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Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Printable Version

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Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - ophidian - 10-19-2009

Everything was fun for Administrator Joseph, enjoying his coffee before his desk, looking outside through his newly made glass observation room, when suddenly a juggernaut warped into the system, coming at maximum impulse towards the station and his beautiful glass observatory!

Before the behemoth hitting the glass walls, the last thing Administrator Joseph had thought was who the heck built the base so close to a jump hole.

As expected, no one answered his thoughts or addressed his screams while he ran inside the observatory with his robbe de chambre and coffee spilling everywhere.

Also, he never thought of juggernauts being this huge.


Captain Mark: Brendt, this is the 6th station you managed to hit! You are like a devastator! You are fired!

Brendt: I told you captain, I will leave the ship the moment we manage to find a base that we don't crash the moment we enter the system! I promise!

Captain Mark: *facepalm*

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - ProwlerPC - 10-19-2009

They build JG far away because of the know risks that happen when first turning the buggers on.
Take for instance the Dallas incident in the Texas system. The intention was to make a JG to Shikoku, I believe. Well, when the turned the thing on they didn't know that the path travelled through the dark matter clouds in between the two houses. That dark matter from either the Kepler or Galileo system is what seeped into Texas and caused such destruction. How prudent of them to have not build that JG right beside a planet or station eh?

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Strichev - 10-19-2009

Actually they built JG to California and it exploded on startup. It created JH to California. So it was a great for pirates.

And as for straight line theory wqatc that light tunnel when you travel. Its not straight at all. Freelancer is ilogical! Any Vulcan person would have noticed that.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - jxie93 - 10-19-2009

' Wrote:Actually they built JG to California and it exploded on startup. It created JH to California. So it was a great for pirates.

And as for straight line theory wqatc that light tunnel when you travel. Its not straight at all. Freelancer is ilogical! Any Vulcan person would have noticed that.

Yes, the whole Freelancer universe is illogical. For example: bumper car physics.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - stardust47 - 10-19-2009

' Wrote:Yes, the whole Freelancer universe is illogical. For example: bumper car physics.
If we nerf physics, may as well nerf players.

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - Kazinsal - 10-19-2009

And we may as well just nerf teh adminz while we're at it. C'mon, think about that! Admins that can't /beam themselves! That would make for awesome RP!

Why are there distances between Stations and Jumpgates? - MB52 - 10-19-2009

' Wrote:Actually they built JG to California and it exploded on startup. It created JH to California. So it was a great for pirates.

And as for straight line theory wqatc that light tunnel when you travel. Its not straight at all. Freelancer is ilogical! Any Vulcan person would have noticed that.

Actually according to the lore document, it was a long range gate, was to connect texas to some far away place.

However the wormhole passing through a darkmatter cloud (likely galileo) caused the darkmatter to come back through and cause the explosion.

The aftermath of that explosion, is what ended up somehow opening the hole to california.

This is also when all of the Valhalla testing was moved to the far away Alaska, where it was safer:P