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Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Printable Version

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Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Cannon - 10-06-2009

' Wrote:Same thing happened to me,got message:you will be kicked,bad installation
and I got kicked,but I tried log in again,and it's ok problems.
Should I anyway reinstall FL and mod?

No don't re-install. But post if you have further problems.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Bakamono - 10-06-2009

Hey, Sorry; I don't know if this is account or character specific:
But my character "Sorry" got kicked for "bad installation", though my other characters on the account have been fine and got the "installation verified" message.
I'll try again and post if there's still a problem if that's ok ?
Nice one on the update by the way, and Thanks very very much:)

Edit: All fixed now, thank you again:)Please delete this message.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Zeb Harley - 10-06-2009

I got kicked several times today right after repfixing. But everytime I had the message "Installation verified" before that. This might have to do with namechange attempts, too.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Hell Hunter - 10-06-2009

soz for loong reply .. Damn school
1. Cant re-install FL.. No ISO.. ALL MY DL's EVEN thE FREELANCER ISO. Were Deleted ... DUCK SAKE! Quak Quak..
2. I managed before the kicking started To sell my guns(Unmounted ones).. ( i need mah damn cargo for RP)
3.Started freelancer from shortcut.. Loaded and Went to the menu once finished loading then i checked servers.. All GREY .. Restarted FL..Beep blah blah blah Dsupdate.exe wants to access your blah blah admin pass blah Bro inserted pass All Servers apart from some old ones like FReeport 7 and Horray for europe were GREYED And tried to join but kicks meh
4. I played on the server before this happend I went on all chars apart from nomad/gunship And sold cargo
5. wut big post LOLO

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - johnpeter - 10-06-2009

Everyone who is reinstalling, REMEMBER TO BACK UP YOUR ACCOUNTS!!! Don't lose 666,666,666 credits like I did.

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Hell Hunter - 10-06-2009

now i am B.O.R.E.D its still kicking me and i am missing out stuff happening on the server!!

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Hell Hunter - 10-07-2009

erm Anyone able to help...? my holidays are ABOUT to start! on friday..
I tried again 3:
[Image: screen927.png]

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Grimly - 10-08-2009

This wonderfull stuff comes from a scan of your .ini files (Cannon, I want you to tell me what ressource name is included by the game for you did this, nice stuff !:)).
You mod, you're out.

Don't cheat ! Play fair !

An alternative from reinstalling would be to download this : (or
Extract over everything.

Igiss Wrote:- Cannon for the command line tools, anticheat, bug fixing, infocard work, update packages, and lots of various stuff;
Sorry guys, you got pwned !

Kicked for WHAT?!?! - Hell Hunter - 10-08-2009

i'l try Re-DLing the update 1 patch
and also
i can ONLY connect to these servers without being kicked
discovery of discovery
discovery UK
discovery USA
and Discovery Berlin