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diplomatic announcement - Printable Version

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diplomatic announcement - Daerune - 10-15-2009

..::Secure Transmission - Order Primary fleet::..
..::Identification: Christopher Dangen::..
..::Location: Flagship Anubis::..

[Image: 6085177sm1.png]

I just love how your complaining about all this, What in the hell would make you think any one would hold back? and all i see you doing right now numbering gun cam's images and whining. I don't ever see the Mon'star ship doing this. in short your just a waste of time and resources and if you indeed think you are a terrorist suck it up softy.

..::Transmission Encrypted::..
..::Transmission Lost::..

diplomatic announcement - reavengitair - 10-15-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Transmisison Scrambled...

Finally. Some sense.

The Apocalypse wings have violated freeport enough. Reguardless of this one offence, they should be punished. I myself have evidence of a long-previous offence. I'm sure there are plenty of others.

The evidence is on our side.

Either way, I will be happy to, *ahem*, obey my superiors, and of course, enjoy watching their ships blow up over... and over again.

Happy hunting, to all.


Transmission cut short.

diplomatic announcement - Doc Holliday - 10-15-2009

' Wrote:Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Aurelia Silvan

Everyone, please keep in mind the Council of Zoners has not validated this announcement. A vote to take similar measures is in progress, but this decision was not made with our approval. As such, we will not recognize any of the decisions outlined in this announcement until such time as we make our own decision and announce it. Furthermore, we will not enforce this decision until the Council has finished deciding on whether to do so or not.
-Aurelia Silvan
<div align="right]End Transmission

Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
To: Aurelia Silvan

It's not really our concern whether or not the Council of Zoners validates this announcement as it was made by agreement by members of the TAZ, OSI and ZTC of our own volition as we are NOT members of the Council. It is our stand on the issue.

Dr. John Henry Holliday

diplomatic announcement - jimmy Patterson - 10-15-2009

====transmission inbound======

comm id: Freelancer gunboat niagra Falls
sender: Roy "bulls eye " mcgovern liberty 106th Army battlegroup space defence gunnery officer LNS niagra Falls RETIRED
subject:banning order

<start> a grizzled command sargent Major in an old pair of grey fatiges is visable he has a white tank top with ARMY on it>

ok "colonal" quit running ya mouth for being an apprent ex special forces commander your a disgrace and frankly seem like a joke a good freidn of min who is actually in the liberty forces Captian james patterson" retured this boat as his personal ship and i can rell you for a captian hes got more experence and tact then you ever will just go find a quiet sector of the galaxy shut down the ship and EXPLOSIVLY DECOMPRESS YOURSELF and rid us of your anooyance ya tewo bit punk any actions agenst my ship or myself and i can garun tee you i wil lfind you and if i cant ive got friends who can

To zoners: good choice banning him, freeport 11 was harrassed enough we pulled into port prolly a week after the keeper attack on it were in brentionai now but may head back out that way to watch the fireworks his little "rebellion" even found its way into the core worlds news nets

Cmd sgt maj. Mcgovern out "sir" <he flipped the middle finger up at the end of the transmission as it faded out *

diplomatic announcement - Elektrik - 10-15-2009

ID....Apocalypse Elektrik
FROM:....Apocalypse bomber pilot....Mr.Goodkat....

Next time you bring evidence against us..make sure you have one....

TO: Cmd sgt maj. Mcgovern

Try not to break your finger waving it around


diplomatic announcement - SigCorps - 10-15-2009

**Incoming Transmission**

From: Samuel Nichols, CEO Omicron Supply Industries

Message reads:

While we hate to ban anyone from a Freeport, the Apocalypse wing was given a lot of leeway to resolve their issues. OSI also backs Ms.Tates decision and stands along side our friends the TAZ and ZTC.

