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(Semi) Serious suggestion - Printable Version

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(Semi) Serious suggestion - DarthCloakedGuy - 08-21-2009

How about "People with this ID are a specific exception to the rule against capital ship piracy. :crazy:"

All joking aside, no. Just no.

We might as well start giving F1 licenses, re-engagement permits, and loller IDs. Yes people will keep breaking the rules. NO we should not make it even easier for them to do so, and by doing so slash and burn the RP quality and environment of this server.


(Semi) Serious suggestion - tansytansey - 08-21-2009

Why don't we just make the server start each new character with 1 billion credits then? It'll accomplish the same result...

(Semi) Serious suggestion - chovynz - 08-21-2009

The difference, Andrew, is that they are still trading.
There is a difference between breaking the rules
doing things that the community frowns on, but are still within the server rules.

So far, no one has actually defined Powertrading, AND it's a generic phrase.

The suggestion is not to exclude them from the rules. It is to inform the people who they come into contact with, to not expect too much.

It's like a "Do Not Disturb" sign. Except it's more of a "I can't/won't RP" sign. When you come across these people, then you don't have to expect much. You can choose to ignore them if you know what type they are, instead of trying so very hard, that we Discoites do, to involve them in some RP, getting disappointed, then reporting them. OR you can choose to continue to try to RP with them, and see if anything happens.

Although this was a semi joking idea, I really do think it'll work.

Again, this suggestion is not to exclude the Powertraders from the server rules, but it informs the 'other people' what their intent is.

The phrase itself is insulting, ambigious and doesn't actually mean anything. It's a catch phrase that has no meaning. An ID, such as this, probably differently named, gives meaning to the silence. It removes ambiguity. It tells you not to expect too much from this encounter.

THAT is a good thing.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - tansytansey - 08-21-2009

' Wrote:The phrase itself is insulting, ambigious and doesn't actually mean anything. It's a catch phrase that has no meaning. An ID, such as this, probably differently named, gives meaning to the silence. It removes ambiguity. It tells you not to expect too much from this encounter.

In MMORPGs, powerleveling is leveling with the intent to gain as many levels as possible as quickly as possible. Similarly, Powertrading is trading with the intent to gain many credits as fast as possible. Not all power traders want to avoid/won't RP either, that's not the deffinition of a power trader. I powertrade when I want to make credits, but if someone RPs with me, I'll RP back. The difference between a powertrader and an in-RP trader, is that the in-RP trader is only doing it for the RP, and the credits are just a bonus on the side.

So, I don't consider myself a powertrader, because I do RP trade, but when I need credits, then I'll start powertrading. Doesn't mean I'll stop RPing though, so using a "power trader" ID to describe everyone would be too broad of a description, because I don't think there's anyone here that hasn't, or doesn't power trade occasionally. We've got this mindset that "Powertrading = bad" but in reality... it's not.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - chovynz - 08-21-2009

I agree. I also have/had a powertrader character.
In Disco, because of the stupid starting method, and some other things that COULD have been solved by now, but haven't yet....
RPing in a good way, takes credits. Everyone needs credits.
Even hardcore RPers, who only build up their chars by using only those chars to gain money, still need credits.

@ Nighthawk: I do hear what you say about the starting with 1 billion credits, but there is also pleasure found in making credits. You know...mining etc.

Starting with 1 billion, would, I believe, harm the mining industry. Perhaps.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - reavengitair - 08-21-2009

But in fact, powertrading = good.

Powertraders bring pirates, pirates bring lawfuls, lawfuls + pirates = activity.

Beyond.the.jumphole = no.1 powertrader:D

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Robert.Fitzgerald - 08-21-2009

Normal trading brings activity, and sensible roleplay instead of zoner guards powersmuggling, blockade running and taking over house corp and freelancer routes. So much for zoners "getting away from the houses"...

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Exsiled_one - 08-21-2009

I'll tell you whats my definition of a power trader.

Power trader is a person that choses the profitable route, picks a big ship to do it and picks an ID/faction that should allow him to do it freely. By choosing a route thats out of roleplay, and ID affiliation just to stay safe from the persecutors he is cheating on the rp level and thus deserves to be pirated / wtfowned.

Powertraders > pirates > roleplay isn't any justification.
example: Junkers want to trade trough Corsair space, anything they want. Since powertrader doesn't belong to a faction of junkers he just has name, junker aff, and junker ID.

He gets stopped and pirated by Corsairs and he gets upset because we're neutral. neutral aint friendly, end of discussion. He was hoping to smuggle trough with just risk of getting caught in liberty. Shame. and not the way to do it.

If the said junker decides to bring food or medicine instead of counterfit software, he cutts his risks to half, because he's not doing anything illegal concerning the liberty side, and he's aiding corsairs (from corsair side). He can then take away artifacts freely and fall in risk just in liberty.

But if he does this, corsairs dont have anything to pirate, right? Well, right, but liberty has something to do, stop that smuggler.
When we start encouraging this, we will encourage players to trade in RP. soon there will be more interspace and gateway traders so corsairs will have something to plunder again.
So less powertraders means more rp traders means more acceptance to fact that you got pirated, more rp in general and more action. also, less indie capships and hopefully less 2mil or dai pirates.

There's my really really shortened suggestion of how to get rid of anything thats oorp considering rp.

Ofcourse, there will be those few that always try to bring quick income, and thats totally fair, but a large transport carrying whatever, getting caught and paying is not a problem. Apparently he knows what he did, and he knows the damages he has to pay.
On the other hand, trader that choses specific ID /tags that should "ease up" attention from him, and then whines and moans is the one who should get shot repeatedly.
The fact that I have heard "i just want to get rich fast, buy an osiris and be out of your way man", more times than i have got a trader just stop when i say "cutt your engines amigo" says that I'm right. Sorry.

(Semi) Serious suggestion - El Nino - 08-21-2009

Hm i kinda like the idea of powert trader being required to pay 5 milion when stoped by the rules... Pretty briliant!

(Semi) Serious suggestion - Exsiled_one - 08-21-2009

Half cargo of organs brings more than 5mil:D