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Hacking to a lower ping? - Printable Version

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Hacking to a lower ping? - Corsair - 08-17-2009

' Wrote:Shouldn't have wandered away from Europe, 400 years ago, now look where you are !:P

Damn you, great (to the power of 5) grandparents!

But I don't know how I can have better ping than all of you, but still get raped in combat. Maybe I just suck. =_=

Hacking to a lower ping? - Tenacity - 08-17-2009

I'm generally around 100 ping, and to hit anyone in a fighter or bomber I've got to aim 100m in front of the targeting reticle -_-

Hacking to a lower ping? - Belco - 08-17-2009

' Wrote:I'm generally around 100 ping, and to hit anyone in a fighter or bomber I've got to aim 100m in front of the targeting reticle -_-

uhhh, wut? i get +400 here from australia, and i can pretty much shoot at the crosshair.
i get a bit of lag on missles, in that i dont get a warning till im almost hit, and missiles dont appear until about a second after i fire them.

Hacking to a lower ping? - DarthCloakedGuy - 08-17-2009

In Czech... wow... I didn't even know they had modern computers over there. :P

Hacking to a lower ping? - kindred - 08-17-2009

A lot of people confuse computer and fps lag for internet connection lag. I do fear that is Tenacity's problem, one hundred ping is acceptable for a server on a different continent.

Hacking to a lower ping? - Turkish - 08-17-2009

I live on the West Coast, my ping is never over 200ms usually. I also don't suffer jumping while in PvP or PvE. Could it possibly be your locale and connection?

Hacking to a lower ping? - Canadianguy - 08-17-2009

About 193 ping in eastern canada.
Also jumping in PvP is usually not caused by ping most of time time except if you live very far away from the server. Huge fights are the main cause.

Hacking to a lower ping? - swift - 08-17-2009

It's acceptable, I guess. Way better than some.

Hacking to a lower ping? - agentmike - 08-17-2009

' Wrote:Is there any way for me to get a lower ping? Some kind of.. Tweak, or magic patch? PvP has ground to an absolute stop for me. Whenever I try and shoot someone, they magically leap out of the way, off my screen. Even PvE is like that.

yeah. move. or get a better ISP.

funny, this came up the other day. well actually, i brought it up when i was about 8 beers deep.
i average around 200ms ping, and i live in the northeast corner of texas (USA)

i was curious why my ping is so low, by other peoples standards, so i did a Trace on the server IP. turns out that my connection goes from my house, to a local office, then to Mobile Alabama, then to Phoenix Arizona, then to Dallas Texas, then to Denver Colorado (moves 3 times there), then to Germany (moves 2 times there), then finally to Prague and to the server.

so my signal moves between 10-12 different locations in about 1 fifth of a second.

so i'm not complaining anymore, thats pretty amazing to me.

its all about how far your signal has to go before it reaches the server, and how many different "hubs" it has to go through. there are ways to get more "direct" connections, but not without spending tons of money to do it.

maybe there are ways to block certain connections to ip addresses, forcing your signal to re-route itself to another location, but i figure this would probably be hard to do as well....

after a little research i found out that alot of ISPs in the U.S. all go through Denver Colorado before they go overseas, and after it reaches Denver, the ping is down to about 100ms after that. so basically, blame it on your ISP for having such a lengthy route to get to Denver.

Hacking to a lower ping? - reavengitair - 08-17-2009

Well, gotta love australia.

Average - 394 - 1500, depending on what other people are doing on other computers...