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experienced bombers i need some help please - Printable Version

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experienced bombers i need some help please - NerdRage - 08-25-2009

you all need 6-button mouses

i got mine from a rubbish bin of a genetic company;)

left and right are the usual, fire and point

under-thumb trigger is my torp button

under-pinky is my dock

middle wheel-press is turret view

in front of the middle wheel is secondary thrust, but i never use it as it's hard to reach with your finger

though ive only been in a bomber VS cap (bs) fight once (and the server crashed) i loved it, i think i should consider becoming a bomberwhore.

my tip: subtarget there most expensive turret, if you blow it off it'll leave a nasty bill as a reminder of they're experiences with you, even if you don't blow it off completely.