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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Printable Version

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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

Na rogues are ok. Most are anyway. I've been pirated many times by rogues, gotta respect them that I've only been griefed once or twice by em. Like I said the nasty ones are usually not in official faction, unless its official griefer faction (which to my knowledge there are none).
Whats why I spare rogues mercy when they are on the other end of my guns.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Rudo - 09-04-2009

As was said before, though: continuing the cycle of bad behavior helps nothing. All a lot of these people want is pvp, why give them that?

There's tricks to avoiding encountering them. Such as staying out of Liberty after school lets out.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - globalplayer-svk - 09-04-2009

and because here are people as you silverleaf, we have troubles with caps, lol caps and so ....

buy a bs, and as sindroms typed, wecome with 2 bombers. then you can ask yourself again. biggest and best?

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Guest - 09-04-2009

Silver, this is not Eve.

Nuff said.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

Well if I wanted griefer grieffest I'd go back to eve. You're right this is not eve. Have some damn respect for the guy on the other end of the screen, amist the rp and all. Why are 95% of the pirates allright and these 5% have to be total griefer idiots?

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 09-04-2009

You know, You guys really have got to stop discouraging players from getting ships they want, Specially you sindroms, You oughta know better than that.



The sad part is, Those two bombers will not even fall to two or even FOUR fighters because discoverys balance system is more keen toward the bomberwhore side of things. The BIGGEST battleship is indeed the Zoner Juggernaut, Although I wouldnt think many house governments would be very happy about you being in their space. If your looking for a good house battleship, try Rhienland or Kusari.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - looqas - 09-04-2009

BS is useless in chasing anyone. It's so slow that everyone can run from you. The only ones who are staying have done their math and are pretty certain they can take you on.

That said, please blow a billion to it. Maybe it will teach you something about the game.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

Agreed with camitherman.
Anyway i can take the discouraging, but I feel that if I really want it and feel I'd be good in it, you guys really have not much right to stop me, after all everyone here is 'equal' or so the rules say somewhere. So long as I'm not in your little facist empire you call the player run coorperation.
And I do fly a battlecruiser you know, just as good against anything as the dreadnaught, except less pwnage power against other caps. Run from me? Thats what that bountyhunter I paid 1mil to with the magic cruise disruptor is for.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - globalplayer-svk - 09-04-2009

cammtheman you know.
when you read first words of first post waht you see?

it is not omg you want a battleship
but, omg another one who will battleship that can go everywhere...

and those 2 bobmers will fall against 4 fighters...
and you know, maybe when bs will cost 1,9 bilion and bs license another 1,9 bilion and bs shield another 1,9 bilion and each gun 500 milions, then balance team make them much much stronger. but now, for example go to gamma. when you see 4 legates and 2 osirises and just 1 titan, then something is wrong ...

and silver. one option is here.
get a nomad battleship. they can go everywhere in sirius except few guard systems...

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - silverleaf - 09-04-2009

But I want to pwn PIRATES and be the big guardian of traders!!