Samuel Nichols

**End of Transmission**

diplomatic announcement - jimmy Patterson - 10-15-2009

ID: cmd sgt maj. Mcgovern
or what kid gonna risk damagageing liberty second hand property i may be retired but ive still got some preety powerful friends,your "colonal" is dilusional,ya know off his rocker got a few screws lose insane go fly into a star or head back to the BHG there somewhat honorable just blame it all on your "colonal" nobody can blame a soldier for following orders without thinking if you even have a military background if you were under kurtz's influence the core should understand or if they dont well nice knowing ya
-Cmd.Sgt.Maj. McGovern,Retired
<transmission ends>

diplomatic announcement - Apocalypse_Now - 10-15-2009


I'm far from being offended or at least bothered by your negative remarks and comments. When you precious "allies" or faction members lie, facts doesn't concern you, as long as my name and my actions are put in wrong context, the more it is convenient to you lie and lie far behind the lines of any moral obligations of true justice. That is your only way you think you can harm me. All of those who belong in this kind can not run away from the simple truth that... You are weak. Or even worse - you are just average, no one special. Color of gray. You can shower comm channels with whatever you want, you can neglect the truth or proofs, whether it is being told or presented by me or anyone else who you just despise, but you can't run away from what you really are.

That's your shadow on the wall.

Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, cmdr. of Rogue BHG BS "Apocalypse Now"


diplomatic announcement - jimmy Patterson - 10-16-2009

transmission inbound Cmd Sgt maj. Mcgovern,Retired

<ok "boy" and i use that term dilibratly as i said im merely stateing a fact youve obviously gone insane medical teams back in liberty im sure could help for a retired special forces colonal you seem like soembody who dosent even know the working end of a carbine rifle els you wouldent of let your ships be disabled by a civilian built failsafe,your Sloppy"colonal" unwindeing falling apart your also scared ,panicked and afraid you know your end is near admit your defeat your little "rebellion" even made it into core world news nets

your a FAILUR i just dont think you realize it yet all you did is take valued traioning and use it to destroy yourself ypouve not acomplished anything all youve done is devide your beloved guild and hurt there efforts in there war,you are a fool the nuse closes around you kurtz its only a matter of time before it dismembers your head from your body

diplomatic announcement - Apocalypse_Now - 10-16-2009

' Wrote:transmission inbound Cmd Sgt maj. Mcgovern,Retired

<ok "boy" and i use that term dilibratly as i said im merely stateing a fact youve obviously gone insane medical teams back in liberty im sure could help for a retired special forces colonal you seem like soembody who dosent even know the working end of a carbine rifle els you wouldent of let your ships be disabled by a civilian built failsafe,your Sloppy"colonal" unwindeing falling apart your also scared ,panicked and afraid you know your end is near admit your defeat your little "rebellion" even made it into core world news nets

your a FAILUR i just dont think you realize it yet all you did is take valued traioning and use it to destroy yourself ypouve not acomplished anything all youve done is devide your beloved guild and hurt there efforts in there war,you are a fool the nuse closes around you kurtz its only a matter of time before it dismembers your head from your body


I do not run away from any decisions I've made in the past, Cmdr. Sgt. Major McGovern, that includes leaving that stranded civilian transport unprotected in Omega 41. You can't be on two places at the same time nor it is tactically smart enough to be stagnant, especially if you operate with small, agile unit.

I'm not "retired" from military; I was honorably discharged or whatever the hell that means any more. LAF command deemed that my methods were... unsound, just because they couldn't deal with awful truth written in my reports. That's why they evaluated me in their favor.

Back then I began my own war with my men, doing a lot of hit-and-run ground assault operations all over Edge Worlds and Border Worlds. I couldn't stand to just sit and blindly follow their orders, which is the same thing what happened with Core later.

As for recent incident, I have to intentions to be merciful to those who lie.

Have I accomplished anything? Apocalypse Assault Wing is a pretty large force now. We are getting stronger everyday as we are being supported by many influental supporters, which includes suppliers and new recruits as well. Also, construction of secret Apocalypse stronghold, battlestation "Lateralus", is going as planned. So, I'll let you make your own conclusions. It's not about me anymore, hardly ever was.

Perhaps they were right and you are right now. I have gone mad, but you can say that for whole Sirius as well. Just look around you.

Colonel Walter E. Kurtz, cmdr. of Rogue BHG BS "Apocalypse Now"