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A newbies first week - Printable Version

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A newbies first week - Eppy - 07-06-2009

' Wrote:But here lies the rub, I find myself getting irate and quite frustrated with the skinny peacocks that meander about on this server. Stroking their egos and screaming the second you threaten something of theirs (whethere it be their sense of rp through your ship choice, your location or just that you pirate them or stand up to them). The proverbial venom has been wearing me down, and honestly im not well and shouldnt be this frustrated, I need to be taking it easy and getting my strength back for college. One can say though that being frustrated is somewhat of a compliment to this game and the people I have enjoyed, it shows I care enough about them and this game to be frustrated by it and keep coming back even though I want to stop.

A little secret for you, mate, that I don't think people realize very often:

Traders aren't rich anymore.

Stop pirating us every other damn tradelane. Also, stop using the Outcast Gunship. (and I make that request as its designer. It's replaced the Corsair Gunboat as the most spammed ship on this server)

I understand that a lot of traders are bad sports, but the simple truth is that a lot of us who would regularly pay our way out of a situation with little trouble are disenfranchised because we're either in a Zoner Whale powertrading without proper RP blockade running or we're (A) being pirated in a smaller, less efficient transport on a less profitable legal run or (B) avoiding the tradelanes and making even less money in aforementioned transport/trade-run arrangements. Please remember that the traders have to have fun too - and fun for a trader, since we're trading to make money, is to see steadily rising profits - and that we are not going to enjoy being pirated more than once per run (and if you demand cargo for anything but factional RP you deserve to die) and being forced to avoid tradelanes every single time we go through a system, often a LARGE system (AHEMCALIFORNIA).

Also of note - the Mobius are suckers and will eventually leave or be run off. They're a Sirius Police Force, and THAT does not sit well with anybody but Mobius.

Welcome to Discovery, read the rules and have fun.:laugh:

A newbies first week - Elsdragon - 07-06-2009

That said about those Mobius People, Is that CR dose not appreciated Aggresive use of Vampire cannons and VIpers. And People dont pirate synth Foods Enough. We only have two Bounties up...

A newbies first week - Benjamin - 07-06-2009

Ignore Eppy's trader whining, traders are all rich and all deserve to be pirated heavily and will all moan. The moans are like a decibel scale of how well you are pirating.

A newbies first week - Galacius - 07-06-2009

I use a gunship so I can acctaully not be trigger happy and not as forceful as one would be forced to be in a bomber, i like it that i dont have to explode them at one wrong move due the durability of the ship. And I considered a gaian one but the rp I came up with for the outcast one is much more pleasing. Also the nice pirates (when I was pirating I liked to feel I was nice) will often lower the price if you rp out things, case and point a fellow talked about how the mollys had got him, right then and there i cut 3/4ths of the price I was asking off but still taxed him the 1/4th out of principle. Really both sides have to give and take.

I have been chased out of guard system for just looking at their bs's yelled at almost shot up rule lawyered and generally have people look down their noses at me, plus the whole power trader (and I believe this is the proper term) lolwut bit. Id say 90 percent of the people I have met so far I strongly had a dislike for, it seems to congregate in the police factions and traders for some reason. People I have liked has pretty much stuck to junkers, some zoners (oh man some of them have been pricks, got chewed out for going into the guard system to look at the bs's for my upcoming bs character), and most of the outcasts and corsairs, specially the southern corsairs have all been generally nice no matter what side of the coin (friend or foe) i find myself on (there have been one or two exceptions).
Maybe its just my affiliations but the a good chunk of the system people look down their noses at me, and the traders I am seriously starting to hate. If this isnt the majority and how many of them I find are stroking their egos, i dont know what is.

edit since I do not want to double post

Also can anyone clarify why gallia ships are not allowed out of the system? That is a death sentence for some of the most beatifull ships in the game. Their designs are amazing and I would love to get my hands on one, but honestly why would I bother if I cant do anything with it whatsoever?

A newbies first week - tazuras - 07-06-2009

' Wrote:Also can anyone clarify why gallia ships are not allowed out of the system? That is a death sentence for some of the most beatifull ships in the game. Their designs are amazing and I would love to get my hands on one, but honestly why would I bother if I cant do anything with it whatsoever?
Gallia does not sell ships to Sirians. Most factions rather dislike Sirians because they screwed us over 900 years, or so, ago. The council is the only faction that would and it doesnt have enough resources to be selling ships to Sirians.

Gallics wouldnt want to leave gallia, for the most part, either because they hate Sirians/dont trust them/dont know them, and they are too involved in the internal struggled of Gallia. The only people that would really want to leave gallia would be traders and explorers and trade ships are allowed to leave Gallia currently, so that works there.

Five new Gallic systems will be introduced in the next version, this should give you a little more room to play with them with. At this point civilian Gallic tech might be allowed to leave Gallia as well.

A newbies first week - atlantis2112 - 07-06-2009

Quote: Five new Gallic systems will be introduced in the next version, this should give you a little more room to play with them with. At this point civilian Gallic tech might be allowed to leave Gallia as well.

Oooo. New release. /Excitement.

Anyways I know how you feel mate. When I first came onto the server I decided to try out Outcasts. I found some of them to be the worst of the bunch.. several months later when I picked up my Spyglass (Green on the chart) I got smashed, hammered, attacked, (Insert more violent verbs here) about the whole thing. I finally switched to Lane Hackers because I was so sick of the treatment I was getting (Get out of my sight Ravager, you are starting to make me ill, was my very favourite given by a Mandalorian outside of Malta..). After a while, I eventually got settled in. It just takes time for the community to accept you, that's what I found anyways.

My $0.02 has been deposited.

A newbies first week - Galacius - 07-06-2009

' Wrote:Gallia does not sell ships to Sirians. Most factions rather dislike Sirians because they screwed us over 900 years, or so, ago. The council is the only faction that would and it doesnt have enough resources to be selling ships to Sirians.

Gallics wouldnt want to leave gallia, for the most part, either because they hate Sirians/dont trust them/dont know them, and they are too involved in the internal struggled of Gallia. The only people that would really want to leave gallia would be traders and explorers and trade ships are allowed to leave Gallia currently, so that works there.

Five new Gallic systems will be introduced in the next version, this should give you a little more room to play with them with. At this point civilian Gallic tech might be allowed to leave Gallia as well.

What im truly curious is the gallian junkers and their interaction with the sirius junkers along with those junkers reactions. (I remember reading somewhere that junkers are welcomed and lawfull in gallia)

A newbies first week - Benjamin - 07-06-2009

junkers fly the same ships both in gallia and out. a couple of people are RPing gallic junkers and have been for a while, and a few sirius junkers are taking advantage of the fact they have a monopoly (or at least do in rp) on bringing goods out of lawful gallic bases into the rest of the galaxy. They basically all get along because JuNKeRs4LiFe

A newbies first week - tazuras - 07-06-2009

' Wrote:What im truly curious is the gallian junkers and their interaction with the sirius junkers along with those junkers reactions. (I remember reading somewhere that junkers are welcomed and lawfull in gallia)
Well if you havent checked out the Junker Gallic Connection thread yet you probably should. Which reminds me, I still have to comment on it. You also might want to contact Tinkerbell, as he seems to be pursuing this kind of thing.

A newbies first week - Zapp - 07-06-2009

If you ever want a nice faction to RP with, I suggest the LPI -- we're nice, friendly, and 9 out of 10 doctors agree that we're the best faction in Liberty:D

/shameless recruitment plug

So welcome to the server!