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Bounty hunter capship rules - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-04-2009

' Wrote:Hehe, good one.

Please let me ask a question here instead of making another thread.
Are there roleplay restrictions of purchasing a bh capship for others than bh?
Today i saw the second guy of a particular mostly independent group with a bh capship, quite oorp to me.

Depends on which ships...

There are freelancers and mercs that have our gunships and gunboats right now, and while we're not thrilled about it - some of them (such as me, for example) have had their Orca for a long time. Others - well, if they get into 56 now and have the rep to buy the ship, unless we catch them and fine them immediately, there's not much else we can do about it. (And yes, I do try to do just that.)

But as far as the larger ships - the Destroyers, Battlecruisers, and Battleships - yeah, you better have the right ID or you're not getting one of those (or keeping it in one piece).

Bounty hunter capship rules - Elvin - 07-04-2009

Well, I saw Junker ID/IFF Liberty Dreadnought, I saw Nomad Morph Police...

Eww... bad memories.

Just keep the big BH ships out of houses and try to not make them stationed 24/7 2k from enemy faction home base. It gets annoying to undock Toledo, read "lulz u ded order" and take fire from 2 battleships. That's just me tho, it haven't happened so many times, just a hunderth or two last month.

Bounty hunter capship rules - DragonLancer - 07-06-2009

In fact i was talking about the big toys - battlecruiser and battleship.

I forgot that you have to sneak into Omega 56 and that you actually steal them unless you got some RP approval.

Bounty hunter capship rules - Agmen of Eladesor - 07-06-2009

' Wrote:Well, I saw Junker ID/IFF Liberty Dreadnought, I saw Nomad Morph Police...
Eww... bad memories.
Just keep the big BH ships out of houses and try to not make them stationed 24/7 2k from enemy faction home base. It gets annoying to undock Toledo, read "lulz u ded order" and take fire from 2 battleships. That's just me tho, it haven't happened so many times, just a hunderth or two last month.

Key thing, Elvin.

What were the ship tags?

If you have issues with a BHG|Core tagged ship, let us know in our faction feedback, and we'll see what needs to be done about it (if anything - we are, after all, at war with the Order).

And if they don't have a BHG|Core tag - well, you know how well that went over when the Order restricted what the indies did, right? I'd say a lead balloon, but Mythbusters actually flew one of those, so I'll go with screen door in a submarine... Yeah, it's a pain in the butt, but you know as well as I do that we CAN'T do anything about it. Not since all those people complained about the fifth right of factions - and how they can't trust the faction leaders.

And Drangonlancer, it's not so much that you're stealing them as you're not working directly with the main branch of the Guild Guard (which is, I'd like to think, us). What's sad and annoying is that someone will come into 56 to buy a capship of some kind because they were directed there - and they don't have a bounty hunter ID. Those are the people that then wonder why we're either fining them or blowing them up. It's our Guard System and the ships were put there for a reason - to attempt to help control the cap spam.

Unfortunately, we still A) can't restrict the indies if they have the right ID's and B) can't do anything about those people who already HAD their capships prior to 4.85 coming out. The only ones we can restrict - and I did it 6 different times yesterday - are on those people who come in with Merc (or other) ID's that aren't hunters. Granted, I made 5 million credits off of those fines, but stilll - it's the point of the matter.