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Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:I'm afraid you're a bit short of options, polish up your VHF and bomber skills I guess.

We haz them.

And Mafic skill too..:)

Quote:Of course, you'll have to make a deal with the Dons for them. Go on a killing spree, instead of claiming the bounties, ask for a few gunboats.

We were thinking that.

With 5 Corsair kills, an MM can get a Sabre.

Maybe with 20, he can get a OC GS? Up for discussion with the 101st, methinks.

Oh, and Order GB is a non starter. We kill Corsairs..

Mandalorians and Gunboats - bluntpencil2001 - 08-19-2009

Bretonian GB!

It rawks.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Elsdragon - 08-19-2009

well, Make a good generic GB

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-19-2009

FLying Bret GB's all over Sirius on our jobs just wouldnt be right either.

I have an imperfect answer :

1) Use our existing stock of BH GB's in lawful space

2) Use OC GS in Border worlds.

3) Mafic Spam >> GB's anyway.

4) Profit!!

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Zig - 08-19-2009

You're going to have to scratch point 1), given that we the BHG| organizing a total technology recall. Read that there post of Athenian's more carefully!

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:You're going to have to scratch point 1), given that we the BHG| organizing a total technology recall. Read that there post of Athenian's more carefully!

Quote:All ships outside Guild ownership at present should be returned for decommissioning when next due for servicing. We will no longer be in a position to provide repair or replacement services on any craft not held by Guild members

I did read it carefully. No new ones. Got that. We have like 3 right now.. And my Orca will be replaced with a OC GS, subject to negotiations with OC's.

MY favourite GB is a Mafic anyway.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Elsdragon - 08-19-2009

This is why we need a good generic Gunboat, Considering Most factions want thier tech red to anything else.......

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Zig - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:I did read it carefully.

Hey, not bad. All right. Make sure your remaining stock isn't damaged, then, and keep it out of space where it might sustain ordinary wear and tear.

Fair enough, though. Good catch.

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Dieter Schprokets - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:Hey, not bad. All right. Make sure your remaining stock isn't damaged, then, and keep it out of space where it might sustain ordinary wear and tear.

Fair enough, though. Good catch.

Think "Iranian F-14's"

Mandalorians and Gunboats - Zig - 08-19-2009

' Wrote:Think "Iranian F-14's"

It's been thirty years, hasn't it? Damn you!