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Apologies - TankTarget - 01-29-2007 my trader is not HF tagged and in fact the HF traders core is non existant. My trader is contracted to universal shipping and whatnot.

Nightfall, if by RP Bernard Fokke is angry why not merely challenge Drake Thastus to a duel? My faction (unfortunately) isn't really active in trading, except myself and one other member who is busy being shot at.
And I for the most part have been HF's bank funding new players handing out bonuses and financing my private HF fleet. Flyer has helped signifcantly in trading and Mista Shoultz has been somewhat useful in trading. I also have things to do at school and cannot spare time to trade.

(again for the eternal record, we terrorize California not Cambridge too many SF there)

Now Nussebull I am glad you accepted the apology but I never said I was gonna take over Houston/ that was Verginix and his PK. Why attack HF because of the Helghast weapon? Which now he's not even gonna use? Now that I think about it, it's quite funny. (P.S. to LNS Pheonix you spelled it wrong, 'Phoenix')

And about the money, Flyer is right HF is dying mainly because I need to recruit and have been somewhat less than active recruiter. I need to issue orders to trade. And my trader soon to be fully RP universal shipping and doing cam/corfu (rp reasons). So there and I already have 107mil.

Apologies - Nightfall - 01-29-2007

' Wrote:Guys, we don't even do the Corfu->Cambridge run anymore. We do a better one...

Night... what can i say? It really is extremely hard to coordinate a mass-trading event! Different time zones, homework, stuff to do! I remember lots of times when Tank and i set something up, but either nobody came, or we couldn't even come ourselves! Me, usually because parents put a limit for FL, and i dunno about Tank. I really only go on FL on the weekends, and thats only if my parents arent pissed off and let me get on!

I can't do FL in the week because

A)Student Council
B)Have to go to sibling events
D)Youth Group at church
E)So many more!!!

So, just would you give us a break... plz.

Better trade route - even better in that case

I'm not telling you to play FL and not do those duties you have to do in real life, real life is more important than FL. I'm just pointing out that you should suffer the consequences, go to a local drug dealer and spit in his face - see what's gonna happen (don't actually do this, I'm just picturing the situation).

You can be more useful than spamming the forum with completely sensless nonsense (don't get me wrong, I'd like you to post here, but not just off-topic ooc one-liners).

Coordinating a trading event... first: I didn't say you HAVE to TRADE second: did I ever mentioned it has to be coordinated in any way, just get in the train, form a group and chat away while you trade, works for IND every time, how do you think we made our riches?

' Wrote:Nightfall, if by RP Bernard Fokke is angry why not merely challenge Drake Thastus to a duel? My faction (unfortunately) isn't really active in trading, except myself and one other member who is busy being shot at.
And I for the most part have been HF's bank funding new players handing out bonuses and financing my private HF fleet. Flyer has helped signifcantly in trading and Mista Shoultz has been somewhat useful in trading. I also have things to do at school and cannot spare time to trade.

(again for the eternal record, we terrorize California not Cambridge too many SF there)

And about the money, Flyer is right HF is dying mainly because I need to recruit and have been somewhat less than active recruiter. I need to issue orders to trade. And my trader soon to be fully RP universal shipping and doing cam/corfu (rp reasons). So there and I already have 107mil.

Nightfall may be proud and to others he seems even arogant, but he is not stupid. He met the lot of you and knows your modus operandi, he knows what fighters and loadouts to expect. He knows you're Dab's lackeys. He knows what he can expect from supposed allies of the Outcasts that ally with Corsairs. Nightfall is a man who values honor, how can you have honor if you speak like you did, if you have no respect?

Also, what would be the satisfaction of killing you (supposedly if it is successful) to the economically much more valued 400 million credits? Brute force is a measure of last resort. It will be used if necessary and will come down on not only one man, it will come down with vengeance on the whole faction because of one man, one uncontrolled man whose ability to lead will be questioned, loyalty will be questioned, honor and integrity. In the end, the whole faction's ability to survive and act as a whole will be tested and proved.

Again on trading, same as I said in my previous post - ask yourself, is your faction worth the effort if it's like that? Do you really have fun leading that faction? I don't think so, I only hear you complaining.

Not the number of members is important. Intoxication and RedBaron with their NovaPG are proving that (5-6 people), the [SCC] (can't remember the name, 2-3 people but seems great fun), the PLH (3 people I think) recently I had the honor to fight the [GAU] (3 people, Corsairs, great RP, flying Titans *bows to the ladies*) there are more I can't remember atm and in the end, the GoR who count 6 people if Angel comes in. It's a lot more than member numbers.

Apologies - TankTarget - 01-29-2007

Well the one thing about the comment in general is it was OOC the entire post was OOC so Bernard Fokke should not even know about it he's never heard it. So if you wanna go by RP there, and I in no way anticipated such a result it almost seems to me that you took it personally. I should have put OOC in front but Drake Thastus as a character would never have said that. Why? Because he respects the outcasts. And leading HF sometimes seems to be a chore right now. Leading a faction isn't always fun.

