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Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Printable Version

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Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Agmen of Eladesor - 09-28-2009

' Wrote:I lol'd so hard at this thread.

Ahem, I know I don't have any thing related to this, but it seems this guy have some difficulties to understand the rules (and English), since I am French, I can help him, if Admins desire, by PM.

While volunteering is a laudable idea, posting about it in the sanction report isn't. Let an Admin know about your abilities or lack thereof directly via PM or Skype, and don't post here.

Besides that, consider this to be evolution in action regarding his character development. Learning can be a good experience for some people.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jackfrench - 09-28-2009

yes i have need help my english is very low
thnak you if you help me

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jackfrench - 10-07-2009

hey 14 day is past you unban pls
(if i not understant time to ban pls draw all time ban pls )

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Alley - 10-08-2009

Je t'ai deja vu IG, on peux pas vraiment dire que t'es un ange non plus:P

Je connais pas mal de personnes qui ont bloqu? sur Discovery quand je leur ai montree, ou meme d'autre jeux en Anglais, je te felicite quand meme d'oser le faire, ca ne peut etre que benefique pour toi. J'etais un peu dans la meme situation quand j'ai commencee avec Half-Life 1 en 1998, incapable de me debrouiller en anglais ^^ Donc je comprends la frustration que tu ressent peut-etre quand tu bloque lors d'une interaction car tu ne trouve pas les mots pour t'exprimer.

Honnetement, je te recommande d'avoir un dictionnaire a portee de main, le mieux est un dico FR > EN et EN > FR, car on fini toujours pas retenir au fur et a mesure. Le mieux est de noter les mots ou tu bloque, pour les chercher apres, perso c'est comme ca que j'ai fait (bon ca fait longtemps aussi ^^")

Je pense aussi que les regles de conduite ingame seraient a revoir, a mon avis y'a quelque passages qui sont passes a la trappe ou mal compris:P

Si jamais ca t'interesse, je suis entierement disposee a t'aider pour progresser, j'ai Skype, Steam et Xfire, on va eviter de chauffer ce sujet un peu trop (y'a des types pas tres malin), laisse moi un PM sur le forum si tu souhaite un coup de main;)

So yeah, I'm pretty sure there's been a few misunderstanding, I'm going to try to see if there is anything that has to be fixed. It's not the first time I meet another french player having troubles on discovery due to the language barrier, and to be honest, some people doesn't help (Oh yes, you know who I'm looking at.)
I'm not sure that this kind of problem is limited to French players, but I think this rise the need of something : A "who speaks what" thread, because if you meet, for example, a french player that doesn't know about the forums, or has very limited English capabilities, there is a place where you know you can find someone that will be able to help.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jackfrench - 10-09-2009

thank you for your help i have send you a PM for this
and 3 week is heavy sanction and i see a man break most rules and is not ban, now i filmed all my travell and (a question : i can send video to admin?)


Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jackfrench - 10-15-2009

the 3 week is past you can unban me pls

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Cannon - 10-16-2009

Greetings sir. You are unbanned.

Please ask if you need help or have any questions.

Admin notice: Player sanctioned - Jackfrench - 10-16-2009

ok thank you