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Something to help your aim - Printable Version

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Something to help your aim - Pinko - 11-26-2009

I've been playing FL for so long that I don't move my head while playing.

Something to help your aim - Tommeh - 11-26-2009

' Wrote:Placebo effect.

If you want to improve your skills the only way to do it is to fight people better than yourself. There are no 'tricks' or 'quick-fixes' to substitute hard work.

Ohh, darn it, you killed all my hopes just now :crazy:

srsly, practice and practice, I heard there is no other way :mellow: :lol:

Something to help your aim - Akura - 11-26-2009

I have to kill a virgin in cold blood before a battle to improve my aim.

Something to help your aim - AJBeast - 11-26-2009


Yeah, I just lean towards the screen to focus on the details. Works for me... Well, at least when I'm NOT on my Junker.

Something to help your aim - Kazinsal - 11-26-2009

Gunboat missiles. No aim required.

Though I do find that I sort of tilt when I fire energy weapons. Maybe I'll try this. Also, I should find a virgin to sacrifice. My SNAC aim is horrid.

Something to help your aim - Durandal - 11-26-2009

' Wrote:Placebo effect.

If you want to improve your skills the only way to do it is to fight people better than yourself. There are no 'tricks' or 'quick-fixes' to substitute hard work.


Something to help your aim - AJBeast - 11-26-2009

' Wrote:Placebo effect.

If you want to improve your skills the only way to do it is to fight people better than yourself. There are no 'tricks' or 'quick-fixes' to substitute hard work.

Who cares if it's nothing but a placebo effect? If you can fool your mind into making you more alert or with faster reflexes with no penalty whatsoever, why not do it?

Control your mind, do not let it control you!:P

Something to help your aim - teschy - 11-26-2009

Here's something to enhance your aim, regardless of the circumstances.

[Image: beer4.jpg]

Something to help your aim - tansytansey - 11-27-2009

' Wrote:Who cares if it's nothing but a placebo effect? If you can fool your mind into making you more alert or with faster reflexes with no penalty whatsoever, why not do it?

Control your mind, do not let it control you!:P
And as a bonus you get to look stupid while playing the game with your head tipped sideways.

Something to help your aim - Corsair - 12-07-2009

Who aims? I just mini/snac ram. :|