavengitair - 06-28-2009

Veeery nice!

I still kinda dont get the red... a little less noticable maybe. If you put red there, we might as well shove another house in there.

In my opinion, liberty looks a little blank. I know in the original map it was kinda blank, but we should put dunno... just a hole in the nebula seems odd to me.

Thanks for the fantastic work!

Its a Cartograph - ophidian - 06-28-2009

*Ophi remembers the smoky horizon of New London...*

Its a Cartograph - MarvinCZ - 06-28-2009

Bretonia is not in a nebula. The map shouldn't show it being in a nebula. Yes, it is brownish and it has brown clouds - that's a result of pollution, not a nebula. It's just the systems, it wouldn't show on a Sirius map.

Its a Cartograph - elgeeko - 06-28-2009

Then please explain how this reddishness can encompass the entire star-field of the affected systems, across a range of a dozen or more systems, and not appear on a sector map?
There is simply no way that large a visual anomaly exists without there being visual reprecussions on a larger map.

<strike>As I said before, I intend to do a version 2 based on input and we can work from there.</strike>

Version 2 done, see below.

As for Gallia and having the red extend up beside the barrier, I'm simply adding to what is currently mapped in-universe.
As more systems appear, I can look at their star fields and make or extend nebulae appropriately.

Version 2;

[Image: elgeekonavmap2.jpg]

*Bretonia/Gallia cloud formations are less obtrusive and more wispy
*Omicron 90's blueish formation added
*Trace wispiness added to Libertonian space (its very very faint, but its there)
*Tiny unreadable text re-added to lower right corner (for nostalgia;))

To all those who offered critique and suggestions; thank you! keep it coming! (I do realize Bretonia isn't a nebula in the same sense as the other map formations, but there is something there, some sort of visual formation that spans over 18 systems. maybe 'nebula' isnt the best term though....)
I like this version much better and I would never have known how to improve it without your imput :)

Its a Cartograph - Boss - 06-29-2009

Great! Now if only I could figure out how to implement it without FL either A) CTDing on me, B) not starting, or C) having a blindingly white navmap.

(Used UTF Editor to replace fancymap.tga in nav_prettymap.cmp)

Its a Cartograph - elgeeko - 06-29-2009

I found that (in at least) I have to, HAVE to save it as a 24 bit .tga file with *no* RLE compression.

The file you are saving it in should be nav_prettymap.3db, not .cmp (There isnt even a cmp file by that name in my directory)

If you'd like, Ill PM you a copy of my own .3db file and you can see if that fixes it (it could just be that paint/net has formatting settings necessary to getting the image to work with the UTF editor, I think the blindingly white part is an indicator of this since it seems to me that the navmap shouldn't have an alpha channell yet in your case it does (which used to cause CTD's and white nav maps for me in the past))

For those who didn't want to read the geek-speak paragraph (though I think most of us speak it as a first language) I think its a correctable problem.

Its a Cartograph - reavengitair - 06-29-2009

You're really good at this!

Any chance of a tutorial?

Its a Cartograph - elgeeko - 06-29-2009

Thank you :$ :)
I just really enjoy this sort of thing...

A tutorial on what specifically? nebulae or star-map making? the layer manipulation? or just some of the important techniques in the process? (to encourage you, the tool I used is totally free, and very good and easy to use)

Its a Cartograph - Horon - 06-29-2009

At the very least its a man-made nebula.