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Omicron-64 - Denelo - 09-30-2009

' Wrote:Looks great, just some things which bug me:

One field looks like the Badlands.
The Shipyard needs more Shipyard Thingies, you know. It's big, but they can only build one big Ship at once there. Maybe at two more.
The Sigma-60 Jumphole, make it green. Would fit better and it's a bit tarned.

A near-exact copy of the Badlands was requested for that particular field. Talk to my employers about that.

The shipyard isn't a shipyard. I mislabeled the video; it's a Cardamine refinery. The shipyard is to build the transports sold there, but it's not even so much a secondary function as a tertiary function of the base.

' Wrote:I'm sorry if this may seem as "bashing" but I kind of think that Venice is a bit over the top for an Outcast base.. take note how Oder Shipyard is a pinnacle of engineering among the vastly funds and resource richer houses. Outcasts suddenly having a station that would span the orbit of an entire planet? Yeah...

Aside from that the system looks nice. Good luck with it.

' Wrote:I'd rather say that Liberty followed closely by Kusari would be the richest houses ingame, Gallia notwithstanding. Not everyone loves cardamine, and in fact the only stable market for it is in Liberty, there is some demand for it in Bretonia and Kusari is only barely stricken with it. In Rheinland the police and the government keeps tabs on planetary traffic, and the local unlawfuls are more than unsupportive of cardamine, especially after the RoS rebellion. Gallia has no cardamine market at all, and probably won't have for quite a while. At any rate, the Outcasts could not be stronger than an entire house, otherwise they would probably already conquer either Liberty or the Corsairs (who incidentally also aren't more powerful than an entire house, the RM - Corsair war proving such quite well - yet the Corsairs are powerful enough to keep pushing on the Outcasts from Omicron Eta and gain ground while doing so).

So I believe my argument stands firm. The base is over the top, not even Gallia has bases like that. How could the Outcasts have a base large enough to span the orbit of a gas giant?

Of the houses, Rheinland is the least economically stable. Of the criminal factions, the Outcasts have the largest economy. They do have the funds. No, the Outcasts aren't a great military power. They don't have numbers. Cardamine stunts the birth rate of a sociaty. The Outcasts are also fighting a war on three fronts: CR and to a lesser extent IMG in the Taus, GMG in the Sigmas and Beta, and the Corsairs in Eta. The Outcasts have funds. That's their main advantage. If Rheinland can afford it without killing off their massive military at all, then the Outcasts can afford a less complex version for the purpose of processing Cardamine.

As for this refinery, it's actually smaller than Corsica. It is not orbiting a gas giant. It's orbiting a small water planet, similar in size to the planet in Shikoku. Only a 3.5k radius across the base.

' Wrote:Venice is a cardamine refinery, not a 'base' per se. Also, the Outcasts -can- afford it. You say the Houses are richer than the Outcasts? I'm mildly amused by that...The Outcasts are perhaps the richest faction, irp, in the game. Cardamine, cardamine, everyone loves cardamine!

EDIT: I do, however, feel that Venice needs more biodomes.

See SOB/BLS about the biodomes. It isn't, however, a place to grow Cardi, but to process it into its usable forms. It'll be getting more stuff, though. It's not done yet.

' Wrote:what

Thank you for the contribution...:dry:

' Wrote:Good job with planet Zaragoza, it looks dark and treacherous almost.

Thanks, but that's just a matter of choosing a model and texture combination. But thanks anyways.

Omicron-64 - Blodo - 09-30-2009

' Wrote:Of the criminal factions, the Outcasts have the largest economy. They do have the funds. No, the Outcasts aren't a great military power. They don't have numbers. Cardamine stunts the birth rate of a sociaty. The Outcasts are also fighting a war on three fronts: CR and to a lesser extent IMG in the Taus, GMG in the Sigmas and Beta, and the Corsairs in Eta. The Outcasts have funds. That's their main advantage. If Rheinland can afford it without killing off their massive military at all, then the Outcasts can afford a less complex version for the purpose of processing Cardamine.
Less complex? Oder shipyard is perhaps 3-4 km in size at most. You're talking about a station spanning the diametre of an entire gas giant. That is a size of over 10,000 km at least. It would be infinitely more complex, not to mention all of the Outcast nation would probably be hard pressed to crew a station this big.
I still maintain that the construction of such a station would likely bankrupt Liberty many times over, never mind the Outcasts.

