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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-02-2009

Quote: Im afraid i dont agree.

I have recently bought my own BS (a kind of flagship idea for the whole story i have been developing), and it has made me more inclined to try RP things that i wouldnt in a smaller ship. This i would say would be a good thing, as it sems to be working, and i can land in iron fist of RP on any PvPwhores without getting lolpwned!

On the other hand, it seems that there has been an increse in lolcaps recently (strangely most of these new PvPwhores dont know how to fly their ships), but as i am restricted to the edge worlds, this might not hold true throughout the rest of sirius. The thing is though, that most of these lolcaps and PvPwhores are restricted to cruisers/BCs/carriers, because a BS is so expensive and they seem to be to engaged in PvPwhoring to want to trade enough to get one, this is also good because if they do pop up, they can easily be 'discouraged' by those who do know how to RP. Now, imagine if the whole price of a BS and equipment were reduced, then everyone who had acess to a 5k cargo transport would be within striking distance of a BS (imo a ship which should be rarely seen apart from in home systems), and omicron delta (the edgeworld PvP hotspot) would all of a sudden be flooded with BHG BSs, order osirises, and corsair legates wanting to kill all that moves.

It is really a matter of the lesser of two wevils, would you like to have PvPwhoring BSs everywhere, and 'lol ima pwn u' being heared every 5 seconds in highly populated systems but have your BS and be a veretable 'bastion of RP in a PvP world', or go without your sweet capital ship, which would no doubt help enhance the RP of whatever faction let you have one, in the name of RP and general sanity?

I know which one i would choose...

Quite frankly, mate, we DID see that kind of thing in 4.83, we saw some of that in 4.83, back when battleships were about as expensive as I want them to be (and most people had never even heard of a Cap Mk VIII, even though it was in the mod). Battleships SHOULD be rarely seen, but you know what? They're going to be common, whether you knock 400 million credits off the purchase price or not, because there are always going to be those WoW players who grind and grind and grind until they can buy the ship they want, and that's most of the Battleships we see now. We have several of these in Omicron Alpha, and I will attest to the fact that in 4.83, even as the mod started to swell to the kinds of player levels that we see now, we saw fewer Outcast Dreadnoughts than I have seen in Outcast space now. Even if the lolcap levels did rise, we can work around them. It's called bombers. I was in the middle of a fight today between the Corsairs, Outcasts and Order today, in an Outcast Dreadnought, and I got ran out of the fight in about two minutes after buttraping the Order Osiris because I was almost dead, from THREE bombers. If it takes three bombers two minutes to put a Battleship on the run, then I honestly don't understand how this is going to cause problems, because if there's one thing everybody has in heavy supply it's bombers...

Second, I'd like to address this:
Quote:or go without your sweet capital ship, which would no doubt help enhance the RP of whatever faction let you have one, in the name of RP and general sanity?
But that's what I'm trying to do. I have something very large planned, and very involved; the problem is that I can't get to the dang ship I need to do it. It's hugely expensive to do so, and frankly, I want to be out having my RP, not doing this whole thing with the back and forth and back and forth oh my god I think I'm going to shank that innocent Junker bystander.

Quote: instead of reducing battleship PRICE, perhaps reduce weapon costs? 10 million credits for a battlerazor which isnt even that good, wheras 4 million for a missle that does insanely higher amounts of damge... seems strange. Basic battleship turrets cost 750k Per turret. Zoner turrets cost 2100k TELL me thats fair, when theres only a 5 dmg increase and a 30/ms increase in speed. its just not worth paying the cost of 3 turrets for the essencially same gun.

The problem with this is that it's not addressing more than a day's worth of trading. The Battleship costs 750-800 million credits standalone. The armor costs, assuming the prospective pilot has any class, between 88 and 900 million credits. Those are major costs, about a weeks worth of mindless, boring powertrading, possibly more, that could be knocked off safely. The Battleship shouldn't cost more than 50 or 60 million to arm; the ship itself and the armor, however, do, enormous amounts of powertrading that could be foregone.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Dab - 07-02-2009

Simply put; It should take a long time to get. If you're a powertrader and get it in 2 weeks, good for you.. If you're not a powertrader and get it in a month, good for you too. If you're a faction and communist-ized for one, get your cookies from SCRA, than kudos to you for being smart.

But no matter how you get your BS, be it not by getting prices reduced. It's meant to take awhile. Lower the price and the powertraders will simply get it in one week instead of 2.. Trading enough to get the BS shows determination, and after investing all of that time, the owner is likely to put more effort into what it is he does with that battleship. If it gets increased, that's fine. If it stays, that's fine too. But not lower.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Luis - 07-02-2009

I have to agree with Eppy.
It took me a month and a week to get me a BS.
Was very frustrated that made me give up trading some times.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Lunaphase - 07-02-2009

I was more refering to the diffrence of logical prices, but true. Still, battleships now are as tough as ive ever seen them. no battleship should be attacking bombers anyway, thats the job for fighters and gunships. Battleships are meant to be tough bombardment platforms, able to bull through lighter capitals with ease. This seems quite fine as is, price wise. After all, a battleship has nearly twice the armor of a cruiser, with twice the damage on basic guns, larger sheild.... seems to me having twice the price is quite fair.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - kikatsu - 07-02-2009

Well I RP here, I write stories, but I am just a more casual gamer here really,
I don't lolwut at people, and I only use OOC in private chat

I've flown two capital ships before, one a Bretonian Destroyer, and now I have an Order Recon Cruiser

I only trade every once in a while, because well... it's not as much fun, you only meet people in passing, I do enjoy the RP of my traders, but just the amount of people who don't even react to you when you greet them takes alot of the fun out of that RP

basically, my income is low most days, while I would love to write up a story and some crew bios for a larger ship, I simply don't have the time and resources to devote to aquiring a larger boat

maybe if the prices were lower, my field of RP would increase considerable

but then again, I am fine flying my Collector:P

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 07-02-2009

Isnt the simple answer just not to get a cap8?

I have a cap5 which cost under 100 mil, and it does me just fine in combat.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Tic - 07-02-2009

In my oppinion, the high prices do not help with reducing the number of PvP players in them, but rather help them over the RP players that have them. Regular players who like to RP will have no problem doing it in less expensive ships like gunbots, bombers or fighters, while those whose only motivation is PvP, will work for their battleships no matter how hard it is to get them. Even now we have PvP whores who come to Discovery, get a power trader and start trading for a BS and nothing else, in the end resulting with them in having a BS and a powertrader, while the more RP inclined players will settle for smaller, easily obtained ships. So i agree with Eppy here, the battleships should be less expencive.

For armours however, i think should stay as they are.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Varyag - 07-02-2009

Meh, i think the price is fine. That poor pvp'er will get it when he realizes that those pesky little bombers are where it is at.

If you really want to stop the PVP'rs, make bombers cost about 5 credits less then a bs.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:Meh, i think the price is fine. That poor pvp'er will get it when he realizes that those pesky little bombers are where it is at.

If you really want to stop the PVP'rs, make bombers cost about 5 credits less then a bs.


You know, the problem is that they just don't seem to get it most of the time. They're stupid? They're used to WoW?:mellow:

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - dead_shot - 07-02-2009

No, no and million times NO

This server is turning out to be quite an Capfest
If this was not the case and we could count on reason and responsibility of all the players I wouldn't mind (although I hate Cap ships and never fly one) and I would vote one of many Yes answers offered.

But seeing how many Caps are flying out there as we speak I had to vote NO, hoping that somehow many of those existing will disappear one of these days due to major Ion storm that affects Cap ships only.