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WU Message Center - TheMaskedOne - 05-13-2007

*Incoming Transmision*

Greetings WU!

I see you are fighting the same battle as I am with the KNF. Just call in if you require assistance, my brothers and I would be glad to help defeat the KNF threat!! I would like to know a little more about you though.

Sorry if I intruded on your message dump.

::Masked_Pirate Out::

Leader of the Blood Dragon Resistance!

WU Message Center - Thor - 05-13-2007

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: General Sun Long of the Jade Empire
Location: Three clicks from the Tohoku Jump Hole

On behalf of her Excellency, Wu Nan, I welcome you and your brothers. It's good to have friends out there in the expanse. We are commited to the destruction of the corrupt Kusari regime and will fight until every last remenent is wiped from Sirius. Our revenge will be swift and complete. If you need help, we stand ready to assist. As for us, we would be honored to tell you anything you would like to know. May we fight together soon.

-Transmission Terminated-

To All WU Officers:


WU Message Center - OsoRojo - 05-13-2007


To: General Sun Long

Comm ID: [WU]~Sun-Tzu


Your orders understood and shall be carried out.

My regards
Captain Sun Tzu

WU Message Center - Matrix - 05-13-2007


Comm Id: LT Sun Wukong

将军, 我高兴报告, 我的战斗机现在是可利用的和进行系统和武器测试。
(General, My fighter is ready and is currently undergoing system and weapons check.)


WU Message Center - Thor - 05-13-2007

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: General Sun Long

I am very pleased you made it back to us my friend. The Empress relays her pleasure as well. Come we have much to discuss. The Kusari are going to be sorry they left Sol. Long live the Jade Empire.

-Transmission Terminated-

WU Message Center - Thor - 05-13-2007

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: General Sun Long

I was returning to Tohoku when I spotted a convoy heading to Honshu. I engaged and destroyed the convoy. As they burned, Lady D'luna arrived in her Destroyer and since I owed her one we engaged. Due to sensor lag, I did not notice the BSG fighter, Panzer, until it was too late. (almost had him too) I withdrew after being damaged (one death) to repair my ship and fix my sensor array. BSG is now to be considered enemies of the Empire. I had hoped that their love for money was greater then their love for the Kusari but I was mistaken. Looks like they have some honor after all. This should be interesting. Sun Long out.

-Transmission Terminated-

WU Message Center - OsoRojo - 05-13-2007

Alert: Any Wu available are request to assemble at Chugoku immediately. Our help has been sought. We rally outside Kyoto now>

WU Message Center - OsoRojo - 05-13-2007

Alert Downgrade due to ION storm (ooc Server house-cleaning)

WU Message Center - OsoRojo - 05-14-2007


To: General Sun Long

Comm ID: [WU]-Sun-Tzu


It is a great honor to report a successful patrol rotation through Kusarian space. While on patrol two KNF fighters were revealed on sensors and I engaged. Our battle lasted beyond my recollection and I was prevailing, however, the KNF kept calling in reinforcements and I was forced to withdraw due to numbers and lack of munitions. Regardless, I had the measure of my enemy as revealed in my combat videos.


My utmost respects,
Captain Sun Tzu

WU Message Center - Thor - 05-14-2007

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: General Sun Long

I am pleased to report that our operatives have secured another gunboat class attack vessel this day. Captain Sun Tzu, I am placing her under your command. Make us proud. Sun Long out.

-Transmission Terminated-

OOC: My friend I am authorizing you to purchase a Gunboat of your choice. Lets keep up the good play.