Also, Rheinland has the smallest military of all the houses in Sirius. Yet still powerful enough to defeat a Corsair invasion. Yet the Corsairs are pushing into Outcast territory. What does that say about Outcast strength? Sorry for derailing, but I figure some bubbles need to be burst here, some degree of scale preserved. It's hardly a free for all in a mod where we want to maintain at least a marginal state of realism. Nothing in Sirius is a vast interstellar empire with enough resources to build such a station, which is why I am protesting.

Omicron-64 - Boss - 09-30-2009

' Wrote:See SOB/BLS about the biodomes. It isn't, however, a place to grow Cardi, but to process it into its usable forms. It'll be getting more stuff, though. It's not done yet.

I'm 3IC of the combined SOB/BLS.

The reason I mentioned more than just one biodome is because I personally would want to be able to see a bit of a park once in a while were I on a station that size.

EDIT: Blodo, see Denelo's last post. It's 3.5k across. It is not orbiting a gas giant, it is orbiting a waterworld the size of the one in Shikoku.

Omicron-64 - Denelo - 09-30-2009

' Wrote:Less complex? Oder shipyard is perhaps 3-4 km in size at most. You're talking about a station spanning the diametre of an entire gas giant. That is a size of over 10,000 km at least. It would be infinitely more complex, not to mention all of the Outcast nation would probably be hard pressed to crew a station this big.
I still maintain that the construction of such a station would likely bankrupt Liberty many times over, never mind the Outcasts.

Also, Rheinland has the smallest military of all the houses in Sirius. Yet still powerful enough to defeat a Corsair invasion. Yet the Corsairs are pushing into Outcast territory. What does that say about Outcast strength? Sorry for derailing, but I figure some bubbles need to be burst here, some degree of scale preserved. It's hardly a free for all in a mod where we want to maintain at least a marginal state of realism. Nothing in Sirius is a vast interstellar empire with enough resources to build such a station, which is why I am protesting.

As Boss said, it is not a gas giant. It is a tiny planetoid. This thing is exactly the same size as The Ring, but with less "complex" areas. The ring just happens not to have a planet in the center. Freelancer size is a bit lulzy, but we have to work with it and assume it's what the sizes are really like.

Rheinland... hello? It's a military nation. Last time I checked, its military, while not the largest, is more powerful than most. However, my point was that Rheinland is the least wealthy of all the houses - according to infocards, they were in a recession if not a depression even before the war - yet they can somehow build the Ring without hurting themselves at all. Why, then, shouldn't the very rich Outcasts be able to build a similar, less complex version?

Omicron-64 - Blodo - 09-30-2009

The Ring is hundreds of years old. They built it long before their recession, before the 80 years war even, back when Rheinland and its economy was on the high rise and probably dwarfed Outcast income many times over. Today Rheinland's navy is the smallest of all houses in Sirius, due to both the recession and the Nomad War. Igiss's lore.

Anyway, even with a planetoid in the centre that station seems to dwarf anything else the Outcasts or Corsairs have to offer. It just freaks me out, where did you get the materials? The construction crews? The resources? Would they not serve better to build another Outcast battleship instead? Etc. etc. But whatever, apply your logic, in the end it is up to Igiss anyhow.

Omicron-64 - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 09-30-2009

Well, I do not know of the collective wealth of the Outcasts. Rhienland has Augsburgh Orbital Colony AND the Ring you know, They were once not so poor. The weakest nation millitarily is Bretonia, because its booty was througholy kicked by Kusari.

In Millitary strength terms, It goes like this IMO.

