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pirate demands? - Printable Version

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pirate demands? - Agmen of Eladesor - 10-09-2009

There's not a problem with earning money through piracy.

There's a problem when the amounts are way too exobitant. That goes past piracy and becomes more terrorist and PvP abuse. There HAVE been sanctions applied when things of that nature happen.

pirate demands? - KL_JandeR - 10-09-2009

Nothing Ivan,as long as it's done properly.Most pirates should try to RP more,see my example concerning the matter.I have pirate chars myself and i know the drill.I gain cash too by piracy,npc trashing and such,although i tend to consider taxing traders very annoying.I mean,most traders usually get mad at pirates,and i don't like people getting mad at me.Regardless of RP or not.

pirate demands? - Exsiled_one - 10-09-2009

well to be honest, it's been a while since I asked for cash.
Once or twice when I'm full of cargo and he has too profitable cargo. Then I ask about million or two.
That's the limit. Never been my style to go for cash.

I've been pirated on my Kishiro today in NY. For 500k. I gave him extra million to escort me to Colorado. Good guy. Ended up talking a bit.

pirate demands? - jammi - 10-09-2009

Eh, if you want decent piracy RP, single me out on my Buccaneer. What I see on a daily basis is the reversal of the quote you just stuck there.

Me: 'Ello, 'ello! Cut the engines, cool your weapons and open your wallet and you'll walk away from this
Trader: *Activates cruise engines*
Me: Look, you're either paying me or the funeral director.
Trader: *Activates cruise engines*
Me: Fine. Hand over [number that varies on ship size, cargo and how much they've annoyed me]
Trader: *Opens fire*
Me: You just signed your own death warrant.
Trader: *Explodes*
Of course this isn't always the case. Sometimes I do actually get a reply back, and it isn't in Russian! Anything over 2.5 million is way over the top however. The most I'll ever charge is 2 million and that's for 5K transports. People who have been causing serious trouble or annoyance will get an annoyance fee tagged on top of their base ship size and cargo fee though.

pirate demands? - Exsiled_one - 10-09-2009

I had a guy convincing me that the military vehicles are going to zoner freeport in Leeds.

I was so close to letting him go:D

pirate demands? - Quorg - 10-09-2009

{SU}Soul.Train only ever asks for your human cargo.

Spaceship Crew members included.

You'd be amazed at the lengths people will go to to save three crew members from being kidnapped.

pirate demands? - Wuselkobold - 10-09-2009

When I 'pirate' on my LWB I usually just ask for a donation. The trader can decide how much he wants to pay and and usually get a few 'original bavarian veal sausages' and a barrel of beer in return. If they are nice, they even can walk away without having paid. Despite that I reguarly meet traders who try to cruise away silenty. Those get the treatment they deserve.
My Lane Hacker is quite the contrary, she's a greedy bastard who enjoys to murder people. Never the less I feel my demands are approprite with being in the range of 100k to 250k (Rhino to Camara) 500k to 1 mil (Up to BWT and Firefly) 1,5 to 2 mil (C-Trans to 5k) and 3 million credits for Zoner loltraders in Whales filled with military vehicles or Deuterium. I usually pirate with a partner, so I get 50% of every tax. Never the less I have to blow every second trader to bits because they simply don't respond.

pirate demands? - KL_JandeR - 10-09-2009

Yeah,i fancy asking for donations as well,but as a corsair.People usually pay like between 500k and 2 mil,and i didn't encounter one saying "no".However,there were cases of "total solitude",and we had to shake them up.

pirate demands? - darthbeck - 10-09-2009

I enjoy pirating, and will ask for sums of two million from large tradeships-- Anything with more then about 4200 cargo-- But i am always willing to go for far less, or more or less anything they offer, if they can entertain me. That's why i play, fun.

I do agree that charging someone five million for normal cargo is WAAY too much, but for certain cargos, like nuclear devices, killing you and calling in a transport would get them far more then ten million, so an exorbent amount is fair. But for anything cheaper, between 1-2.5 million is "fair"

What's sad, is how many people hauling gold never want to pay money, and how gold doesent sell vary well as a molly Oh well.

pirate demands? - Ayem - 10-09-2009

You can always take the gold you "liberate" to New Berlin (junker base) or Chugoku (kyoto base), if you want to make some money on it. Trade routes back are better from New Berlin though. Or they were before the update, anyway.

To those that say the pirates are the lazy ones: Lazy is auto-cruising to a jumphole 60K away and watching a film on the tv next to you. A pirate (if they're not sitting on a complete choke point) will watch the chat menu to observe the path of traders, get used to their routes, cover different holes/lanes dependant on what's coming towards the system.

Leeds, for example, is like swiss cheese. It has a jumphole/jumpgate going everywhere.