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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Printable Version

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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Guest - 08-12-2009

Smuggler ID's really shouldn't be allowed to have the pirate train. It justs gives them an advantage over Independant trader ID's.

As for Benjamins comment. Independant traders have even less reason to get out of being pirated than factionalised ones.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

As a counterpoint..

Slavers have the two most profitiable routes I know off.

They have no restriction on transport size.

They have no enforceable requirement to roleplay.

Equally, factionalised traders, at least 3 of which have access to a 29m/hr route have no requirement to RP. Or join the player faction their IFF indicates. Or even, as far as I'm aware, display the tag of the NPC faction they are using, instead remaining IFFlsss.

Powertrading will always exist.

All the current system does, in my view, is give Zoners as a whole an unfair rep as powertraders and hinder those who actually want to RP Indy traders. (Or Indy smugglers for that matter, although I have no desire to put mine in anything bigger than a BWTrans)

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - cmfalconer - 08-12-2009

oh oh! can I join the bandwagon too?


Independent traders in 5k transports! Are you serious! It'll be the end of the (Discovery) world!

**looks around, but doesn't see fire and brimstone raining from the sky.**

whew! glad that's over with.

Now, yes, the reason independents aren't flying adv trains is because of the public outcry against those silent "powertraders" flying Adv. Trains in 4.84 just to get money for their battleships. I'm one to believe there's always a little truth to stereotypes, but don't lump everyone into a group because you've had a bad experience with a couple people.

Personally, I don't miss my adv. train. My BW trans worked very well for me, and now that I've joined Bowex, the Shire's pretty nice too.

*gasps* oh no, I joined a corporate faction, and now I'm flying a bigger ship! sellout! *runs around flailing arms*.

Bowex is hiring. Universal has had quite a large in-game presence lately. DSE, ALG, ELF, ABC (whoops) are all worthy factions to join too.

Or get a Zoner Guard ID. But then you run the risk of QCP blowing you up.

I guess a guy can't make an easy credit anymore. *tsk tsk*

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Unseelie - 08-12-2009

Join Bowex. Doo it. We can Fly Atrains. And we're fun.
We can also fly Shetlands, which are odd. We can fly Shires, which are about as strong as a transport can be. Can fly Royal liners, which is somewhat discouraged, as they're suppoed to be rare.

Can fly Percherons, which are the best money/ship ratio in entire line of transports.
Join Bowex. You'll enjoy it.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Benjamin - 08-12-2009

You can sell legal and illegal drugs in a 5k* in my faction ^______________________________________^

*in the edge worlds too! Through jumpholes!! It's like being a Zoner!!!!

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Cyberanson - 08-12-2009

Please don't! Independent traders shouldn't use large ships. Why? They are independent and have no strong faction backing them with vessels and such...

If you want to use bloody 5k ships, please join ALG, Cryer or DSE! We have the RP and the 5k ships.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Benjamin - 08-12-2009

' Wrote:please join ALG, Cryer or DSE! We have the RP and the 5k ships.
We are a new wave of modern corporations, with beautiful members, beautiful secretaries, and beautiful roleplay. And beautiful secretaries.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Cyberanson - 08-12-2009

Ben, this thread is about powertrading. Please refrain from catching them with RP and beautiful secretaries!

We have 5k transports!:P

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Benjamin - 08-12-2009

Ah yes, powertrading. We can legally haul many illegal commodities right through the houses! People don't hate us like they do Zoners. We have some disgustingly profitable route in to house space with a commodity that is only legal for us and our good friends at the other end of the route!
Once a Corsair tried to pirate me, and another Corsair flew over and told him to stop!
We use jumpholes! If anyone tries to call your oorp for it, take them to Sigma 17 and show them the NPC trains going through the jumpholes!

There you go. All powertrading, all the time!

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

Actually, from my perspective, it's about being denied the ability to play my character the way I'd like to.

I'm not seeking to make the most money I can.

I'll happily stop for a half hour "chat" mid route.

My characters affinity is towards Liberty, not the Borderworlds.

I don't need to be in a faction to RP.

Those that want factionalism traders will make them, in my opinion, regardless of who can and can't use 5k transports. For now, those that don't will continue to use Zoner Guard and Slaver IDs