Gallia, Nomads, Liberty, Kusari, Outcasts, Corsairs, Zoners, Rhienland, Bretonia.

Econonmy? I failed it.


Omicron-64 - Unholy1 - 09-30-2009

Denelo, I personally think it is awesome. Can't wait to see the Temple in the diablo field.
As for what Boss said. I agree Venice would look even cooler with a few bio domes. but of coarse that is for Ob to discuss with you.
And for Blodo. SOB owns BLS, The largest Cardimine smuggling group in the game (in RP). With that being said as denelo has said before in rp, we and the Outcasts as a whole have plenty of money for a refinery such as Venice. And if you read our roleplay this wasn't a out of the blue lets build a refinery. In RP this idea has been rolling around between the leaders of BLS before SOB even existed. So you think BLS wouldn't of been saving up for all this time??

But anyways, your doing a great job Denelo, Keep it up. Can't wait to see the finished product :cool:

Omicron-64 - BaconSoda - 10-01-2009

' Wrote:I'm sorry if this may seem as "bashing" but I kind of think that Venice is a bit over the top for an Outcast base.. take note how Oder Shipyard is a pinnacle of engineering among the vastly funds and resource richer houses. Outcasts suddenly having a station that would span the orbit of an entire planet? Yeah...

Aside from that the system looks nice. Good luck with it.

Yes. I concur.

' Wrote:You say the Houses are richer than the Outcasts? I'm mildly amused by that...The Outcasts are perhaps the richest faction, irp, in the game. Cardamine, cardamine, everyone loves cardamine!

Only Liberty and the GC love cardimine. The rest of the universe is either mildly interested or doesn't want it at all. To suggest that a house, which is more or less a country with many aspects of its economy and several Planets providing area in which to construct materials and act as trade hub, has a smaller GNP than a fledgling pirate house, more or less a crime syndicate that has one major aspect in its economy and very little auxiliary products, is quite laughable.

If I remember right, the Outcasts are rather stuck in feudalism too, aren't they? Large plantations with one owner, and all?

' Wrote:Less complex? Oder shipyard is perhaps 3-4 km in size at most. You're talking about a station spanning the diametre of an entire gas giant. That is a size of over 10,000 km at least. It would be infinitely more complex, not to mention all of the Outcast nation would probably be hard pressed to crew a station this big.

I would agree with this as well. The Outcast nation has a lower birth rate than the rest of Sirius because of Cardimine, though a greater life span. Over a long period of time, the Outcasts would certainly suffer from their lower birth rate in the conflicts they established, they'd certainly fall behind in the population race. To this, I would say that the Outcast nation should have some 1/3 or even 1/4 of the population of the Corsairs, not to mention the Houses which are inconceivably large at this point.

' Wrote:Anyway, even with a planetoid in the centre that station seems to dwarf anything else the Outcasts or Corsairs have to offer. It just freaks me out, where did you get the materials? The construction crews? The resources? Would they not serve better to build another Outcast battleship instead? Etc. etc. But whatever, apply your logic, in the end it is up to Igiss anyhow.

As Blodo said, this station not only dwarfs the Outcasts and the Corsairs, but it also dwarfs the accomplishments of the Houses. Not even Gallia has something so large and they are supposedly much larger than any other House. It is just a mite ridiculous and completely unrealistic...

Omicron-64 - Denelo - 10-01-2009

Baconsoda, please read and respond to the counter arguments - all of them, not just the one you like - instead of just quoting Blodo and agreeing with him. If you had, you'd realize that it's not a project of that scale. It's the size of the Ring, but far less complex. It has nothing to do with a gas giant. The nearest gas giant is on the other side of the system. Aside from that, remember, Outcasts use slaves on their plantation. In my opinion, they'd probably use slaves as factory workers instead of soiling precious Maltese hands. They tend to be a bit stuck up that way.

Omicron-64 - frozen - 10-01-2009

one issue. you havent got an exclusion zone around the planet in the dark cloud, and thus it seems odd with bits of rock sticking out of the planet.