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Scrap Stealing - Sprolf - 09-08-2009

It seems completely just to blow their arses back to Erie, but you can't do that without risking your arse.

Scrap Stealing - Zapp - 09-08-2009

Here's an idea: hire people under level 30 in Defenders/Starblazers to blow 'em to bits when they try it.

Scrap Stealing - Canadianguy - 09-10-2009

An other thing that is bad there is that since its one of the most densely populated spots on the server, some PvPing lolwutters just go there in their Corsair Gunboat (Or any other ship) and ROFLPWNZOR anyone they see on sight.

Still, on topic. Blowing underlevels is against the rules, dont do it.

Scrap Stealing - ErikSorensen - 09-13-2009

' Wrote:Here's an idea: hire people under level 30 in Defenders/Starblazers to blow 'em to bits when they try it.
I actually really like this idea, if only because it gives newer players yet another avenue to make some creds while hanging around more experienced users and getting a feel for how things work.

Scrap Stealing - schlurbi - 09-13-2009

There are always about 5 people scrapping there. Someone needs to keep up the scrap with old Starfleas and Rhinos.

By the way: Ever seen a Gallic Gunboat scrapping in New York?

Scrap Stealing - MarvinCZ - 09-13-2009

Is being underlevel one of the circumstances that allow you to shoot an underlevel? I think it isn't but I can be mistaken. Anyway, if someone sees you hiring underlevels to kill other underlevels, there could be trouble again.

Scrap Stealing - nassou - 09-13-2009

So we have to let them steal scrap until the get to lvl 30. Gotcha.

Scrap Stealing - Agmen of Eladesor - 09-13-2009

Quote:5.3 Characters that are level 29 and below may only be attacked if at least one of the following conditions is met:
a) They do not have a civilian ID. Recruit IDs should be respected if the person is using it appropriately.
b) They attack you first by draining your shields to 50% or disrupt your cruise engines.
c) They are at the scene of a battle between yourself and someone else and refuse to leave when told to leave. (Civilians should leave the area when combat takes place or accept the risk of being attacked if remaining. Onlookers are fair targets.)
d) Civilians who possess a CODENAME weapon may be attacked within roleplay at any level according to the piracy requirements.

6.8 Civilian ID that is given to beginning players allows them to attack:

- For players below level 30: players of similar level below level 30, or any players above level 30.

So in reading the rules, obviously if you're above level 30, you cannot touch that civilian ID'd underlevel. (Well, actually, you can, but only in Connecticut OR in a server faction owned system. There you can freely kill all the level 5 Starfleas you wish with whatever you want.)

But a Civilian ID'd character that is below level 30 can - but seriously, these guys have maybe 10 or 20 cargo? Is it THAT big of a deal to you? (And of course, check their ID. If they don't have Civ ID and are under level 30 - they ARE fair game.)

Scrap Stealing - Birdtalon - 09-13-2009

What if you give the said starflea just enough money to be over lvl 30, then pwnzor them?

Scrap Stealing - Walker - 09-13-2009

/givecash noob <level30>

"Oh dude thx"



I could go make a Defender or sommat since its cheaper to maintain than my Guardian since I'm flat broke again... And just camp Pittsburg for you guys.