Especially recently having to demote my XO my friend because he went behind my back. Yeah i am not having fun leading HF. I expected to have fun when the SA showed up because of the fact they were Liberty and I finally had the chance to execute my RP instead I find myself fightnig four Battleships in a bomber when they're attacking my system. leading HF is chore it used to be fun but now it isn't because our enemies are not fun to fight because the random 7-8 on 1 fights are miserable.

I am not a happy person right now and I have been taking it out on the community and that is why everyone is pissed at me right now. I still cannot wrap my mind around the fact that you (nightfall) were insulted by my OOC comment towards the NPC faction of a computer game. if that drives you to make me further miserable fine enjoy yourself I will just trade for the rest of my time here. In short I think people are getting too sensitive and taking insult at everything because there is so much tension in Discovery. For various reason.

IE, too many new factions, someone's not RPing right, two certain people are out to kill each other, Admins are being given a hard time, poor sports. Those are a few of the things coming to my mind right now.

We all just need to relax and realize this is a game, not real, pretend, and remember that the Outcasts, Lane Hackers and Zoner's don't actually exist and that Fasa Studios made a fun game... My 2 cents.

And as for the part about being "Dab's Lackeys" I take offense to that I am in no way Dab's lackey. And HF fighters are loaded out like Mercenary loadouts. We do not have restrictions and Lane Hackers have amazing class 6 weapons that have no place in pvp. When my entire Faction RP report is done you will see HF is not Lane Hacker they are in the same posistion of the Outcasts. Allies of the Lane Hackers, I used Lane Hackers because of their genuine hatred for Liberty which HF has.

Now Trading is the only way HF can get money piracy ain't gonna bring 400mil and no one has bothered to hire us because there is no need everyone has their own damn army I am beginning to question whether or not I should change my Rp and make HF a strictly pirate group because of that. And as for your money I don't see why I should even pay because your RP is way off. So why should I pay RP money to the GoR when they shouldn't know what I said?

Apologies - Wolfpack98 - 01-29-2007

' Wrote:So why should I pay RP money to the GoR when they shouldn't know what I said?

Hate to say it, but you just shot yourself in the foot with that.

GoR are the Outcasts' top fighter unit, and have eyes and ears all over sirus. Comments like that are easy to spread around in a community like that simply by word of mouth.

You say it was OOC. Did you mention it was OOC in game? If not, then you're SOL.

Apologies - Virus - 01-29-2007


I mean, come on, in RM and the Phantoms all our ships are personally financed (Except for a few whose fighters I paid for to get them into a decent war-machine). People are MUCH less likely to just leave if they've put a lot of time into getting their ships and such.

For example, I spent a lot of time getting the Alzette and Hellbound... Hoodlum, the Vulcan; Romer, Dalamar; Kane DarkStar and Krieg.

Buy 'em nothin' higher than a fighter and it proves they want to be there.

Apologies - Koolmo - 01-29-2007

Aye, thats a good policy, when Nussebull joined the SCRA, he bought his own Hugenot. I think the larges ship that's ever been bought for someone was a Prison Liner, and those are bloody cheap.

Apologies - BestFlyerHere - 01-29-2007

I've bought all of my ships. Tanktarget paid me for a transport, and i did the rest. Did all my own trading, and even after the wipe. I don't really think this is the problem.

@Night- Alright, i get what you said before. HF just really needs to starting recuiting, and getting quality recruits, not just ones that leave after about 2 weeks. This happens way too much, and I'm sick of it!

Tank, i think we need to make it a bit hard to recruit. Once we get recruits, as their final test, we can tell them to go to fp9 from NY in a starflier. It proves skill and determination. Just an idea.

Apologies - TankTarget - 01-30-2007

Wolfpack the comment was not mentioned ingame and the post I made was all OOC anyone could've figured that out. The GoR don't know what happens outside the freelancer universe because the GoR do not exist in real life so Bernard Fokke cannot possibly know what I said OOC. Unless you want to throw Rp way out the window.

And for the record people in my clan buy their own ships except their starter. I have been buying all the fighters...

Apologies - Nightfall - 01-30-2007

*bangs head on keyboard and thinks of buying a Titan to dive into the nearest sun (Outcast buying a Titan to die in, I guess you realize the magnitude of the disappointment) - a man cannot pull an honest extortion around here*

BFH, that's my favorite test:crazy:not hard as it seems, just needs more brains (or luck for some) than muscle.

Tank, no need for trading, I counted 17 members in your signature. It's some 200-250 missions (making about 2 mil each, and in groups, they can) that can be done in 5 minutes each. Those can be done in groups of 2-3, meaning 5 groups of 3 and one group of 2 (6 groups) which is about 40 missions for each group taking some 200 minutes total (just under 4 hours).

If you have allies to help, the more the merrier and less time/missions.

It'll be fun. I'm giving you a purpose, accept it.

Apologies - TankTarget - 01-30-2007

Oh now I see what this is...You're being a pain in the *** because you want me to get my people off their asses! I get it now it has nothing to do with you being mad... *smacks Nightfall with fish*

Purpose...There are many people in my clan some of which (most of which) are inactive. I am active, Flyer is active, Vulture (semi active) Lorry (semi active). Denelo is active, and if there are others I don't know about them... I already have 200mil and I ain't giving it to you... Because the way I see it if GoR goes to war this might as well be a pvp server with the mafia in charge....